
Basket OF Death

Rouy, a little boy with a bloody past, finds himself in another world, alone, with a void in the time of his life. here our MC try to get for himself a happy life but he find something he shouldn't, and because of it he become the enemy of the entire world, come with me to see how will Rouy pass these difficulties, challenges and how he will become the master of his destiny.

Barto_D_Raqi · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Verdan village

"After so long I finally out of the forest, I feel like I came out of hell" taking a deep breath happily".

"I am finally here, I need to get some information about this world, and where I am, need to put some goals for myself, now let's head to the village and see what to do after that".

some distance from the village Rouy can see the overall shape of it, very small it may take 300 population.

when he came very near to it he immediately noted its bad shape and how it look like an abandoned village,

two soldiers stood at the entering gate, speaking, and laughing, seeing Rouy coming at them, their expression changed to a cold one when he came near them, and just when he open his mouth and want to ask them some questions.

"HALT, who are you? what business do you have in Verdan village? what's wrong with your outfit? f%^k..... you're damn stinky, how long haven't you washed, you dirty baster???"

Rouy's expression changed but again he know he is in the wrong so he didn't take it to his heart.

"I just came from the forest and to survive I had to do this to myself, that's what I came here to ask you about, is there any inn here nearby to go and wash, you know I myself am not comfortable with this as well"

the soldier look at him weirdly and said with a mockery tone "the forest? do you mean the land of no return forest? you, came from the forest?"

"yes, I jus....."

the other soldier Interrupts him "boy do you think we are kids to believe you, even a saint may die in the forest and you're telling me, you a kid with age no more than 16 came alive from the forest?"


seeing there is no use in speaking with them he lost interest in speaking and just said coldly,

"believe it or not, that's your problem, now I am looking for an inn, just say you know the direction or not? if not I can ask someone else"

the first soldier takes his sword and angrily shot at Rouy, "do you think this is your family's backyard? this is Verdan village is under the Dawson family's control and we are the gate soldiers if you don't obey then die"

the other soldier looked with a cold smile,

finishing saying that he directly attack Rouy with his board sword, Rouy saw him take his sword and attack him, aiming for his neck but his expiration never change still as cold as ice.

'wired, why he is so slow, is he even trying?' just when the sword inch away from his neck, he takes a step back and dodge it after that said,

"is it necessary to use your weapon? lets cooldown and talk like an adult, I don't want any trouble"

"you, adult? hahahhahaha, Daon did you hear that? kid your dead meat"

he comes with another attack but Rouy easily dodges it, Doan starts laughing at him.

"what's wrong Aron didn't eat properly hahaha, he keeps dodging your attacks, do you need my help hahaha."

"stay out I will kill him this time "

"ok joke time end here," Rouy said and use his agility to punch Aron in the face, throwing him 15 meters distance.

Daon take 5 seconds to respond, he take his sword and said to Rouy,

"do you know what are you doing? with this you are an enemy of the Dawson family, you can't even live one day in the village"

"I don't believe you represent the Dowson family and I don't even know who the f#$k are they"

"...." Daon didn't know how to respond, he was speechless.

"I am entering move from my way, I don't like bloodshed without reason"

both soldiers didn't dear to stop him anymore but Aron couldn't swallow the humiliation,

"if I can't take care of you someone else can, I am leaving to report to the lord"

'there is no hope for this kid anymore' Daon shakes his head and returns to his position.

wandering around for some time, Rouy could see the village's condition is very bad, their people are not healthy, their clothes are tattered, and the houses are not in the condition to live in.

"what with this village, it so poor,...oh excuse me....hey the girl with red shirt"

walking across him in hurry, a little girl wearing a long red shirt with some holes in it, and long tattered pants, her face look so pure and innocent but have a very skinny body, her hair is not too long, riching her shoulder, she seems 12 years old.

the girl stop and looked at him "are you speaking with me?"

"yes, my name is Rouy, I wana to ask where I can find an inn?"

seeing he is not from the village and looking for an inn, looking at his bad shape and dirty look, she didn't find him disgusting in fact she asks him "you came from outside of the village? oh right my name is Mira. are you looking for a place to stay at? come with me to meet grampa he sure will welcome you"

"Really? but first, I want to clean myself I don't want to meet him like this"

"ok come with me," after 15 minutes of walking they reach a house built very poorly with a weird design when you enter it will lead directly to the main hall and there is some room and a narrow way leading to the backyard.

when they enter the house a little baby girl was waiting at the door, seeing her older sister return home she came to her with laughter and a happy face jumping at her

"wekm bak...mia" seeing her little sister coming at her she take her to her bosom and give her a kiss in her cheek.

"I am back Nana" after hearing her sister say that, the little girl looked at Rouy and hide her face in her sister's bosom.

"This is my little sister Nana, don't worry she is a little shy in the begging with a stranger."

"hmm....?" Rouy didn't answer her and she thought that was weird so she looked at him


" Are you ok? is anything hurt you??"

realize he lost in his emotions and drops of tears come from his eyes. he clears them and said shily "Don't worry, just remember something".

Nana was the same age as Fira and she was wearing also a white dress, but this one was an old one.

the little girl keeps taking a glance at Rouy from time to time,

"don't be mean Nana, this is Rouy and he will stay here for some time "

"I think it's about the time you take bath as well Nana"

with Nana in her bosom, she takes Rouy's hand and goes to the backyard.

taking off Nana's clothes and putting her in the water little by little after she knows everything good with nana, she came to Rouy.

"here is the place you can clean yourself, here is the water come on get your clothes off and clean your body" she starts taking his cloth off,

"stop stop, I can do it myself, but..."

"but what?"

"I don't feel uncomfortable while you look at me"

looking at him for a couple of seconds until her face turns red.

" you stupid then do it yourself, oh, and help Nana as well"

saying that in a hurry she leaves them.

"your sister is very kind" washing himself and Nana, playing with Nana, he really enjoys it, and he feels he returns back at the time he take shower with his sister and how he plays with her."

"Haven't you done yet?" Mira's voice comes from afar,

"We did, just let me put a cloth on Nana first"

Mira comes and saw the scene when Rouy put the cloth on Nana, and Nana plays with his hair happily.

"it seems you come along very well," said Mira with a smile on her face

"yeah we do" answered Rouy happily, he really has a great time here

when Mira looked at him she stopped at her spot amazed,

she didn't think he was this handsome, with short black hair and clear brown eyes,

his face is straight and sharp, and his body has a good build.

her face turn red again when she looked at him.


Meanwhile, In the main hall of the manor, The gatekeeper kneels on the ground and saysو

"Lord, today one of the fools came from the woods and attacked us and said that he does not care about anyone in this village even if they are the elders of the Dawson family."

A bad expression appears on the face of the lord as he saysو

"Very well it has been a long time since there was an idiot looking for death It's a good opportunity to come down and teach the slaves a good lesson. It seems like I was too soft with them, they take me as merciful one."