
Bad Girl Elizabeth

Bottlegirl234 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2 Chs


Hi guys, this is my first Seven Deadly Sins story on Webnovel so i hope you enjoy!

Elizabeth's POV:

My name is Elizabeth Liones. I go to Liones High which my dad owns but it doesn't stop me from being the worst girl trouble maker in the school. My school is divided in half. one side for boys and the other for girls. My brother, Ban tells me that the bad boy of his side is meliodas. I have seen him at lunch and at the end of the day and he looks so handsome with his Dark orbs for eyes and his blonde spiky hair.

We have assembly today which i hate the most but we all have to go. I get to sit next to meliodas in the front just to make sure we don't 'accidentally' blow up the school. Sitting on the left of me is Meliodas and sitting on the right is my best friends and my partners in crime: Elaine, Kings sister, Diane, who has a crush on King, Gelda, who has a crush on meliodas's brother, Zeldris and finally merlin who has a secret crush. On the left of Meliodas was my brother, Ban who likes elaine, King who likes diane back, escanor, who likes merlin and Zeldris who likes Gelda. The principal announced that we were going to live in dorms and showed who we were going to live with. Me and meliodas's crew got our own builiding to live in. This is who lives with who:

Me & Meliodas

King & Diane

Elaine & Ban ( King highly disagrees)

Zeldris & Gelda

Merlin gets her own room

Escanor gets his own room

i have to share a room with MELIODAS! WHAT THE HECK! I looked at meliodas and his face went from shock to a cheeky grin.

"i guess it's me and you Princess." meliodas said with a smile

Blood rose to my cheeks and i looked away embarrassed. My Best friends looked at me with shock and snickered. I annoyingly asked what they were laughing at and they said me.

E~ "Why what is so funny about me?"

G/El/M/D~ " Your blushing about what Meliodas said to you.."

E~ "EHH!"

G/El/M/D~ " do you like him?"

E~ " yes, I like him alot..."

G/El/M/D~ " once you get into your room kiss him then confess

i nodded and smiled at them. this is why they are the best.

They laughed at me while i pouted. Why do they have to be so mean sometimes...

Meliodas's POV:

Hi I'm Meliodas Drakken, the Bad boy of the school. I have a small crush, no a big crush on The Bad girl of school, Elizabeth Liones, I don't need to introduce my best friends and brother because you already know them. we had to go to assembly which is so boring but it's compulsory. I got to sit next to Elizabeth which made my heart leap out of my chest but i went to focusing on the principal. He told us we were moving into dorms and the trouble makers AKA me and Elizabeth's crew got our own building. SWEET! they showed us our Roomates and my cheeks suddenly went red. I was sharing a room with Elizabeth. I quickly calmed down and looked at Elizabeth with a my signature grin i said

" i guess it's me and you Princess."

She blushed and i smiled thinking her blue eyes and blush are cute.

The principal finished off saying

" Take the rest of the day off, go home, pack your bags and get settled into your dorms tonight."

we cheered and left in a hurry. not to mention it is mating season and i think i found my mate.

Time skip brought to you by Online school and DAT!

As soon as i entered the room me and Elizabeth shared she looked at me and smiled.

E/M~ can i ask you a question?

E~ sure!?

M~ Ok.

M~ Can i kiss you?

Her face erupted but she nodded. I walked up to her dipped her and kissed her. i entwined our hands as she kissed back. i bit her bottom lip as i asked for permission which she granted. we parted to catch our breath as i asked her another 2 questions.

M~ what race are you and can i mark you since you're my mate.

E~ Yeah you can mark me but you have to explain what it does first and i am the daughter of the supreme deity, so a highly ranked Goddess. what about you?

M~ Well you don't get a goddess who is the daughter of the supreme deity as your mate everyday do you now. my race is demon as you can see and i am the First Prince of the demon clan, Meliodas.

we talked about marking her and she would wake up in 1 hour she nodded and smiled. she told me she was ready. i sucked her neck trying to find a sweet spot which i did and marked her there, i bit her hard enough for it to draw blood and she passed out as some of my darkness went inside her.

Time skip brought to you by the author's laziness

Elizabeth's POV:

i wake up to see Meliodas snuggled beside me. i check the time. It's 6:50 pm and dinner is in 10 minutes. I'm glad Ban is cooking because once meliodas came over to our house and he cooked me something i nearly DIED. I try to wake him up but i failed so i kissed him. He shot his eyes open and pulled me closer to him. we broke apart catching our breath as i whispered dinner is in 5 minutes. we got changed but before i left i checked the mark. it was only half done because we needed to do it i blushed just thinking about it. he quickly tugged me towards him and snaked his arms round my waist. I told him if ban saw him being hugged and marked by him he would surely flip because i am his little sister after all. He didn't really care and said he could take ban. We made our way to the dining table. Ban saw me then Meliodas around my waist. His face went from a smile to an angry face. He came closer to me and saw my mark on my neck. That's when he flipped


M~ " She's mine Ban."


M~ " Doesn't mean i can't mark her."

As they continued to argue i went over to Gelda and saw a mark on her neck.

E~ "Ooh Gelda, i guess you and Zeldris hit it off then?"

she blushed and nodded while i looked at Zeldris who seemed embarrased i mouthed at him " Well done" as he mouthed back " thank you, Well done with blond perv" I laughed at his sentence as meliodas looked at me and then Zeldris. His aura changed and i could tell he wasn't happy that Zeldris made me laugh. He was walking up to Zeldris Muttering to himself. I stopped him and kissed him there and then. The anger on his face melted and he became happy again. Zeldris mouthed "sorry and thank you' while i mouthed back no problem.

Meliodas's POV:

we made our way down stairs and Ban got pissed at me and we stared arguing. Elizabeth went off to go talk to Gelda and then she stopped and looked at Zeldris. he was mouthing something that i couldn't understand. She giggled at what Zeldris said which made me angry. it wasn't her usual giggles it was her cute happy giggles which were very rare. My inner Demon got very possessive and wanted to punch Zeldris, i guessed she knew that and to calm me down she kissed me which helped my anger a lot. Everyone just stared at us.

E/M~ What

Z/G/El/D/K/M/E~ you guys are cute together!

D/El/G~ What are your nicknames for each other?

we pondered it for a bit but i thought of one

M~ Ellie

E~ Meli

The girls squealed and started fangirling which was a pain.

We had eaten and went back to our rooms.

Bottlegirl234's POV:

The first prince Meliodas and the Daughter of the supreme deity showed their love to eachother by completing the mark which makes Meliodas and Elizabeth Jelous of anyone touching their soulmate. How will the next 2 months be like ( thats how long mating season is in this book)

Now that is chapter 1 of Bad Girl Elizabeth i hope you guys enjoyed it!

Words used: 1444