
Barandia: A country that didn't exist got isekai'd

June 29th, 2021- Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean- A Fictional Country of "Barandia" is celebrating its "247 year anniversary". roads and highways are packed with millions of people. But then a huge storm engulfed the whole Country that sends them into another world where countries fight each other for land, independence, revenge, and to be recognized as a superpower to the whole world. What will the country of Barandia do?

Alphahead_27 · สงคราม
8 Chs

First Contact

A Squadron of soldiers is getting ready to go venture out in the new land with the marines

"Should we need to bring a tank to this expedition?" Lt. col. said

"Well considering that there may be any hostiles in there and I heard the commander that an AWACS have discovered a city up north, I think I can allow one tank to come along," the commanding officer said

"Fair enough, but be careful there They said that the world we're in isn't medieval it's like an alternate WW2," Lt. col. said in concern

"Don't worry, We will keep a sharp eye on anything that would hurt us, and besides my company are well-trained soldiers and marines that would stand in our way" the Commanding officer said enthusiastically

"Ok" Lt. Col. replied

A company was split into 3 platoons, the first will be consist of 2 Humvees and 1 M1126 Stryker of soldiers

the second will be the GTK Boxer APC, 1 LAV 25, and 2 MRAP carrying the Commanding officer, Marines, and soldiers

the third will be 2 humvees, 1 Leopard 1a3, and 1 M2 Bradley

They start their engines and drove off the base heading to the border, they ride for like 4 hours until they reach it, the whole border is heavily guarded with Leopards and Abram tanks, soldiers and swat teams are on guard on roads and streets

They were M2 Brownings, M240s, and M249s mounting on the walls and pillars on the side of the road guarding

The exploration team saluted the soldiers and they slowly drove through the grassy land, the current land is fascinating to see them, the sand that the beach is was perfectly cut and mixed with grass and dirt, it is now a solid answer that they have transported to another world,

They have crossed through the dirt road that may lead into a small village or a town to make first contact with but with the AWACS helping them the location of the town is 100 Kilometers away so they have around 2 hours to get there

As they drove the dirt road the soldiers were astonished by the scenery, they were beautiful mountains, trees and animals were mostly dears, bears, and wolves that most of them took a picture and post them on their Facebook page

Some of the soldiers are chatting about something that is wholesome to others

"Ohh I wonder what the locals or soldiers look like in the unknown territory!?" the private astonishingly said

"Maybe there could be nazis or commies to kill!" Another private replied

"Or maybe there is some crazy magic in there!" A Ranger replied sarcastically

"Would You guys Just be a real soldier and not lousy teenage boys!" the squad sergeant shouted into his noisy squad

"The Commander told us that the unknown territory in there is like in the 40s or 50s so its more like ww2 but we have to be cautious when we get into the town and we would likely have our first contact into the new world, So be like a soldier and keep quiet!" the squad sergeant replied

"Yes Sir!" They all replied

The crew of the Leopard 1a3 were half out of the turret hatch and inspect the world around them, then they notice a squadron of propeller fighter planes passed them at 500 feet

the Leopard Tank Commander can identify the model of the fighters, it is similar to a ww2 Yakovlev yak-3 fighter plane and that was an interesting sight he could see

After about 95 Kilometers Through the unknown Territory that is full of small hills, grassy plains, and beautiful forests and animals, they manage to see a small town in front of them

The whole platoon have came across all the wheat fields around them and they enter the town

The town looks like you see in France from the 1950s that the whole squad was surprised to see

As they go further through the town on the road their sudden arrival of the platoon causes some of the civilians living there to stare at them, some wanted to look closer to their vehicles and their tank as if they have never seen Humvees, MRAPS, and a Leopard 1 before

In the Army station of the town, a man wearing a ww2 german officer uniform is stationed there for other reasons of the war, most of the reports he has read are just some reports until one caught his eye

One report is from a random civilian who works as a farmer as according to him an army squad of armor vehicles that are looked advanced and slowly moved through the town causing stress and panic to its inhabitants, he wanted to send an army to investigate them

The officer and his squad went to investigate this unknown army until they saw them on the road

Just as the expedition team stop to meet the locals a small group of half-tracks drove and stop in front of the road, the squad didn't know what is going on until something happened

A small squad of soldiers in their ww2 style uniforms exited their vehicles and started to speak to the expedition team

"Soko no anata! Dokokarakitano!?" (You there! where do you guys come from!?) the officer shouted at them

At first, the squad didn't understand what the soldier was saying but as they realized it, the soldier is speaking Japanese

The whole squad decided to exit their vehicles armed with Sig MCX Spear and AKM rifles and the commanding officer decided to talk to him in Japanese

"Kon'nichiwa, watashitachiha anshin shite kimasu, koko de anata no yakuin ni awa sete moraemasu ka?" (Hello there, We come in peace, can you let us see your officer here?) The commanding officer replied

"Watashi wa kono machi no yakuindesuga, anata no namae to ranku o oshietekudasai?" (I'm the officer of this town, so tell me what's your name and rank?) The office said

"Watashinonamaeha Hose ramiresudesu. Ensei-tai no shiki-kandesu." (My name is Jose Ramirez, and I'm the commanding officer of the expedition team.) Jose said to the officer

"Minasan wa doko no kuni kara kimashita ka?" (What country are you all from?)

"Barandia to yoba reru kuni kara doko kara" (where from the country called Barandia) Jose said it proudly

"... Nani! Mōichido itte moraemasu ka!" (What! can you once again say that!) The officer shouted at Jose

(A/N: From now on everything will be translated into English)

"Were from Barandia" Jose said again

The officer is shocked that he pull his pistol and ordered his men to aim at Jose and his platoon started to raise their rifles at them

"What do mean that you are from Barandia this is Barandia (North Barandia) Are we gonna believe that shit!" The office replied in an angry tone

The commanding officer slowly walks back at his platoon and tries to reason with him

"Look sir me and my platoon are from Barandia so could we please lower your guns and try-" Jose's words were cut off

"Enough of this nonsense! Where are you Barbarians come from!? are you trying to eliminate us!" The office replied to him

As the first shots fired everything went into chaos

Alright, it is done in a day :P

Alphahead_27creators' thoughts