

Coughing loudly, Tyle stumbled to the door. Only to discover it was surrounded by flames. As a huge amount of water drowned the flames, Tyle saw her mother shaking, her hands glowing green.

"RUN!!" her mother said, struggling to stand. As Tyle's legs were cascaded with bruises and scrapes. She could only limp to the door. As she looked back, she saw her mother laying on the floor.

Though her legs ached, Tyle ran back in. Looking for her sister, she found her father instead. Tyle's father was on the floor, not moving. As soon as Tyle realized that her father was gone, she ran to her sister's room. Tyle found her sister in the corner, crying.

Trying to take out the flames with water, she struggled. All she could manage was green sparks from her hands.

As a shadow loomed over her, water drowned the flames. As Tyle and her sister looked up, bright, red eyes stared at them as the moonlight started to shine.

As the person became visible, Tyle and her sister sighed in relief that is was their mother. As there mother picked them up, Emily asked, "What about papa?!".

Running with the twins, she said, "He can't come." as she kissed Emily's head, trying to shield the fact that he was dead. Shaking, their mother tried to teleport, but failed. "DAMNIT! It took my teleportation magic already?!" their mother grunted staring at the injection wound in her hand.

As their mother carried them through the door, a pistol was pointed to her head.

"Give us the twins." a voice said as their body was hidden in the shadows.

"Why a-are you d-doing this?!" their mother said, shaking.

"You break the law, the law breaks you." the voice said, sounding more stern this time. "Now follow my orders and put-the-twins-down." the voice demanded.

Their mother bent down, crying, putting them down. As the twins started to cry, their mother kissed their heads. Arms wrapped around the twins and pulled them away from their mother. They both cried and struggled as they were taken away from their mother. Their mother stood up and stared at her daughters.

"Stop struggling!!" one of the people that held them said.

The people retrained them with handcuffs. As the twins were being forced into the back of a can, their mother stared at them.

BANG!! The trigger on the pistol pointed at her head was pulled. As their mother fell to the floor, lifelessly, Tyle stared in horror.

A person with a mask came in front of them... smiling. Then shut the door to the van.



Gasping, Tyle's eyes sprung open, seeing the mess of light blue hair laying next to her in bed. The wolf ear in that hair twitched toward Tyle.

"You okay?" Lucas mumbled.

"I'm okay... I just had that dream again." Tyle whispered.

"It's alright." Lucas said, shifting to hug her in bed.

As Tyle dug her face into Lucas's chest, she started to cry. Lucas kissed her bat ear and petted her wings.

"It's okay." Lucas said, pressing her head into his chest. Tyle looked up and kissed him. As she pulled away she said, "I'm just glad that's all over." she giggled.

"Yeah." Lucas agreed and laughed a little.

"Now... let's get some breakfast." he said while having that signature soft smile plastered on his face.


As thay cooked together, Lucas asked, "Can you describe your dream?". Tyle sighed and Lucas panicked, "Not.... i-if... you... w-want... t-to!" he stammered.

Tyle chuckled, "It's okay." she said, smiling at him.

"It was just..." she paused.

Lucas's eyes widened, looking guilty as well.

"It was just a flashback of the day my parents died.... and me and my sister being taken to foster care." Tyle said then looked down, wanting to cry.

Lucas noticed and rushed over to comfort her. As he set her on the couch, he kissed her forehead.

"Let me worry about breakfast." Lucas said, handing Tyle a pillow.

"Tha-" Lucas pressed his finger on Tyle's lips.

"Don't ever thank me in circumstances like this. Ya hear me?" Lucas said with intense eyes.

Tyle nodded. As Lucas walked back to the kitchen, Tyle hugged the pillow. Curling up on the couch, Tyle closed her eyes. 'You break the law, the law breaks you.' the sentence crossed her mind. As she opened her eyes and saw Lucas making breakfast, she wondered why she deserved such a great fiance. Tyle just shrugged and closed her eyes once more, drifting off to sleep.