

It's 5:45 and I'm dressed and ready for my date. I had to use a shit ton of concealer for the dark circles under my eyes but it was worth it. I look in the mirror and put on a little cologne before brushing my teeth, again. Fuck I'm nervous! I double checked that my wallet was in my pocket and put on a necklace, nothing fancy, just an old arrowhead, I thought it looked cool so I bought it. The button up I was wearing was only buttoned up half way and my sleeves were rolled up. Sometimes it's nice to have a mom in the fashion business, I video called her and she was oh so happy to help with my clothes.

"So when are you going to bring him home?" She asked, watching me fidget and fuss over my hair.

"Hag it's our first date let me at least have this?" I beg.

"So it is a boy! Which one is it? Tell me who grabbed your little exploding heart and made you want to calm down?" I rolled my eyes at her and told her it was Kirishima, the red head, and she asked some more questions and surprisingly it helped calm my nerves.

I heard a knock on my door and froze, "That should be him. How do I look?" I asked, picking up my phone again.

"Like I made you; perfect. Go have fun and I'll call tomorrow to get the details," I smiled but grumbled before hanging up and opening the door.

"Hey, are you ready? I think I'm a bit early still?" He laughed and I can't help noticing his own outfit looked a lot like mine, only blue jeans, nice ones, and a red t-shirt under a plaid short sleeve button up that he left open. He left his bright red hair down and fuck, that looks good on him.

"I'm good, let's go?" I smiled or at least I think I did? I tried to smile at him, a nice one, that would show that I was happy. "You look good by the way."

"Not as good as you though. Damn who knew a tank could do that?" He laughed and I felt my nerves soothing, of course I looked good. I look fucking hot but that didn't stop the nervousness from flooding my body. We are in our final year of high school and it wouldn't be long before we started working for real and not just as interns.

Dinner was good but Tai always is and we ended up seeing an action movie and honestly it was fun. We were walking back and laughing over what the villain in the movie did and why when we stopped in a park and sat on a couple of swings.

"Tonight was fun," I smiled sitting on the swing next to him.

"Fun enough for a second date?" Kiri asked with a smile showing all of his pointy teeth as he tilted his head to look at me around the chain.

"Yeah, " I stood up and took a couple steps away before turning around to see that he was right behind me, his eyes closed and his smile open. Fuck he is cute and I like him, so why not?

I lean forward and cup his face in my hand startling him, his smile mostly gone but his eyes were dazzling with what I hope was hope. "Maybe even fun enough for a kiss?" I ask, waiting, staying where I was. He blinked at me as if slowly processing what I just said his eyes flickered to my mouth and back to my eyes.

I like him, I'll wait. He didn't seem to be quite ready for that yet so I pulled him closer and gave him a small kiss on his cheek before letting him go. He looked at me shocked and his hand was on his cheek. In an instant his smile which was back in full force was almost blinding me. I held out a hand and he quickly grabbed it with his other hand and we walked back to the UA dorms hand in hand.

We held hands all the way up to our rooms and we were standing in front of my door when I felt him squeeze my hand making me stop and look at him again. "Maybe tomorrow? We could, uh..." He was trying to think of something, another date maybe?

"How about the arcade? We could have pizza while we're there and when we come back we can go to the gym and work it off?" I suggest watching him beam back at me.

"Yeah, that sounds great, how about 10? Give us all day?" I smile at him and nod, our hands letting go for the first time now. It felt wrong and empty, not to have his fingers between mine but it had to be done, eventually.

"Then I'll see you in the morning," I open my door and walk inside and before I close it, I wink at him.

When I let myself breathe for a few minutes it hit me. My first date went great! I called the hag.

"I told you I would call you tomorrow! How did it go?"

"We have another date for tomorrow at the arcade this time and then work out like a normal Saturday but still," I chatted with her for a good hour, maybe two. I don't understand why people think we have a bad relationship just because we yell and hit each other. I mean it's not like we actually try to hurt each other or anything. It's just how we express ourselves.

"So brat, you can fool just about any man with that concealer job you did but I hope you didn't expect it to get past me?" She looked at me with that worried look in her eyes that I hate so much. "Still not sleeping?" Her question hurt maybe because she already knew the answer but she already knew the why.

"I'm fine, I'm strong remember?" I could feel my temper rising and she could probably see it.

"Katsuki, there is nothing weak about what you have been through. If you were weak you wouldn't have come back to me. Do you understand me?"

I felt my temper cool off again, right of course I knew that. I am strong, it's just hard, sometimes harder than others. "Mom, I just... Don't worry about me, old hag. I'll survive."

"Katsuki there is more to life than just surviving. Now go get some rest, you have a hot date in the morning," she winked at me and hung up. I laughed a little and cleaned up for bed. It was already pretty late so maybe my alarm will wake me up before a nightmares finds me?