
Basket OF Death

Rouy, a little boy with a bloody past, finds himself in another world, alone, with a void in the time of his life. here our MC try to get for himself a happy life but he find something he shouldn't, and because of it he become the enemy of the entire world, come with me to see how will Rouy pass these difficulties, challenges and how he will become the master of his destiny.

Barto_D_Raqi · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

its worth it

"my name is Rouy, I want to thank you and your granddaughter for having me at your place".

In the main hall Rouy facing a old man with very weak shape and bad health, white hair, but he have very kind expression on his face.

"don't say that, we may don't have anything to give you but you always welcome to stay here, we don't have gest offend and other reason it's seems Nana really like you."

Saying that while smiling, Nana was sitting on his lap and playing with toy Rouy give it to her.

" buy the way can I ask something? "

He felt embarrassed when he said this.

Mira was sitting beside him, she looked at him, her grandfather did the same interstate about what he will ask.

"just ask the old man said.

" can you tell me about the currency and the money in this country? ".

" haa?? " both of the looked at each other with shock then looked at him weirdly.

Before they could speak he said "before you ask, I didn't go to any city before, all my time I spent in training in the forest with... With my master, yes my master."


"Rouy you have a master?" Mira asked with excitement in her voice.

"What? Is rare to have a master"

"of course it is, that mean you have superpower with that you can do anything and have everything you want, riches, fame, long life, if you reach a high level you may even become immoral and live for hundreds of years."

"immoral? What a joke"

'but what with level thing? Do they have level systems like me?'

"Mira you got to excited and forgot his question" the old man said with smile on his face.

"oh, sorry but I really want to have a master and get stronger and change my fate.."


"OK ok don't get mad, it's very simple you have rough stone at the lowest, 100 rough stones equal to 1 low stone, 100 low stones equal to 1 mid stone, 100 mid stones equal to 1 high stone, very simple right?"

"OH so it's not gold" said with low voice.

" oh there is one above high stone but I think even if you didn't know it its ok"

"what is it?"

"superb stone"

"oh, again how can I get some of these stones?"

"it's not that easy to get them. There are a lots of ways actually, like hunt In the forest, find rare material or rare hearb, kill beast and sell there remains to trade organizations, this is the most dangerous one but the fastest, there are some merchants making trade from city to city, I don't really know the details about this job, and finally there is the farmer, that what we do but... "

" but what? "

" we work under a family name and each time we take the harvest they take a portrait of the harvest"

"well that to be expected. How much the share?"

"it's... 75% of the harvest"

"what??? That a robbery. Do you even have the food for the next harvest like this? What wrong with this family?"

"it's always like this, because power is everything here, whatever you go to you will see the same thing, without power you are nothing."

"these crazy basterd" Rouy gets really angry and start getting crazy ideas.

"don't even think of trying anything stupid young man"

"old man..."

"you don't know the Dawson family and how big they are If you stand against them they will destroy this village like nothing and even if you survive you will not survive for long."


"there influence are very deep in the capital city and also they have the backup of one of big family in the royal city"

Looking at Mira and Nana and how bad the house and their old man health is, trying to find some way to help

"oh right.. If I have material want to sell, where can I sell them?"

"oh if it that, I recommend you to go to the white deer trading organization."

"white deer trading?"

"yes, they are very famous in the world and have a great reputation, you can find there store in every place in the world, that how big organizations they are."

The old man said "I will give you there direction, they have one in this village as well."

"thank you."


on his way to the white deer trading organization, he was wandering what should he trade with them.

'should i trade one of the swards i found in the forest? no the seems to expansive and unique, or should i use the monster remine? no, I don't want extras trouble for know, hmmm what about the essence grass. yes i can use them, from the info i got from the system its seen very useful'

with the item to trade has been sit, he went to the trade organization with light heart.

After walking for a while at the discerption the old man give him, he reach to a big and fancy building with 5 floors and a beautiful decoration, there is a title on the building' the white deer trading organization' writing on it.

Entering the building, all the walls of the building decorated with fancy accessories and and pictures of deferent art and culture.

As he was admitted the art an attended come to he and speak to him,

"welcome to the white deer trading organization, how can I help you, are you her for buying or selling? I will be at your serve please ask anything if you are not sure of or want to know."

"oh, nice to meet you.

I want to sell some items would you help me with that?"

" of course I can, please fallow me to the inscription room to check your items and price them on there value."

After sitting at the couch the attendance told him to wait for the the inspiration master to came and take it from here.

Waiting for 10 minutes, the door opened and a healthy and tall old man with mix black and white hear, strite face with just his look and aura you can tell his an honest old man, not wearing her face clothes but they look fitting on him with gray rope black belt on his waste.

at the same time Rouy making a trade with the white deer trading organization, stoll went down to the village main street ,as he walk with his guard he said to one of his men "lead the way to the old man house that didn't pay the tax 2 weeks ago, i need to have a talk with him and to see his doughtier. hehe".

At the old man house there was only him and Nana, Miki was outside working at the farm from the morning and didn't return until now, Nana was expecting her coming at any time. Holding two piece of leaf's in her Hand one red and one blue, she was jumping and playing with her old father and said, "tad tad to you ting loy will like dis one or dis?" The old man was happy seeing his child playing and in joy her time happy and said "I am sure he will like both of them, but make sure to be a good girl and don't bother him, OK?" "OK dad" she sit beside him " am a good girl."

at that time the door nocked loudly 

'ban ban ban'

"open the door right now, the lord himself come to talk with you and collect the tax. if you didn't open the door in 10 second we will break it and come forcefully".