

"Woah! I did not rape him!" I all but growled at Kirishima's voice when he finally unfroze. Icyhot flicked the hand on his cold side and a wall of ice separated us from everyone else. I cried in their arms no longer caring who could or could not hear me. Knowing that they could hear me because I could hear them even if we couldn't see each other.

"I'm not weak, fucking damnit!" I fumed and I felt their gentle, silent kisses soothe me as I latched onto them. I could hear them all asking Kiri why I was crying then if he didn't and why I had been acting so differently since the break up if what he said was true. I just wanted to blow something up, I just don't know what yet. If it keeps up it just might be me.

"Enough! I have already spoken to Bakugo about this and no Kirishima did not rape him," Aizawa Sensei sounded so fed up with all of it but I just don't care anymore. "Kirishima broke his trust, there is a difference. Now Sero I want you to delete that message now and all the rest of you too. It's slander on both Bakugo and Kirishima so I do not want to hear or see anything about it again!"

Why can't they just leave me alone? Why can't they all just stop?

"Hey Kitten?" I look up at Icyhot confused by the new nickname. "Let's go back to my room? No one will be able to follow us. My ice is blocking the elevator and we are blocking the staircase?" He kept his voice low so Deku and I could barely hear it but I nodded and saw the cocoa frozen sitting on the floor nearby.

Icyhot flicked his hand again making the ice thicker and stronger and covered the top so that no one could just climb over it. Leaving us in a beautiful dome of ice. I looked at the ice and reached out to touch it before looking back at him.

I threw my arms around him, snuggling into his neck and I saw Deku pick up the frozen pitcher of cocoa and we slowly made our way up the stairs. Icyhot covered the entrance to the stairs at each floor and again at the 5th floor when we reached it. When we were comfortably settled in his room he put a light coating of ice outside of his door making that same dome effect before closing and locking the door. We put a movie on and cuddled in each other's arms.

I fell asleep during the intro to the first movie.


I wake up to the delicious smell of hot cocoa and toasted marshmallows. I shift where I am and hear Icyhot chuckling. "Oh, so it is an addiction? I'll have to keep plenty of cocoa on hand then," I snuggle into who I guess is probably Deku because Icyhot sounded too far away.

"Kacchan, cocoa?" I hear his sweet voice whisper in my ear. I turn my head more interested in a kiss at the moment. I just wanted cuddles, he returned the kiss and I tasted the sweet drink on his lips along with peppermint and marshmallows.

"Mmm, sweet." I moaned, licking my lips, opening my eyes to see Deku's right in front of me. I kiss him again, enjoying the feeling of just loving and being loved.

"Next time I will hold Kitten when he wakes up if he is going to be like this," I hear Icyhot close by. I pull away from Deku and turn to give him a kiss too. Fuck it, I like to be held. I like to be loved, to be cuddled. Neither of them have done anything but hold me and give me gentle kisses since our little confession session and it's nice. Still no expectations and no hurt feelings even though we are in an actual relationship now.

I let the kiss draw out as long as he wanted, enjoying every second of it while Deku held me and if I were to open my eyes I would probably see him kissing on Icyhot. "I like waking up like this," I sigh when Icyhot and I finally break apart and I see him smiling back at me.

"Good then we can do it everyday," Icyhot smiled back at me and I cuddled into him now that he was laying on the bed with Deku and I.

"Shoto heated up the cocoa and poured it into mugs for us and I convinced him to make us some smores too!" Deku giggled, I frowned.

"Call him Icyhot, and he can call me Kacchan. I don't like Kitten at least not in front of others. You might be able to call me Kitten when we are alone," I pouted but turned a little red at what I said.

"Then Midoriya cheated us by using Deku as his hero name," I looked up quickly, smiling.

"FINALLY! Someone understands it!" I let out a huge sigh and they both laughed at me for being silly.

"Well there is another name you used to call me that I liked a lot more," I look back at Deku and see him turning a bright shade of pink. I waited for him to finish. "Zuchan or Zuku?" He finished.

"I like Zuchan," I look at Icyhot like he just commited murder.

"You want to call him what now?" I asked him and he laughed.

"Zuchan, because he is so loving," I mull it over in my head for a second but Deku just stayed quiet.

"Maybe in the bedroom when we are alone, like Kitten but I like Zuku more." I can feel myself blushing as I say it but not nearly as much as Deku.

"Okay then otherwise I'll call him Deku like you do." He leaned over and kissed me and I let out a giggle. Yes I, fucking Katsuki Bakugo, just fucking giggled and I liked it.

"I want kisses too!" We hear Deku pout and pull him in and start kissing gently all over him, getting lots of his giggles. We all drink our hot cocoa and eat our smores before putting in the original, The Rise of All Might and fall asleep holding each other still fully clothed.


"What the hell! This room is a mess! Shoto what are you doing? You should be focusing on your studies, not watching movies!" My eyes snapped open to see the current number one hero in Japan and all I can see is red.

"GET. THE. FUCK. OUT!" I screamed, setting off explosions surprising the pro hero and he fell out the door way and I slammed the door shut only to see both Icyhot and Deku looking at me shocked. "Don't just stand there cover the door in ice so the fucker can't get back in without setting the building on fire." I rolled my eyes and they snapped out of it and did what I said.

Once Icyhot had the ice nice and thick on the door we went back to cuddling on the bed and eating on our snacks. I checked my phone and saw messages in the class group chat.

Eraserhead: @Shoto @Deku @Dynamight boys Endeavor is on his way. Something about a family event?

There was a bunch of crap from our classmates that I ignored and then.

Eraserhead: @Deku @Dynamight @Shoto boys what are you doing? I haven't heard a word from any of you since the incident this morning.

Again a bunch of crap from our classmates.

Eraserhead: @Dynamight @Deku @Shoto Endeavor is here and no one has been able to get through the ice. He is coming now.

Eraserhead: I don't know what you three did to make him leave like that but you all three get an A for it.

Dynamight: Fucker came in screaming waking us all up. I set off explosions and we locked his ass back out after he fell on it.

Shoto: My hero.

Deku: And mine. I nearly had a heart attack with him screaming out of nowhere.

Dynamight: Next time I'll fucking kill him.

Host deleted Dynamight's message.

Eraserhead: I saw nothing and neither did the rest of you.

I laughed as the rest of our class answered with yes sirs! And at Iida having a melt down. Sometimes I really like our teacher.

Red Riot: Babe?

Dynamight: I'm not your babe. Fuck off!

Eraserhead: ... I'm still here.

Red Riot: I just want to talk? Maybe we can fix us?

Dynamight: I'm in a relationship leave me alone.

Red Riot: WITH WHO!?!

Dynamight:Is it any of your damn business?

Red Riot: ...

Dynamight: I didn't fucking think so.

Dynamight: Can introduce themself if they want too.

Deku: Hi.

Shoto: Hello.

Deku: Stay

Shoto: Away

Deku: From

Shoto: Our

Deku: Boyfriend!

Shoto: Bye.

Shoto is offline

Deku is offline.

Eraserhead: My head...

Dynamight: I have painkillers? But I'll have to throw it out the window or some shit. There is a good meter of solid ice on this side of the door.

Eraserhead: ... I think I'll pass. Thank you.

Dynamight: I tried. Icyhot has cocoa ready so bye.

I watched the class chat stay frozen until.

Pinky: Did that actually just happen?

Creaty: Hot tea and a polyship? Yes!

Froppy: I'm going to Recovery Girl to get my head checked.

Grape Juice: So the three most popular guys in our class are gay? I'm ok with that.

Chargezuma: Dude you still don't have a chance.

Grape Juice: Says who?

Cellophane: Everybody.

Grape Juice: Oh come on!

Dynamight: Says God. Stop being a piece of shit and maybe everyone, boy or girl, wouldn't cringe hearing your goddamn name or hide when you walk bye!

Uravity: Preach!

Creaty: Praise the powers that be!

Froppy: Hallelujah!

Earphone Jack: Choir chorus!

Invisible Girl: Finally!

Pinky: Thank you Bakubabe!

Uravity: Wait that was Bakugo!?!

Dynamight is offline.

Okay that was pretty entertaining and I showed it to Deku and Icyhot before logging out and we all laughed about it. I can enjoy this.