
Baka for You

The baka moments throughout my life. Both mine and those I've seen. No particular order. Just what I remember one by one. Starting on March 1st

Gilbert_Enriquez · สมจริง
3 Chs

High School Graduation

This story will not be regarding my own dumb moment. It will just show everyone I am not the craziest person I know. Pass it on.

To start off this tale of one guy going all out for a prank, I have to talk about the guy in question. David Amaya. He is one of my greatest friends. Sadly, he's the kind of person who is crazy and has accepted it. In school, he always had to one up each thing. He never got any consequences. Plus, he had various deals with teachers to get out of classwork. But I'll talk about those in later chapters.

So, David decides to leave high school with a bang. There is a lot no one knows even now over 6 years later, but I can say without a doubt it was planned perfectly.

I knew I saw something wrong when he was sitting in the exact row in front of me. Let's get the order straight. There were 756 people in my graduating class. We were ordered by last name except for one person. That person was a pregnant girl who owed me money (Explanation in a later chapter, I promise). But even if we used any other order at the last minute, he wouldn't be there. First name? There were 15 guys named George and 17 girls with variations of Frankie. Not happening. Grade based? He was a C+ Student while I was considered number one in our class by almost everyone. (Reason why I didn't get Valedictorian in a much later chapter.) Even if we used last name basis, he would have been front row and 5th in line. So something was up.

Well, here's what happened. Both our rows were called and I was behind the stage. As I hear the words, David Amaya. Magically, the music changes to what would be heard in Magic Mike during the dance scene. I also hear a lot of commotion. The entire time, I'm behind the curtain listening to everything and seeing nothing. Well, I get out to get my diploma and I look at him walking around to his seat in an outfit that I believe was specially ordered for this. Not the cap and gown. No. He had on an outfit I wish I hadn't seen. He was dressed like a male stripper and had apparently thrown off his cap and gown before picking them up. I get to my seat, ask him was he drugged, and he simply replies no. His following answer was a given.

"I was just dancing."

So. Let's count the plan so far. Because this guy had done all this without someone who knew what they were doing. And it says a lot about the high school security. So, first off, he had a specialized programmer change his spot. That's a given. Yet, I am the only one he knew. And I would have done it free of charge as long as he could pull it off and take the blame. I'm not going to lie. I would have been laughing like crazy alongside everyone else. High school me was different. I blame the food, now I'm going to continue.

So, we got hacking to change his place.

Second, we changed into our caps and gowns inside of an sports arena with cameras in the changing rooms. Someone had to see the video of him getting ready and do nothing. If not that, they had teachers positioned to make sure we didn't goof off. I was forced out for simply taking a full minute to tie my tie. Still can't do it alone. But David was able to change into that outfit without getting caught? That'd be near impossible.

Hacking and stealth.

(I'm going something with this, but you'll see at the end.)

So. Final one was the music. It was premade by an extremely strict staff member. That means he made a deal or paid that staff member to put it in. No, it was not by button. The entire thing was on a CD and simply playing out of the sound system.

In 2015, too. Cheapest high school of all time is South San Antonio High School. Pass that on.

Either way, that music was just in time for his "performance". So something was up.

Now we have hacker, stealth, and ability to get others to join him.

(Anyone see it?)

So. One more thing to go. He also apparently did something else that no one else realized until later. The graduation cameras went down during his performance. Alongside the arena wifi and for some reason there was no way to record it without knowing what he was about to do. Which not one person could guess. Heck, his family couldn't even guess this was happening and he probably bought or ordered the outfit!

So, to finish off. My friend couldn't do well in school. Yet was able to plan this prank at graduation with enough hacking, stealth, people, and tech skills to actually get it done. My friend was secretly James Bond. To this day, no one has any idea how this guy got everything done perfectly. And how half of it was done without getting caught. But I am happy to say, I have an amazing story to tell others. Alongside a lot of other equally true and crazy moments. Keep on looking out for new chapters of Baka For You.