
Baptism of Blood

The story of Thale, who survived and prospered in the world of cultivation through his discipline, quick wits and hard work. Many chapters a day! So far Chapters 1-20 have been edited I will keep you guys updated here! Cover image, not mine All credits for the image go to the artist

DragonPhoenix · แฟนตาซี
116 Chs

Final Trial

The transportation array glows with a bright light, and the cultivators step onto it one by one. Thale feels a strange sensation as he is teleported away. When he opens his eyes, he finds himself in a strange, ancient-looking chamber. The other cultivators are also there, looking around in confusion.

Suddenly, the chamber begins to shake and a loud, rumbling sound fills the air. The cultivators look at each other in alarm, wondering what is happening. Suddenly, the chamber splits open and the cultivators are thrown out into a vast, open space.

Thale looks around and sees that they are on a floating island in the middle of a vast, endless ocean. The other cultivators are scattered around the island, and Thale can see that some of them are already engaged in battles with strange, otherworldly creatures.

Thale takes a deep breath and prepares himself for the trial. He knows that this is a test of his strength and determination, and he is determined to prove himself. With a fierce determination, he charges into the fray, ready to face whatever challenges come his way.

After a few battles and some spoils of war, they all reach the central island. A lady is sitting at the center playing the zither.

As the music starts, Thale can feel a strange energy emanating from the lady's zither. Some of the other cultivators start to sway and lose focus, but Thale is able to maintain his concentration and keep his Qi stable. He can see that the lady's fingers are moving incredibly fast, and he realizes that this is not just a test of endurance, but also of reaction speed and reflexes.

As the music continues, the lady's playing becomes more and more complex, and Thale can feel the pressure mounting. He starts to sweat and his heart races, but he refuses to give up. He knows that if he can survive this trial, he will be able to take a step closer to becoming a true cultivator.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, the music comes to an end. Thale is one of the few cultivators still standing, and he feels a sense of accomplishment wash over him. The lady nods at him approvingly, and Thale knows that he has passed the final trial.

As the other cultivators start to congratulate him, Thale can't help but feel a sense of sadness wash over him. He remembers Elara and the sacrifices she made to help him get to this point. But he knows that she would want him to continue on his journey, and he vows to honour her memory by becoming the best cultivator he can be. With this newfound determination, Thale sets his sights on the future and begins the next chapter of his cultivation journey.

The treasury is opened by the lady and the winners can pick one item each from it.

Thale watches as the other cultivators take their turns, some of them barely able to withstand the music for a few minutes before collapsing. When it's his turn, he focuses his Qi and concentrates on the sound waves, trying to find a way to neutralize them. After what feels like an eternity, the lady stops playing and nods in approval. Thale is one of the few who have managed to endure the full trial.

As he approaches the treasury, he notices that there are a few other items besides the ones he expected, such as ancient scrolls and rare herbs. He decides to choose one of the scrolls, hoping that it might contain some valuable information or techniques. The other cultivators make their choices and the trial is over.

Thale and the other winners are greeted by the teachers, who congratulate them on their success. Old man Zhang approaches Thale and comments on his unusual cultivation technique, expressing his interest in taking him as a disciple. Thale is flattered, but he knows that he still has much to learn and many things to accomplish before he is ready to become a disciple. He politely declines the offer, thanking old man Zhang for his kindness.

As the cultivators prepare to leave the island, Thale feels a sense of sadness wash over him. He knows that this trial marks the end of his journey on this island, and he will have to return to the mortal world and face the challenges that await him. But he also knows that he has gained valuable experience and knowledge during his time on the island, and he is determined to use it to become stronger and protect the people he cares about.

As he boards the flying ship and looks back at the island one last time, Thale makes a promise to himself to return someday and uncover the secrets that this mysterious place holds.

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