

The video was pushed in and All Might started to send the rest of the class away when I shook my head no. I felt Icyhot and Deku's arms tighten around me, but I also know that they agree. It's time to let them in. They are supposed to be our friends and they think they know us, but there are so many days that they hurt us without even knowing it. We should have talked to them a long time ago, I should have talked to them a very long time ago.

It was Deku who spoke up, "We are heroes and soon they will have to deal with this sort of thing on their own. It would be better for them if their first time wasn't a kid who will break at a wrong word. They are our friends." His voice was quiet but firm, we were sitting on the love seat and somehow I was sitting across both of their laps while they leaned into each other, our arms wrapped around each other carefully.

"Are you sure? It's bad, I don't know how much you remember that happened to you physically..." All Might trailed off and Icyhot nodded.

"We know, let them stay." his voice was just as quiet before he rested his head on one of my shoulders. The class looked pretty spooked but they each took a seat and All Might just let out a sigh. He turned back to the player and hit play before going to the back with Mama Inko and Aizawa Sensei.

The video started playing, it showed Toga and Calamity dragging us inside with the help of a third villain and strapping us to a table. It showed them dumping the buckets of ice water on us and unfortunately there was sound for the video. We heard every word she said again. We heard our own voices and saw our reactions and then we saw Calamity touch each of our faces and then the screaming started.

At first Calamity was laughing but after only a few minutes she was sitting in a chair her breathing was staggering. She couldn't stand up straight and Toga was demanding answers.

"They are all together, I've never used my quirk on this kind of relationship," She was quickly going pale and it's not long before she starts throwing up, using one of the buckets from before.

Our bodies hung mostly limp on the slabs except for the screaming that resulted in us jerking around and we kept getting slammed against the slabs, our backs and heads bruised for days after the fact, but that didn't stop our bodies from trying to escape anyway.

The high pitched screeching was inhuman as our eyes rolled back in our heads. Our screams taking on words as we begged for our nightmares to end. For our lives to end, we begged for death. And we were only still reliving our own traumas, we hadn't even seen our lover's yet.

Hearing my lover's screams for their fathers to stop or come back, hearing them call out for me, begging me to come to them. I tightened my hold on both of them as we watched and listened to the past repeat itself again.

Then there was hearing myself beg for them to stop touching me. I threatened and spat for so long but it happened anyway, my body jerking at the memory of my rape being forced back into my mind again. Thank All Might that as far as the class could see it was just our bodies banging against the slabs with the chains keeping us in place.

Then it showed Mama Inko coming into the frame with All Might and when she heard what Deku was screaming about I saw the Demon inside of her awaken. Both Toga and Calamity had limbs torn off of them before she ripped what looked like a hole in the very air and pulled a man with a burned face through. I know this man.

That was Deku's father, his face was pretty much gone now but I can never forget the man that used his flame thrower to burn Deku, the memory still fresh in my mind. There was a large battle, at first he tried to talk to her, calm her down.

Then he said Izuku's name, he sent her into a blind rage and all the green and black flashes from before now made sense as her quirk coated her body and she flew up into the air and they met with flashes of light and booms that knocked the speaker silent at times and deafening at others.

At some point he tried to get away, he tried to escape realizing that he couldn't win against his ex-wife. But nothing he did let him get more than a split second away before she was dragging him back into the flames of hell that he deserved.

At some point I saw All Might release us from our chains and we were coming to, I watched myself drag my nearly limp body to Icyhot and Deku only for them to meet me half way. All Might came to us and held us just as Mama Inko tore her ex-husbands head clean off his shoulders and started dismembering his body. She didn't stop until no one could recognize the man ever again. Her rage still screamed until All Might called to her.

"Inko! Izuku and the boys need to go to the hospital!" All Might's words stopped her in her tracks and she ripped another hole in the air and we could see a hospital's emergency entrance before they picked up our unconscious bodies and carried/dragged us through. The video ended with static fuzz covering the screen.

The room stayed silent and Mama Inko turned the lights back on making all of our classmates jump. Whether they were shocked at the lights coming on or the fact that sweet Mama Inko who otherwise couldn't hurt a fly, just tore apart and mutilated a fully grown and very powerful man, all while screaming about him never touching her son again.

I really don't know the answer to that but the look of absolute fear on Kaminari's face when she walked past him again to stand by her husband gave me a pretty good idea.

I just sat with my lovers and just waited for the questions that were no doubt going to be asked. I could feel the fear of rejection closing in on me but I just turned to Icyhot and saw Deku doing the same. We leaned against his chest waiting for the questions, the disbelief, the ridicule that was sure to follow but the room stayed silent.

I closed my eyes and just took deep breaths listening to Icyhot's heartbeat in my ear and felt Deku's gentle fingers running through my hair. I calmed myself, relaxing into their presence, knowing I should be doing something anything at all for them. I looked up but Icyhot just pulled me back down and Deku knotted his fingers in my hair. So instead I just snuggled closer to Icyhot and grabbed Deku's free hand in mine holding them both close to me. I give Deku's hand a small kiss on the back and we all just cuddled closer.

Our classmates forgotten for a moment while we just took comfort in each other. I have cried so much recently that I just feel drained, I don't even know if I have anymore tears left to shed and when I looked at Deku I could see the red puffiness of his eyes telling me he was drained too.

"I love you two so much," I tried to whisper but I ended up croaking. I felt their replies in my heart as we all just sat there gently comforting each other.

"Bakubr-, I mean when you were screaming for them to stop... No, I mean. No." Kirishima stopped himself and I looked up from the protective arms of my lovers. I saw our classmates, fear and worry written all over their faces. Many showing dread and some horror but absolutely none were judging me. For that matter any of us.

"Do you really want to know?" I don't know if I want to answer his question but at the same time I wanted him to know. I want him to know what happened to me, what made me the way that I am. "I'll tell you."

I felt Icyhot's arms tighten around me but Deku pulled me towards him and Icyhot ended up letting me go. Allowing me to switch sides and hold his hand while he cuddled up to Deku. I relaxed into Deku's broad, strong arms, and I know that regardless of what else happens today because of this video. They will always hold me close.

It was Sero who spoke up when Kiri couldn't answer, "We want to help, but can we?" I couldn't help the small smile on my face at his question.

Icyhot kissed my hand and let his fingers play with my hair like Deku had been doing when the roles were switched. I let out a small sigh, enjoying the sweet attention but I knew that I should answer.

"There is no helping the past, it's already done. But you can be there for my future, these kinds of things don't just disappear. It will probably haunt me, us, for the rest of our lives. You can choose to be there or you can choose to walk away. I won't blame you if you choose to walk away now. Later would just hurt, it would be better now." I could feel Deku trembling and decided that we should switch places again. I crawl over Icyhot and pull Deku into our laps earning a small yelp before Icyhot cuddled into us again.

This actually kind of helped, I no longer felt like I was the center of attention and Deku and Icyhot's bodies helped to block me from their uncomfortable stares. Much more comfortable now I wrap an arm around Icyhot and closed my eyes again. The room stayed silent for a long time, but I didn't mind it, not anymore. I just tried to relax and their gentle snuggles only helped with that.

"I want to be there," it was Kami that spoke making me look up and I saw him wiping at the tears on his face. "I want to be there for you, you've always been there for me and I just. I just want..."

"Kami you don't owe me anything for the past. I was there because I wanted to be. You didn't force me to do anything for you, not once." I answered and I felt Icyhot pull Deku into his arms making us switch again. I pouted a little but readjusted before I started playing with Deku's green curls, cuddling into Icyhot as I did.

"I want to be there too," I looked up to see Kiri and he looked so torn up. As if he already knew exactly what was going to be said.

"You don't have to, you are free. It won't hurt me for you to walk away now, not if it helps protect yourself from the hurt." I am being honest, as much as I would like for him to know. The fact remains that it could very well hurt him, the truth on why I was so uncomfortable with the idea of sex.

"I need to know, it's selfish but it's true." I nodded at his answer only vaguely registering the fact that Deku and Icyhot were switching places, so now that I was playing with Icyhot's hair I was also running a finger along the edges of his scar. He leaned into my touch softly comforting me, encouraging me to do whatever I thought I wanted.

I might regret this later, I probably will but I am safe here. I'm surrounded by people who love me, who want me and opening up to them somehow isn't nearly as scary as hiding it away from them. Not anymore anyway.

"If you don't want to know then leave the room please. I'll give my answer in 30 seconds." I closed my eyes and felt Icyhot crawl over into my lap and I let out a small sigh at the comfort of just holding him in my lap while Deku snuggled into me. Wow, this has to be my new favorite way to cuddle, it's pretty much like how we used to all prefer the middle when we were sleeping, only somehow better.

The seconds ticked by slowly but no one made a move to leave, I cuddled my lovers, holding them tight against me. Their soft cuddles holding my attention until I glanced up and see Mama Inko smiling softly at us. She was holding All Might's hand just waiting but she already knows. Her, All Might and Mama Rei found out several months ago, during a very uncomfortable dinner. For some reason I felt like they deserved to know and it had been eating me up inside. They were all so loving and caring, I honestly regret not telling them sooner.

"Times up." I whispered before looking around me.