
Bad Reputation!{COMPLETED}

Harry Potter gets annoyed by both Dumbledore and Voldemort and decides that if his life is going to ruined he might as well live it his way then! ~~~ Harry Potter is not mine cause if it was I never ever would let my character be that stupid or a Gryffindor and last but not least I wouldn't have broken people's heart by being a heartless and phobic person.

White_Snow_Flake · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
1 Chs

Bad Reputation.

A/N: Timeline? What's that? (• ~ • )? so yeah this has no timeline cause of the music that I wanted to put in here also this is a really super long one shot fanfiction!

Warnings: Murder, Slave, Thieves, Stupidity, swearing...

Read at your own risk!

Now then! Enjoy! (o_ _)ノ彡☆


Harry was sick and done with all the bullshit Dumbledore and Voldemort brought into his life. It wasn't enough to kill my parents and orphan me -Voldy- or bring me to my abusive family -Dumbles- no they had to interfere every freaking time in my business.

I become friendly with a Slytherin or any other houses Dumbles call his minions -Hermione and Ron- to stop me. I get a beautiful year? Voldy or his minions will come and ruin that. Like what the fuck?!?

So I decided that during the summer break before the start of my third year I would stop with all this pretentious stuff I have been doing and be myself and if that includes killing that abusive family or those 'friends' of mine then so be it.


My list to help me do just that:

Get a new hairstyle because this bird nest is not gonna do it.

New muggle clothes.

Deal with my 'family' so they know who they are dealing with.

Visit the Wizarding world to fix my eyes and if there is nothing like that then some eye contacts will do.

Visit Gringotts. I need to know what I have and what I don't and to see if Dumbles is crazy enough to steal from me.

Visit Diagon Alley to get some Wizards clothes, a second wand, some books that will help me learn more about this world, a new trunk with an apartment in it, and anything else that I will need but haven't thought of it yet. And I have to get all of this without Voldy or Dumbles knowing.

Find a way to get a resorting.


Alright to get done with the first thing in my list. Magic.

' If I could bring back my hair when Petunia made me bald then I could grow it out too… I just need to put some magic and intent into it. '

I sat in a meditation position and started to do just that. At first I couldn't feel anything except the feeling of knocking on a door for something to let me out after a while a crack appeared letting out more magic than I used to have.

I felt a tickling motion on my scalp before my hair started to grow. For some reason my hair turned a darker black with dark green streaks that you wouldn't notice unless the light hit my hair and even weirder thing my skin became even more paler making it look like an almost healthy shade of white.

' Weird… Meh. ' ┐( ̄~ ̄)┌

Now that the first is done let's get to the second thing on my list. Muggle shopping.

Well since I first got this whole idea I have been stealing from my 'family' and by now I have two thousand dollars -they are richer than I first thought. So let's get to it! (✧ω✧)

' Hmm my style? Let's go with classy and bad boy kind of style. '

With my style thought out I went through a shopping spree.

Six hours later I was done. I put all the bags together in one place and used my magic and intent -since I have yet to learn the spell- to shrink them down to be able to be carried in my pockets. Done with that I headed 'home'. Time to deal with them.


It took an hour of getting back to that house which means I have been out for seven hours.

' They must have gone crazy by now. I wonder if they noticed two thousand dollars missing? ' I chuckled imagining their faces.

When I arrived in the living room it was to meet a red faced Petunia, a purple faced Vernon and a confused Dudley.

I couldn't help it. I laughed.

They looked confused by me laughing and a minute later while I was still laughing Vernon had enough that the purple shade that had resided came back full force making me fall into laughter again.


" Oh nothing... it's just… Hahaha… You guys… Look like… Circus… Hahahahaha! " I said trying to stop my laughter and failing so hard like for reals I have always had to hide my amusement and now since I decided to change that and become myself why should I?

" WHAT DID YOU SAY?! " Petunia shrieked.

" Merlin woman calm yourself. " I said, whipping my laughter tears.

It seems that was enough to bring Vernon back from his shock.


" Well no. This is my thank you gift. " I said in a cold and sharp voice that promised punishment. It cause Petunia to step back and for Vernon to stop short for a moment before his stupid brain threw cautions out of the window.

" YOU WILL GET IT BOY! " He said, picking up a wooden beating stick.

" Oh no I won't. " I said a maniac smile forming on my face and crazy toxic green eyes lighting up showing my magic.

" Vernon! "

Vernon looked back to find Petunia and Dudley face first on the ground looking like they had something heavy keeping them down.


" Do you ever talk without shouting? You're killing my eardrums. " I said instead of answering his question.

" YOU WILL ANSWER ME WHEN I ASK A QUESTION BOY!! " He said, bringing the stick down.

" A fuck it. I will just kill him. " I muttered under my breath then brought my magic out, killing him as painfully as possible but with less magic to make it look like he had a heart stroke from too much emotion and bad health. He died screaming. Good thing there seems to be a noise canceling ward around me since no matter how much I screamed when I was young no one would ever hear me.

" Now then… What to do with you? " I said looking at them. They just shrink back with fear in their eyes.

" Pl-please don't kill- " Petunia started saying.

" Oh I won't kill you guys. " I said that manic smile still on my face. " I'll just do something much worse. "

After saying that I made my magic do something that will make them slaves to me. Their eyes glazed up for a bit then returned to normal. They stood then bowed.

" My lord. " They said.

" Good. " I said even if my face and tone said otherwise. Muggles for servants. Especially these ones was what I could call a disgrace.

' Let's keep them alive till I can get my core and myself checked. That feeling I got when I was making my hair longer reminded me of what I read about cores being blocked. '


I ordered Petunia to call the hospital to tell them about Vernon and to act as shocked and sad as possible and she did it wonderfully that everyone thought it to be true and not an act.

After all that drama was done I checked my list to see what I still have left.

Get a new hairstyle because this bird nest is not gonna do it. ✔️

New muggle clothes. ✔️

Deal with my 'family' so they know who they are dealing with. ✔️

Visit the Wizarding world to fix my eyes and if there is nothing like that then some eye contacts will do.

Visit Gringotts. I need to know what I have and what I don't and to see if Dumbles is crazy enough to steal from me.

Visit Diagon Alley to get some Wizards clothes, a second wand, some books that will help me learn more about this world, a new trunk with an apartment in it, and anything else that I will need but haven't thought of it yet. And I have to get all of this without Voldy or Dumbles knowing.

Find a way to get a resorting.

' Seems like I still have a lot of things to do. Let's go to Diagon Alley tomorrow to get my eyes fixed and visit the bank and get some wizarding shopping done. ' I thought.


Morning brought a sunny but rainy feel and that's what I woke up to.

' Right then let's get ready. Today will sure be a long day. ' I thought.

I took a shower, brushed my teeth and hair -Put in a simple bun- then put on a black suit with a dark emerald shirt underneath and some black Leather Derby shoes. Finishing it off with some makeup to cover up the scar and a cologne that I liked -it smelled like fresh mint and a forest who wouldn't like that?.

Getting downstairs I was met with the smell of eggs and bacon and Dudley and Petunia standing there waiting for me. I nodded to them and went to eat the food as fast and gracefully as possible then left them with the orders to not make any trouble for me and that they should stay inside.

' I don't know if my magic "Spell" will stay forever or if it has any time limit or a spell to diffuse it so better let them stay inside stopping any chance of anyone removing the "Spell". ' Was my thought.


I called the Knight Bus -heard it from one of my acquaintances in Slytherin- and asked them to drive me to Diagon Alley and thanks to that I arrived earlier and secretly than I would have had I went through the Leaky Cauldron -Am pretty sure that Tom guy is working with Dumbles.

' First of all let's deal with the money problem then go shopping. '

Entering the Gringotts Bank I felt all eyes on me. Why? No clue. It could be that I don't pretend to be a stupid Gryffindor but a Slytherin meaning that I walk with purpose and grace that I learned from those same Slytherin acquaintances or the aura that I usually stop from leaking out is leaking out -that aura usually make people follow me thought the good and bad thing is that it brings those that have the same ideals as me and most of those are Slytherin and some Hufflepuff's and Ravenclaws. And of course there are other things that could be the reason why the wizards and witches were watching me even without my scar out in the open but I have no clue why the goblins are watching me.

' Weird things always happen around me. I guess being stared at by goblins isn't the weirdest thing so far. No. That would go with a basilisk staring at me and trying to kill me. ' I thought, deciding to just ignore the stares and focus on finding a free goblin.

Well I guess I didn't have to search since they came to me on their own asking me to follow them. I know it's stupid to follow people -or in this case creature- without knowing the why but my magic seemed to know that they weren't trying to harm me or something and calming me down so well I went with them even if I was still a little bit suspicious.


We went through what I would call a maze before arriving in front of huge golden doors.

" Harry Potter is here your majesty. " The goblin guiding me said.

' I didn't say my name and the only thing resembling myself is my eyes and glasses. Hmm next time I'll change my eye color since I'm pretty sure my acid green eyes are rare. Also did he say majesty? Why would I need to meet a royal?? ~ha~ This day has just started and I am already in the next big weird part of my story. My life right? '

" Bring him in. " A smooth but deep voice said from behind the huge doors.

The goblin guiding me nodded then opened the door with one hand.

' What the- How strong are goblins? Or is it magic? '

" Mister Potter. " The goblin said, opening the door for him to enter.

Entering through the door my eyes immediately landed on at least twenty goblins guard standing before a gold throne where the goblin king sat. The rest of the room was shiny and bright but not as important as watching the guards and being ready in any case they decide you need to go.

" Your majesty. " I said bowing.

" Rise. "

' I am surrounded by dramatic people. Wizards and creatures alike. ' I thought while following their orders.

" Forgive me but your majesty, did you need anything from me? " I asked as politely as possible.

' I remember reading somewhere that goblins like to get everything over and done with so that no time is used uselessly. I hope that that was the truth cause if not then... I am dead. ' I thought.

" You were needed in this bank since the first time that olf brought you here. We have tried to communicate with you since then but it seems that people don't want you knowing much. " The goblin king said.

' Let's see Dumbles or Voldy? My guess is Dumbles since Voldy is still "dead" ' I thought while nodding to the goblin for him to continue.

" We were going to use force to summon here if you didn't arrive or receive the letters by third year but fortunately for you, you came before that. " They said.

" Thank you, pardon me but may ask a question? " I asked.

" Go ahead. "

" What exactly do you need me here for if it was this big of an emergency? "

" You are have been stealed from and we the goblins can do nothing because of your wizards law. Dumbledore is one of those stealing from you. "

" Of course he is. " I said with as much venom as a human can possibly put in words.

The goblin king merely raised his right eyebrow with eyes that told anyone looking that they were impressed.

" I see. Well then we wanted to tell you this and one more important reason why you are here in the throne room. " The goblin said.

" Which is…? "

" You've come into a special heritage, You have become Master of Death over the summer. " They said.

' Master of Death? My life just keeps becoming weirder and weirder doesn't it? '

" And what does Master of Death mean…? "

" You are like a messenger for Death and protector of everything that Death owns or made on this planet. You may get more information if you participate in the Samhain ritual that happens every October 31." The goblin king said.

" Oook… Then when can I deal with the papers and information of what's happening with my vaults? "

" Ragnarok will help you with that. " A goblin came out behind the guards. " He will now be the Potters account manager as the last one is now being punished for letting money be taken by thieves. "

" Thank you and nice to meet you Ragnarok. " I said, nodding my head towards Ragnarok.


To save you the trouble of remembering everything and getting a headache I will summarize what happened my time with Ragnarok.

We left the throne room and went to where we could begin our business and I will say that James was a lazy ass. While alive he never touched money unless it was to use it never and I mean had he ever brought the money in the bank. The only reason that the Potters were still rich was because of our ancestor and the goblin's hard work.

After fixing the money problem -Which took 10 hours by the way so I had to eat lunch in the bank too and it seemed like I will eat dinner here too- we went and checked if I had any blocks, potions or spells that were and probably still are hindering me since that was the reason I came here in the first place and surprise surprise! I had way more than a normal person should and I should have been dead way before I turned five.

Apparently if it wasn't for my stupidly huge magic and magic core I would have died or turned into a machine that didn't know how to think by itself and only 'surviving' by magic only.

' And all of this was caused by Dumbles. Really this guy is asking for his own death. ' I thought, trying to keep my magic in check.

Because I am the Master of Death and also because of how many fucked up things happening to me I ended up getting a free exorcism from one of the goblin's healer. Thank goodness because with how much blocks, spells, and potions I had I would feel my heart shrivel out with how much I had to pay -of course I have the money and it wouldn't leave any dent in the amount I had but still that much of money would make any billionaire cry.


Thanks to all those things that I had to fix I ended up leaving Diagon Alley at 12 am.

' Merlin I hope that that's the last time I stay for that long in that bank! My back is killing me and I still haven't shopped yet but on the bright side I got my eyes fixed by the goblin healer so yay now my eyes are sharper and apparently I had the mage sight which explained why it was blocked ending with me and glasses. Jeez my life really is weird. '

The other thing I am happy about is that apparently I had a piece of Voldy' soul in my scar that could have made me and him connected and also he would never really die if that soul stayed in my head and they got that removed quickly. I mentioned to the goblins that Voldy may have made more since it seemed like he was deadly afraid of dying and they agreed with me promising me that they would find if there's more like them out there and destroy them.

" Ha~~ What a day! Let's get back to that house. I still need to wake up early tomorrow to start my shopping spree. "


* Next morning. *

Waking up I found the sky to be a bit… moody so for today I'll go with a black suit, a dark red undershirt and different black Leather Derby shoes, same cologne and this time I didn't even need to hide my scar since after the exorcism it healed by itself and for hairstyle? Half-up hairstyle. To finish it off I added a lot of warming charms to keep myself warm but not hot. I first checked my list to know what's left.

Get a new hairstyle because this bird nest is not gonna do it. ✔️

New muggle clothes. ✔️

Deal with my 'family' so they know who they are dealing with. ✔️

Visit the Wizarding world to fix my eyes and if there is nothing like that then some eye contacts will do. ✔️

Visit Gringotts. I need to know what I have and what I don't and to see if Dumbles is crazy enough to steal from me. ✔️

Visit Diagon Alley to get some Wizards clothes, a second wand, some books that will help me learn more about this world, a new trunk with an apartment in it, and anything else that I will need but haven't thought of it yet. And I have to get all of this without Voldy or Dumbles knowing.

Find a way to get a resorting.

' Alright. ' I thought.

Getting downstairs I found the exact same thing as yesterday. Ignoring Dudley and Petunia I went and ate my breakfast then took the Knight Bus to the exact same place and my shopping spree began!

' The world is so much more beautiful without those bulky glasses. ' I thought with a smile. A smile that made those that saw it stop for a moment.

" Well then let's go buy everything else. " I said under my breath.


At first the shopping was fun and relaxing but of corse I had to bump with the Weasleys and Hermione.

' Arg I don't wanna deal with them right now. I'll just ignore them. ' After thinking that I took my earphones from my pockets, connected them with my phone and played Bad Reputation by Avril Lavigne and clicked the repeating button.

' Thank goodness I fixed them so that they could work with magic. ' I thought.

An' I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation/ Never said I wanted to improve my station/ An' I'm only doin' good when I'm havin' fun/ An' I don't have to please no one/ An' I don't give a damn 'bout my bad reputation

Humming I passed the family but I didn't get three feet away from them before the bushy hair started to address me. I thought of ignoring her but then gave up on it, I want to know what she has to say.

' I don't look like Harry Potter so really what does she want with basically a stranger? '

I removed one of my earphones and turned to look at her direction. I raised my right eyebrow and asked;

" Yess? "

" How are you doing that? " She asked bossily.

" What? " I asked, looking at her with a questioning face.

" The song! Electronics aren't supposed to work in the wizarding world! " She shouted.

' Sheesh she doesn't have to get so overworked over it. ' I thought.

" Yes I know. I made it so that it could work in the wizarding world too. " I said as slowly as possible making it sound like am talking to a dumb child. That made her angry apparently.

" Give it to me!! " She screeched.

' The fuck? '

" And why should I do that? " I asked, looking at her like she was crazy.

" Cause it's mine and I'm the one who made it!!!. "

I didn't even bother to hide my thoughts.

" The fuck? Bitch get your own and try fixing it. " I said with a tone that said -You better shut up you disgusting thing before I shut you up myself.-

" Hey don't talk to her like that! " Ron joined.

By now a crowd had gathered around them.

" A Weasley? I see. " I said.

" What do you mean by that?!? " Ron shouted.

Ignoring him I turned back to Hermonie and said;

" If you want your own then make it yourself. " After saying that I put my earphones back and turned my back on them but not leaving myself vulnerable.

" Bombarda maxima! " She shouted.

I asked my magic to take the magic and absorb it till it doesn't exist while it did that I turned my probably deadly eyes on her.

" What. Do. You. Think. You. Are. Doing? " I asked, making the area we were in turn cold.

" W-w-what did you do! " Both Hermonie and Ron asked, trying to act strong and failing.

The Weasley twins and Mr. Weasley by now had stepped back showing that they had nothing to do with this.

' Interesting… I'll check on that later. '

" You'll regret trying to harm me, you understand? " I said deadly calm. I made my magic curse her to never ever get anything right and to have nightmares every time she closed her eyes.

' I can finally have a chance to get my revenge of course I would take it! ' I thought excitedly.

I left after saying that taking my overbearing magic with me leaving behind a dazed crowd.

' I wonder if that will get me in the newspaper? Hmm… If it does I want to see what the title will be. ' I thought with a maniac smile.


Expect for that encounter nothing else happened just the news being spread around and me ignoring them and doing my shopping.

' Let's see what else is left? '

Get a new hairstyle because this bird nest is not gonna do it. ✔️

New muggle clothes. ✔️

Deal with my 'family' so they know who they are dealing with. ✔️

Visit the Wizarding world to fix my eyes and if there is nothing like that then some eye contacts will do. ✔️

Visit Gringotts. I need to know what I have and what I don't and to see if Dumbles is crazy enough to steal from me. ✔️

Visit Diagon Alley to get some Wizards clothes, a second wand, some books that will help me learn more about this world, a new trunk with an apartment in it, and anything else that I will need but haven't thought of it yet. And I have to get all of this without Voldy or Dumbles knowing. ✔️

Find a way to get a resorting.

' Alright everything is done, just need to find a way to get a resorting. ' I thought.


For the rest of my time before school I studied and tried to find a way to get a resorting to no avail. I had gone back to Diagon Alley to get any books that could help me get any information about how to do that and since I couldn't find what I was looking for from Diagon Alley I went to Knockturn Alley -In disguise of course since I am apparently famous for using 'powerful wandless' magic at a young age.

I found quite a bit of interesting things there but not what I went to find so when the first of September came I had nothing other than my theory of if I asked for it I would probably get it. Hopefully.


* In the dining hall. *

' Wow I got more staring than when I was known as Harry Potter. ' I thought.

Listening to the sorting end I was going to ask for a sorting but the hat beat me to it.

" I ask for a resorting for Harry Potter! " The hat shouted, making the hall silent that you could even hear a rat running.

I stood up and walked graceful to the stool and put the hat on.

" How? " I asked the hat.

" Magic. " It said in an amused voice.

" Ok then what house am I getting this time. "

" Well of course the one you were meant to be in! " It said.

" Right Slytherin. " I said with a satisfied voice.

" Yup now go on. " It said to me before shouting for the dining hall to hear. " Slytherin! "

Making the dining hall that had finally gotten out of their surprise drown in it again.

' Huh did someone just faint? Wow wizards sure are dramatic people. ' I thought, walking to the equally surprised Slytherin table.

Seeing that I was still the center of attention I asked my magic to make me invisible, making some people gasp at my show of wandless magic.


Dumbles made his year's speech that I didn't listen to. I put on How You Remind Me Avril Lavigne and asked my magic to keep my music quiet from others.

I only removed my earphones and music when the food came. I also had to remove my invisible magic which made me the center of attention. Again.

' ~haa~ Whatever, let's ignore them and I am hungry. ' I thought, taking some food that didn't look unhealthy.

' Maybe I should ask the elves if they could cook some healthy food for me? I do after all need to grow out of my abused physical body. ' I thought, while eating the less greasy chicken.

After everyone was done eating Dumbles finished the night with another unlistened tiny speech and shooed us to our common rooms.


Standing up to follow the perfect my acquaintance joined me. Blaise, Theo, Draco, Daphne and Pansy.

" I see your plan worked? " Draco, who was at my left, said.

" I told you it would. " I said.

" Well it was hard to think that it would actually work. No one has ever gotten a resorting. " Blaise, who was at my right, said. The others were nodding along

" Well I guess there is a first for everything. " I said, chuckling.

" For you? Definitely. " Theo, who was at Draco's left, said.

" Of course. " I said, giving him a flirtatious and confident smile.

He blushed and looked away from me.

' How cute. ' I chuckled.

" You do gain attention from both bad and good luck. " Daphne, who was at Blaise's right side, said.

" Yeah he really does. " Pansy, who was at Theo's left side, said nodding along.

" Well thank you for the compliments. " I said laughing a bit.

' ~haaa~ I can finally be myself! ' I thought with relaxation spreading through my body and mind the closer we got to the Slytherin common room.


Get a new hairstyle because this bird nest is not gonna do it. ✔️

New muggle clothes. ✔️

Deal with my 'family' so they know who they are dealing with. ✔️

Visit the Wizarding world to fix my eyes and if there is nothing like that then some eye contacts will do. ✔️

Visit Gringotts. I need to know what I have and what I don't and to see if Dumbles is crazy enough to steal from me. ✔️

Visit Diagon Alley to get some Wizards clothes, a second wand, some books that will help me learn more about this world, a new trunk with an apartment in it, and anything else that I will need but haven't thought of it yet. And I have to get all of this without Voldy or Dumbles knowing. ✔️

Find a way to get a resorting. ✔️