
Basilur: Project Tea Cup

Uriel is a commoner that always been interested in learning, and after reading a book of magic, his dream is to be a Mage. There is one big problem, schools, and academies of magic are only for nobles. --- I will apologize for any grammar errors, English isn't my first language. Cover in progress.

Suky_Amaky · แฟนตาซี
32 Chs

Letters and Leather

The next days passed in mostly him trying to cover his neck in a way that didn't pain him.

It was in fact hard, more so on days that were a bit more warm than normal. Trying to use shirts with long necks in those days won him a strange look from some people, leaving him in being most of the time in his room those days.

Good thing he asked for a mask in the infirmary. That made things a little bit easier.

– Are you sure you don't need any medicine? It has been a week already – Bernadette asked him, they just finished their class with Madam Marambio. She looks preoccupied and some part of him feels bad at lying to her.

Or well, keeping her in darkness – Yeah, I'm fine. It just a cold, they always take long with me –

She keeps looking at him for a bit more, then starts walking – If you say –

At least the ones that bother Bernadette decided they weren't that low while he was "sick", one good thing to get from it. He caught them one day bullying her, and from then on he remembers their faces very well.

Neither Ardere has appeared in his life since then.

Today's surprise was Liam's letter!

"Uriel! 10.10.1929

If I did the math correctly this letter got to you the 12 of October, I got yours the 10. The third day we should receive each other's letters."

That's surprisingly accurate.

"I'm happy that your first week was good, mine was too!

Also guess who knows how to use schemes, it's me! Now more things make sense, I will probably ask the teachers what they are going to pass this year, so I can study it. I still do not trust they will not ignore my questions.

Changing to something more bright, I'm officially the head of the year as they did us an exam to know how well and what we remember. They said my theory and practice was overall good.

I also got to kick one of the kids that spread rumors about me.

My brother is now officially a knight, Lugus went to his job again, and Natalia is staying in the capital for a while. My dad is still working here in Telmar, but mostly in paperwork for some reason. Belvedere wrote to me that he invited your parents once more, but this time to eat in a restaurant.

It looks like he really, REALLY liked your parents.

If I'm correct we will have a week for new year, would you like to spend the first or last day going out with me? My family doesn't do anything apart from having dinner together. Only if you like, I miss talking to you.

I hope you have a wonderful time and read a bunch of books that you like.

Sincerely, Liam."

He wasn't exaggerating, he has the things ready to write a reply to Liam, this letter is a priority. And the fact both could already plan a day to meet each other was something great, his family neither did anything special for new year, they prefer to celebrate the birthdays more.

He also misses talking to Liam.

But he will need to know which days he is getting for the new year. He is meeting Bernadette later in the library, he could ask her.

– You look happy – Bernadette said when he met her in the library – Even with a smile and light steps. Who made you that happy? –

He didn't even know he was smiling. Has he been smiling the entire way?

– I just got a letter from a friend. Do you know which days of the new year we have off? – she raised an eyebrow – We want to make plans for a day –

– Sure, it takes from the twenty-eight to the fifth. A bunch of students and professors are from outside Telmar, that's why the long range from before and after – she curiously looked at him, softly? – You better present this lady to me at one point –

– It's not a lady, he is my friend Liam – she was impressed by that, but still smiled at him.

– You still need to present me to him – she patted him in the back – Let's go, we need you to study –

"Dear Liam. 12.10.1929

I miss you too.

My family doesn't do anything special for the new year. I asked when they give the week, it's from 28 to 3. In the city they always do festivals for the summer, so I think between 28 and 30 should be fine.

And yes, I have been reading a lot of books. I even got information from Aries, they in fact have crystals that produce light and energy! Those are part of their trade market with the other countries that were established in 1852.

They even have a copy of the book here. Bad thing, it is in the farthest library from me.

I also forgot to mention in the other letter, the first class of Spirit Zone the teacher showed us her Spirit Zone! It was in the physical world. I met a new person in my year, her name is Bernadette, she is even our age. She has been helping me to catch up with the subjects, and Sean has also helped me in studying before the start of classes. Then there is Kees, he is what I like to call, a social butterfly.

I would like to introduce them to you.

Also, I'm not surprised about your father inviting my parents, except to dinner in a restaurant.

I will wait for your letter. Have good days Liam and keep learning, I know you like it.

Sincerely, Uriel."

He left it at night, the letter probably wouldn't be sent until tomorrow, but he is okay with that, he wrote everything he wanted. He left the thing with Ardere out, he made a deal and neither had the will to write about it and ruin the happy mood of his letter.

(If he ended up being embarrassed about the comments his friends made about his mood and how he sent a letter to a lady, later with the correction of Bernadette, to his dear friend Liam.

Then he didn't need to write it next time.)


Her head was spinning, she didn't expect to see the only loose end of her past in the same academy as her. After all there wasn't a way for a commoner to enter this academy, not even as a guest of a noble family.

He was a noble all along? But then she would know about him. There is the possibility of his family rising to novelty, but that's something everyone ends up knowing about. Just what kind of strings he pulled to get here? And then why hasn't he told anyone about her?

Then she freezes, investigating wouldn't be considered as interacting with him?

'– And what if the fact that you are a commoner gets out. They will make you drop out –'

She was so confident in her words that made her look even more stupid, she was going to start extorting him into becoming her underling.

But she should have known best.

The methods that worked with the tugs, in dark alleys where the guards would ignore screams and gunshots will never work in the academy, less with this different type of person. God, she doesn't even know his name.

Those methods will never work for him, he changed, and too much from that crying kid. He even let it clear he doesn't want anything with her.

She should have known better. What is the difference in her from that moment?, she had already used those things with others, she already made others drop out because of her intimidations. Made them her underlings and made them cry until she was satisfied.

Everyone else thought it was because they were in love with her, they confused they loved her with the errands she put them to do. Then she will publicly humiliate them, and they will leave.

Because he played her into a no way out alley that she didn't even know existed. All of this because he looked at her with disgust.

And she didn't ever notice.

Then a shiver came down her spine, because she remembers the dead look in those eyes she made, are they? No, there is… there, it doesn't matter if she knows about them. The past is in the past, she can't change anything.

And after all they were the ones pestering her, she only returned it back.

After all, they shouldn't be eavesdropping.

She would need to find a way to watch him. Soon the journal students will get their new magazine version out, they always find juicy information about every student, most of all, if you pay them enough they will never say anything about you.

That's the big difference between them, she knows the "hide" side in this academy.

She can still have the upper hand, get something, provoke him until he leaves. She is good at multitasking, even if her friend is talking to her in a conversation that needs to be from both ways.

Something, something, new type of bread, coffee, something, something.

Bachi and her are walking to the library, she has a way with words that no one else has, she knows how to hide precious information in a simple chat. Everyone considered her as a chatterbox like the others, yet she always gets something from the others while never sharing anything from her. Also, she did her job as a student better than most, she is the fifth in the ranking from the fifth class.

Well, in the students ranking. If they talk about the "official" ranking, Van Dalen wouldn't even appear on it if they go by notes in their subjects.

Barachiel sat at her side – What's on your head – but she hated this tone, demanding the answer like she knew it existed for a long time. They were never a question.

– Just saw a familiar face, preventing them from doing something stupid – 

Bachi just passed the page on her book, asking in a nonchalantly speech – What are you thinking of doing? – and no one pays attention to them, always making the most common sounding phrases charged with information, she waited to answer.

– I don't… know – she scoffs – Just let them think however they like. I don't have to worry about when I enter the advanced class –

It's not like she has all the time to investigate them, studying was not fun, but she linked it as much as the library. Rather than hanging out with those who gossip about others constantly, or those who think they are more important, the library is a better place.

Even though it neared midnight for her to receive a simple acknowledgment from Barachiel, the library was packed with students. Barachiel just closed her book.

– Will search for another one, go if you want. Staying until later – She wasn't a bookworm after all, staying too long reading and writing turned into something annoying.

– I'll just leave, have a good night's rest and get up earlier. Seeing you tomorrow –

She only received another hum, that just tickles her in the wrong way, Barachiel wasn't one to commonly hum in answer. Something is up in her mind, but she is also stubborn and if she doesn't want to tell, she won't be telling.

With not really any other option she just packed her bag. There was a fly standing in her pencil.

Then she left, it was quiet, everyone except those on night duty got off work. Descending the stairs is easier at this hour, stretching her day's fatigue. She saw someone seated at an outdoor table, it was a young man reading a book, wearing a black jacket and pants. She can see the little red of his shirt in the parts the jacket didn't cover, the red it reminded her of wine.

In contrast to his dark and wavy hair, his skin was ashen and gray, dry and stretched, pulling over his cheekbones like strips of wrinkled leather. Yes, leather is the best way to describe his skin.

It was Jalka.

A kid that was trained by a mage, coming one day to the academy with a letter of recommendation that let him in, last name unknown, family unknown, anything from his past. Unknown. They have never mentioned nor by accident share something about them, just that they like bugs.

His slender fingers were holding a teacup as he gently flipped pages of the book. There was another cup on the table, steam still swirling from it, yet no one was on the other side.

She was having an uncanny feeling that this cup of tea and seat was prepared for her.

Jalka is unpredictable, yet he was the head of the journal group in the academy (no one knows about the others. There are even others?), she only knows about it because he is the one she pays. He was the second place in the fifth class, and, and nothing more. She doesn't have more information about him.

-- Welcome --

The only two sources of light in this dark were the moonlight and the candle at the side. Jalka looked up and with warm yellow light reflecting in his dark eyes, he smiled pushing the cup of hot tea towards her.

-- It looks like my long wait hasn't been in vain -- she eyed the teacup before her with narrowed eyes. There wasn't any trace of magic in the air.

'Long wait my ass. Then how is it hot?'

Apart from that, he had been deliberately waiting for her. What were the motives in play?

Regardless, this place was oozing with weirdness. The coincidental timing and this fellow's unruffled expression clearly relayed that things weren't that simple. She became more vigilant than ever, preparing to activate magic as soon as Jalka made a move.

– You were waiting for me? –

He answered with a kind smile, it just made her shivers come back-- I heard a rumor about you. Involving the new kid in class eighth… Uriel was his name, right? --

HOW? How did he know? She made sure to go to a place where students didn't frequent, there weren't even students close that day!

His smile changed with her reaction, the edges of his lips crack.

– How much do you want? – In the best case he will extort as much money as he wants.

-- A favor, I just needed to put you in debt. Why don't you sit down and drink with me? -- He gestured toward the other cup and continued -- I take my time in preparing it, just like you like it --

And it was, black tea with apple and cinnamon, when taking a sip even the sugar was right.

– What kind? –

-- Get me a thing or do something specific. It is not yet specified for me in what way I will use this, we both need to wait until the right moment -- he drinks what is left in his cup, gets up and his eyes are blank. He smiles again, his eyes never change -- Have a good night Miss Vallee. Make sure next time no one knows about your affairs, well, others than me --

She is pretty sure there is a cracking sound coming from his body when Jalka leaves. And feels that no matter how good she was in magic or schemas, she would lose against him.