

We had just finished making and putting together an actual fucking igloo. I should have known that when they mentioned wanting to try that we would actually be making the damn thing. My fingers feel numb from all the ice and Icyhot noticed how red my fingers were. He pulled us both inside and held up his left hand letting his fire flare up and started warming the area.

It honestly didn't take long for us to start taking off our coats, tossing them to the side and when the redness finally went away. We exchanged our Christmas gifts and I didn't realize just how much they liked calling me Kitten. I now have a kitten engraved jade necklace and a leather bracelet with it written into the material. I still couldn't stop smiling at their cuteness and I can't really say I did much better. I got them each a picture frame with a Kitten, Bunny and Puppy on it and on Deku's it read, To my Bunny because this Kitten loves to cuddle. Icyhot's read the same only addressed to Puppy instead. It also had a picture of the three of us just hanging out. Thank you Raccoon Eyes!

As much as I hate blushing, they love it. So that was the picture I picked. I'm just glad that most of my face was covered in the photo while their smiles were easy to see.

We finally got out of our little frozen paradise to actually go and get our sleeping bags and things and we set up inside the now toasty igloo, okay so it wasn't a waste of time. It is way warmer in here than a tent would have been, I mean it is December now.

We cuddled, played games, talked, dear All Might we talked a lot. Most of it was about nothing in particular, like how much we adored each other. Like how Deku was a literal walking ray of sunshine or how Icyhot was both our ice cream and our hot cocoa. He is always sweet and we could just never tell him no. At least not seriously.

We went outside and skated on the now extremely thick ice and when it got dark we played under the stars until we crawled back inside our igloo and cuddled in each other's arms. I prefer to sleep in one of our beds and not the hard ground but so long as I was with these two I can't be happier.

"Kacchan?" I looked over to see Deku looking straight at me from across Icyhot. "I'm glad you are trying to be friends with Kirishima again. Just don't forget us. Okay?"

I scoffed at the idea of forgetting either of these two perfect angels. I leaned forward and gave him a sweet kiss before turning and giving Icyhot one to match. "I could never forget my soul now can I?" I smirked at them and Icyhot chuckled and Deku just gaped for a few minutes before he pulled me back for more kisses. We were a giggling mess before we tried to start sleeping again, calming down from another ticklish kiss fight.

"I love you two, never forget that." I hummed before hearing their responses and we finally drifted off to sleep.


"Thank God! Hey! They are over here!" We all jerk awake to a man screaming from the entrance of our igloo. Not just any man either, no it had to be the dumpster fire.

"What the fuck do you want now?" I groaned before adding, "we are allowed to sleep in a little on fucking Christmas."

"Don't give me that, my house burned down! For all I know one of you two could have started it while Shoto was sleeping!" Endeavor spat at us.

"If anyone gets to burn down that torture chamber it will be me but sadly no, sounds like someone beat me to it." Icyhot answered before pulling the blankets up and holding us closer, his arm was tightly wrapped around me and I snuggled as close as I could knowing it would piss off the homophobe.

"I thought you left the country yesterday?" I could hear Deku whine about how unfair the world is that we had to share Christmas with the bastard. Of course he used much more polite language than I would but that was a given.

"Well as Japan's number 1 hero when your house catches fire word gets around and since I knew you three were supposed to be here I came rushing back from the airport where I was waiting for my delayed flight. As if it's any of your business," I couldn't help rolling my eyes at his sarcastic tone but instead I opted to just cuddle closer to Icyhot.

I mean I COULD explode and fight the bastard, but even I prefer his what the fuck homophobic face than his I'm justified in killing you now face. But you know priorities, Icyhot wanted cuddles and I for one am only too happy to supply them.

Icyhot yawned, "Did the house really burn down or are you just saying that to try and freak me out? Cause it's not working. I grew up in there and fire isn't easy to spread around all that fire proofing and what not." I heard him yawn and realized that he was absolutely alright with all of this.

"WHERE ARE THEY!?!" We heard All Might demand before Endeavor was shoved out of the way and a blood spitting All Might took his place looking inside. "Thank God!" He sighed and I for one couldn't help smiling.

We all slipped on our boots and crawled out and he pulled us all into his arms while he shook, he was fighting his tears. I will never get over the fact that All Might actually cares about me. I mean Deku? Of fucking course, Icyhot? Who couldn't love the sweet puppy? But me?

We were all giggling when Deku said, "We love you too Dad." We all just relaxed in his arms and he tightened his hold on us.

"Dad? Since when did you have any children?" Endeavor demanded, pissed as hell. I looked up and saw that his footprints were from a long way off, All Might shoved his ass clear across the lake. My hero is amazing.

"Dad, can we go home? If Icyhot's house burned down that means there will be a bunch of people here and we were enjoying our Christmas," I saw Deku give All Might his big round watery eyes. Can he cry on demand? I mean damn, it was like he was always ready to cry if needed.

"Of course! I'll tell your mother, gather your things." All Might answered, No one knows but All Might and Aunty Inko had a quiet wedding last month. We were the only people there at the court house but I have never seen Aunty look so happy before in her life. Deku's name was already officially changed right before winter break. So even his highschool diploma will say Yagi instead of Midoriya.

Endeavor was completely ignored, and Icyhot and I were living for it; acting as if it was totally normal. Then there was a giant boom and we all jumped and looked towards the 'house' and see a bunch of things covered in green.

"Looks like Mom is already here," Deku tried to laugh while Icyhot and I groaned. Aunty isn't exactly powerful unless she wakes what the hag and dad call the Green Demon. Then she is the most powerful person on Earth and even I will pity whoever is stupid enough to try and fight her.

"WHO-!" He all ignored Endeavor racing towards what was left of the building that Aunty was currently ripping apart using nothing at all but her quirk, her mind.

We arrived to find Aunty Inko covered in her own green light her eyes lit up with it as she searched from room to room looking for us.

"MOM! I'M OVER HERE!" Deku called out and we all started waving to help her see us and when she did she flew at us and grabbed us all, squeezing us in a group hug.

"My sweet babies!" She cried her scary Green Demon back to 'sleep' like my hag likes to call it. When she gets questioned later she will have no memory of holding entire rooms in the air with her quirk. When the demon was asleep she could only move small objects.

We calmed her down and All Might was telling her how we were all sleeping in what looked like an igloo and offered to show her the way to our handiwork and she jumped at seeing what we had created. By the time we reached the lake again we were all laughing and talking about building snowman's in the front yard when we got back to Deku's place.

Endeavor was following us around but he must have figured out that none of us wanted to either talk to him or answer his questions. Having said that, the way he was looking at Aunty Inko had my blood boiling.

"Aunty? Is there any chance of you making your spicy curry for dinner tonight? I know most people prefer-"

Aunty Inko cut me off getting excited with all of her plans, I kind of think she has been planning on how to get us home for dinner all day. "Of course Katsuki dear! I already have everything I need to make all of your favorites, katsudon for Izuku and even everything I need for cold soba for Shoto and of course his mother. We'll make it a big feast and Mitsuki just stocked us all with lemon ice cream and cocoa."

Icyhot hugged her before saying, "Thank you Aunty Inko, could I maybe invite my sister and brother as well?"

"I mean you could but they are already there, your sister is so helpful in the kitchen I really don't know how I would manage cooking for so many people but she is already waiting in the kitchen for me when I walk in trying to plan how to cook what." Aunty laughed and we all followed Aunty Inko and All Might to their car.

I reach over and kiss away a tear that managed to slip past Icyhot's eyelids. He has been getting emotional a lot lately, but almost everytime is because of Aunty Inko and All Might. It's like he doesn't know how to react in response to their affection. It was different from how Deku and I treated him, obviously, but for him it was just as new.

We climbed into their car leaving the dumpster fire standing there confused and generally baffled by what all he saw and heard while we all just rode back to help prepare another Christmas party. After all we did already go ice skating under the stars, we carried our gifts to Deku's room to leave until tomorrow when we all left for Kaminari's house. We didn't get to graffiti Endeavor's favorite car but whoever burned his house down kind of gave us a better show in the long run anyway.