
Baki Into Bleach

Baki is Transported to the World of bleach.

DrWright · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
28 Chs

Isane Kotetsu

Author's Note: Things feel like they're slowly falling into place. Remember to leave GOOD reviews and Powerstones. These are much appreciated. Can we go on a 7 day streak??? Depends on real world situations. Till next time!

Without wasting any more words, Baki swiftly maneuvered behind her at speeds she couldn't react to and grabbed her by the back of her neck, slowly lifting her up. "H-how!" the woman yelled. Baki's mind continued flashing back to the time Aizen had tricked him and surrounded him with blades. The more the thought entered his mind, the higher his hair rose and the more his eyes glowed. Baki's expression changed to one of a wide grin with veins surfacing on his face, looking as though they were about to explode. His grip on her neck began to tighten. "You gave me no choice…" Baki said, his grin persisting.

Refusing to stall any longer, Baki slammed the woman head first into the ground. The sound of the impact resonated throughout the whole area. Baki lifted her up once again, her face completely bloodied from the first impact. "Again.." Baki said with a gleeful tone. As Baki was about to slam her once more, he stopped himself. "What am I doing?" he questioned. He let go of the woman who now lay limp on the ground; she had long ago lost consciousness. Baki was disgusted; this wasn't normal behavior for him. "How did I lose control?" he contemplated.

"It was as if I was seeing that sneaky man, instead of this woman!" Baki mumbled. A feeling of shame began to overcome him; he had never imagined doing this to a woman he shared no real animosity towards. "Although she is a combatant, this in no way is an excuse to have been that brutal," Baki thought. The longer he looked at her pitiful state, the greater his feeling of shame and regret seemed to become. Wanting to make things right, Baki lifted her up and began running down the streets looking for the medical compound he had seen the first time he was in the Seireitei.

As he was about to turn a corner, he heard footsteps quickly approaching. Not wanting word of his evil deed to go around, he put a lot of strength into his legs and jumped into a tree that was a few meters away. He stayed silent without moving as he watched the Shinigami run out of sight. Once he was sure they were gone, he laid her down on the large branch they landed on and took off his shirt, using it to clean the blood off her face.

Baki began to get a painful headache that wouldn't let up. The images of the blades being held to his neck resumed flashing in his head. He clasped his head in his hands, from the searing pain. Pitch black. He was now floating in a dark space; this space was familiar to him; he had been here multiple times. It was his own mind. Baki had an intrinsic feeling that something was disrupting his rationality and he had to eliminate that thing.

He let his mind guide him to the source of corruption; the closer he got, the more pain he felt in his mental body. He had finally arrived at the place, or to put it better, the person that was causing the problem. It was none other than Aizen. "So, this was why he was so confident," Baki thought. The image of Aizen seemed distressed at the presence of Baki. The closer Baki got, the more Aizen's expression morphed, becoming inhuman. Hollow-like even.

Baki grabbed Aizen's image by the head and crushed it, causing it to implode. Baki slowly began to open his eyes. To his surprise, the woman seemed to be regaining her consciousness. A wave of relief passed over him. "How are you feeling?" he asked her. She blinked a few times whilst looking at Baki, as if trying to ascertain if she was dreaming or not. She sat up and pointed at him, whilst retreating "Y- you're!" she stuttered. She began reaching for her sword but it was no longer there, Baki had a feeling this would happen, so he unarmed her just in case.

"Listen, I'm truly sorry; I don't know what came over me," Baki began rambling. The woman was confused, "Why is an enemy sorry for attacking me?" she thought to herself. The longer Baki talked, the more amusing she found it, to the point she began chuckling. "You're really funny, you know that?" the woman said. She stretched out her hand, "I'm Isane Kotetsu, Lieutenant of Squad 4." Baki, surprised at her warm reaction, shook her hand and smiled back "I'm Baki," he replied.

"How long was I out for?" she asked. Baki, who had been unconscious himself, was unaware of the amount of time that had passed. "I'm not too sure.. I have a question though. This Aizen individual, what do you know about him?" Baki responded. "Captain Aizen? Well, he is a really kind person, and he is Captain of Squad 6," she answered. Baki furrowed his brow, "So they truly don't have a clue.." Baki wondered.

Isane looked at Baki and began to blush, handing over his shirt "Anyway just put a shirt on!" she yelled at him, trying to cover her face. Baki had forgotten he didn't have a shirt on; he found her reaction quite cute. Baki's expression began to become serious once more, "Aizen isn't who you think he is.. He's against the Soul Society. I don't know how much time has passed, but we need to immediately alert the others," Baki said.