
Ban In DXD

Caspian a 19 years old man suddenly finds himself in the middle of a void, where he meets an entity that transports him to another world with the powers of a certain character from the seven deadly sins, come and follow this long and fun story of a normal human who finds himself in another world with powers! I don't own the seven deadly sins or highschool DxD, I do not own the rights to the characters or the world other than OG Update: 1 Chapter/Month English is not my first language

IsekaiFan · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

A Game Of Chess

Thanks Everyone because of you guys i got excited and because of the power stones i decided to post an extra chapter for you guys i hope you like it


(PoV MC)

I slowly got up from my bed(A/N: It's a bench ;-;) while looking at the clock in the center of the square that said 6:00 am, I noticed that Koneko was no longer here, probably not to worry Rias about her absence, leaving my thoughts, I took an apple out of my bag and went towards the bathroom to do my daily needs as a human being, finishing everything I went to school, because it was too early (6:30 am), there weren't many students entering school

Sona-Kaichou and Tsubaki were standing in front of the gate, after all, they arrive first than everyone else, I respect them a lot, because unlike Rias's nobility, they are more dedicated and responsible, I decided to greet them and talk a little, but before I could say anything, Sona looked in my direction and approached me, speaking before me.

"Hello Ban, I see you're pretty early, why don't you accompany me to the student council for a game of chess?"

And so I went to the student council in shock and without understanding anything, because Sona had a clear irritation on her face, arriving at the student council I saw all Sona's nobility doing some daily tasks, soon I had to sit on the couch in front of Sona with a table in the center and a chessboard in front of us, seeing that I was forced to say something, because I had been quiet for a long time

"Uh... Sona-Kaichou, you wanted to play this chess thing, but I don't know how to play it"

Sona in front of me froze and seems to have remembered something, so she looked embarrassed for bringing me here without prior knowledge, in short, she was embarrassed for doing all this without me even understanding what she wanted

"A-Ah, I understand, I'm sorry, I didn't consider that, I was hoping to chat with you while we were playing, to entertain ourselves at least"

She was soon going to ask someone to remove the board from the table, but I ended up interrupting her, seeing how she was a little discouraged because of her mistake, I am not an expert person in chess, but it was a well-known game in the my other world, my brother was regional chess champion so he tried to make me play whenever he could, I'm not one of the best players out there, but I know the basics of the rules so for me it's quite simple to play against her... by the way , how is my brother?


Somewhere in a different universe...


"Huh? What was it Meliodas?"

"Ah, nothing… I just think someone talked about me, don't worry Yuuki"

"...If you say, be careful because in Mato we don't have hospitals nearby"

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Coming back....(A/N: I'll make a fanfic about it later ;-;)

"No need to put away the board, you can teach me now since we have plenty of time"

"A-ah right, there is such a possibility"

So Sona started to teach me how to play chess, and there is no better way than to learn while playing, her nobility looked at all that strangely, because it was the first time they saw Sona excited or satisfied with something, it made them feel a certain wave of satisfaction among everyone, but soon it became something that shocked them.

As the game went on, Sona started to stop teaching me, as I started to "turn the tables", she was little by little losing more and more, after 10 minutes of the start of the game, Sona was biting her nail when she saw something inexplicable in In front of her, the person she thought, she had taught now how to play chess was now cornering her at this point, unfortunately for her, only the king was left on the field, and she only had one move she could make.

So the game is finally over

"Check Mate"

Everyone in the room froze upon hearing these words, as if it was something unreal to them, some even started muttering some things, and Sona in front of me seemed to be very shocked, I didn't know that she was so proud of her chess skills, but soon she seemed to have accepted her fate and was about to say something

"I lost-"

"It's a draw"

I prevented Sona from admitting defeat, after all, I know her history and I know that she would only marry anyone who defeated her in a chess match, thinking about that I made all my moves, I sunk her king, that is, I took all the pieces just to keep her king, and I still prevented her from moving, this easily makes the game become a draw, Sona however was confused by my statement, I got up and went to a shelf that had a book that spoke about chess rules that I had located on the shelf while playing with her

Everyone followed me with eyes, thinking about what I was doing, at that moment I took the book and went back to my starting position in front of Sona, I opened the book and placed the page of a specific rule, which I soon placed on top of the table for all to see

"If you eliminate all the opponent's pieces leaving only the king on the board, preventing him from moving and trapping him in one of the corners and preventing him from making any moves will result in a draw"

I let out a slight sigh and let them process this information a bit and said as I got up, stretching my body and getting ready to leave

"Chess is so much fun, thanks for letting me try this game, I was so excited during the game that I didn't even realize I had cleared all the pieces"

I looked at the clock next to the door and then continued my sentence

"It's almost time for class to start, it was nice playing with you Sona-Kaichou, maybe next time we meet we'll play again"

I tried to give a sincere smile like Luffy, because my beard and mustache hide my smiles a lot, after that I reached out my hand to shake hands, Sona, seeing that, stood up smiling, and shook my hand, her cheeks were slightly pink

"Next time… I won't lose"

So I left the room without saying anything.

(PoV Sona)

Watching Ban leave, I was reminded of something that was the main focus of my inviting him to the student council.

'Oh, I forgot to invite him to StudentCo'

But soon another smile appeared

'It's not like I won't see him again'

After this thought of mine I looked at the board and the rule book, and something else came to my mind... How did he know there was such a rule? When I thought about it, I got irritated.

"Ban! How dare you deceive me!"

(PoV MC)

Hearing Sona's scream while walking down the hall, a small smile formed on my face 'so she found out huh?', walking further down the hall I saw three people walking towards me, who I easily recognized by their hair color and exaggerated breasts

It was Rias with Akeno and Koneko, they seemed to be on their way to the student council room, so our paths were close to crossing, Koneko when she saw me, she froze in her place and stared at me, Rias and Akeno didn't seem to notice that Koneko was falling behind so I decided to say something, as it seemed strange for me to walk past her and not say something because of how much she was looking at me.

"Are you okay little girl? Are you lost? If you want, I'll take you to your room" (Obviously he pretended not to know her)

When I said that, Rias and Akeno who were making their way to the student council room stopped and looked back, and ended up seeing Koneko staring at me

"She's with me, is there a problem?"

Rias was the first to speak, as she walked over and placed herself in the middle between Koneko and me, did she look annoyed? I'm not sure

(A/N: MC isn't good at reading people and he can only figure things out if it's extremely obvious)

I just hope I didn't cause any misunderstandings... wait, I think I already did, after all, I'm a 220 cm guy and Koneko... is only 138 cm, a difference of more than 90 cm, so I can be seen as a Lolicon because of the difference in size and appearance, although... I can be considered a Lolicon, after all, Ban already hooked up with Elaine, who also has the appearance of a little girl, and it seems his tastes are affecting me because of the memories

"I see… I thought she was lost, you know, the buildings are really big so it's easy to get lost… plus she's staring at me a lot"

Koneko, after I said this sentence, realized what she was doing and moved her gaze downwards, looking sad, Rias obviously noticed this, and Akeno who arrived beside her as well, Rias now looked definitely annoyed

"Hey you! What did you do with Koneko-chan?"

"Uhh… I would like to know too, I just asked if she was lost"

Akeno, who was walking beside Rias, noticed the strangeness of the situation.

(A/N: At least not all of them are dumb ;-;)

Besides Akeno, Koneko noticed what he was doing and hurriedly spoke to Rias

"It's nothing Rias-Buchou"

Rias upon seeing Koneko's gaze, seemed to have calmed down but right after that, Koneko turned to me, looking at me calmly, but obviously irritated by the aura she was emanating.

"And for you... I'm 15 years old and I'm your kouhai"

(A/N: sorry, I made a mistake, Issei is in the third year of high school, Koneko is in the first year, so Ban is also part of the third year)

Upon hearing that, I faked a grimace indicating surprise, which made Koneko feel proud, but why was she proud? Akeno was laughing when she saw this interaction, I don't know why, but I felt that this laughter was not directed at me, I didn't care at the time, and determined to get out of there, I just said a few words as I turned around and left the place

"Anyway, I'll be going, I have class in 10 minutes"

My days after that incident went smoothly and I performed the same routines every day, I talked with Issei, I fed the cat (Koneko) in the mornings and evenings while I told my stories little by little, moreover, during these days, I felt that Rias's nobility was watching me more than usual

In the present day...

At the end of the classes I was about to leave for the library when Kiba opened the door of the room, looking for me, to avoid problems I ended up following him to the area where the Kendo dojo would be, I felt obliged to speak, I could already foresee the reason he brought me here, but I needed to confirm anyway, I didn't do anything, but here I am, being tested by Kiba, if it's Kiba, that means it attracts Rias's attention, inside the dojo, was Akeno and Koneko

"Uh, Kiba-san? Why are we here?"

Kiba realized that he brought me here without saying anything and coughed a few times.

"A-Ah, I saw you during gym class and wanted to know if you would like a sparring match"

Hearing this half-baked explanation I had no way to describe my expression, do they really think I would believe that?... I'm not going to lie, I also want to know the level of the demons in this world, so I'll accept it, even if it's really stupid why they brought me here

"Ah, I understand Kiba-san, but I don't know how to fight with swords"

"Ah, don't worry about that, in this match anything goes except leaving the area"

Hearing that, I decided to use some tricks from my past life and Ban's memory (Nanatsu), on the other side of the field Kiba had already picked up a bamboo sword (Shinai) and I was just casually standing, soon Akeno announced the start of the fight , Kiba stood motionless in his place, I just calmly walked towards him, and when I was within range of his sword he made a vertical slashing motion

As this movement was very obvious, I just dodged to the right, my left hand went towards his face and my fingers would pierce his eyes if I continued the movement, at that moment he closed his eyes and lost his balance due to his attack, I then gave a low kick to his heel while pushing him with my left hand while holding his head, this made him fall backwards to the ground and shortly after that I put my left fist in front of his face and said

"Check Mate"

Seriously, I like how that word sounds, so maybe it becomes my catchphrase, Akeno and Koneko were surprised, they knew that Kiba was up to human "standards", but Kiba was Rias' knight, as well as being seen as the best Kendo practitioner at the school, Kiba was currently shocked as he lay on the ground, he was shocked by how easily he was knocked down and defeated, I started helping him to his feet, while pointing out his mistakes

"Major rule in street fights, never close your eyes, you are giving yourself a weakness when you do this, second, never be too obvious in your strikes, people can take advantage of this and counterattack, and may even kill you, and lastly, always keep your body balance, you wanted to finish in a single blow, so your whole center of gravity was compromised, so it's easy to take you down and you didn't even have time to dodge "

Kiba felt his pride hurt, but he accepted it, even because he knew what I said was true, he felt depressed and looked down, when I saw that I sighed, he didn't even think about how to get around this situation, he just accepted defeat, by the looks of it, Issei was the main reason for Kiba's change of heart

"Look… instead of whining, you should fix your mistake, do better next time"

Upon hearing my sentence, he seemed to have regained his will and excitedly about it.

"Then Ban-san-"

"Only Ban is fine"

To be honest, I can't get used to speaking using Japanese honorifics, after all, I may have the knowledge of this body, but I'm not exactly Japanese inside

"O-okay Ban, can I have a rematch?"

Hearing this I smiled widely.

"Of course"


Hello everyone, IsekaiFan Here, as you can all see these opening chapters don't contain as many fight scenes, after all, I prefer to prioritize character development more often than battle scenes, I like everything to be as logical as possible, so this one battle that occurred at the end was something logical (they wanted to test the MC to try to call him Rias's nobility, due to a certain event that will be explained in Koneko's PoV), I would like you to comment on what you think of the development so far here, and thank you to everyone who motivates me to continue this novel, donate your stones to me, so we can reach the ranks and new people know the story

Also, comment on the paragraphs that you see any errors, so I can correct them :) thanks

This Chapter Have 2,7k of Words, Enjoy!

Spoiler of next chapter...

Chapter 5 - New house. Meeting God again