
Bad Girl Elizabeth

Bottlegirl234 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2 Chs

Chapter 1

Welcome to chapter 2! Enjoy!

Elizabeth's POV:

I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes. I tried to stretch only to see i had only a baggy t- shirt on and Meliodas snuggled beside me, shirtless. I giggled as i started to play with his blond hair. before i knew it i was flipped over being kissed by yours truly, Meliodas. i melted into the kiss as it became more heated and be broke apart. he opened his eyes and i was taken aback by his emerald orbs that were staring into my blue ones.

E~ your eyes, they are amazing.

M~ since you are my mate you are the only one that gets to see them.

i smile as i flipped him over and kissed him. he blinked then pulled me closer to him. We were interrupted by my brother knocking on the door telling us breakfast was ready. Meliodas groaned but i briefly kissed him and got off the bed to get ready for school. I went to go look at the mark in the mirror. it was meliodas's demon mark with my 4 wings at the side. i asked him if he had the same and he nodded in reply. I looked at the time, 8:45 am, we have 15 minutes till school! i grab his hand and rush down stairs, i quickly greet everyone and sit down, i was sandwiched between King and Escanor. He did not look happy so i ate my food quickly and went to go sit on Meliodas's Lap which angered Ban a lot but made Meliodas happy. I snuggled into the crook of his neck while he chatted and ate his food. I looked at the time again. WE ARE AN HOUR LATE. I start to panic and my 4 wings burst out of my back. my eyes had changed colour people were shocked. Tears welled up in my eyes as i ran out of our building up into the clouds to go sit on them and i cried my heart out. no-one knew my true identity apart from Meliodas not even my family or best friends, they will leave me and never trust me again, they will hate me i thought. i brought my knees to my face sobbing and rocking myself back and forth.

'Meliodas i'm lonely please come...' i pleaded to myself.

Meliodas's POV:

Everyone was shocked, well apart from me. Once she had left everyone questioned me and they looked angry, that's when i heard Elizabeth, my Elizabeth. Our minds and thoughts were connected so it wasn't a surprise. She sounded so distressed. I quickly activated my demon mark and left while i heard people shouting my name telling me to answer their questions. I let out my demon wings and took to the skies. i found her and hugged her, telling her it was all right as she sobbed into my chest. i pulled her away from my chest just to see her orange eyes that were now had a red ring around them and her red button nose. I kissed her on the lips which de-activated my powers and hers as well. The kiss intensified as i pulled her closer to me and slipped my tongue in. We broke apart as her blue eyes locked with mine. she smiled and pressed her lips against mine again.

Elizabeth's POV:

After Meliodas came and calmed me down i popped the cloud we were sitting on and reactivated my powers as he did the same and flew to school. As we flew down we weld hands not caring if people knew i was a goddess. It was lunch right now and people filled me in that the Principal merged the 2 sides of the school together i went to my locker to get my books and then someone shoved me to my locker, it was Liz, The person that has had a crush on meliodas instantly.

L~ Stay away from my man Elizabeth!

She threw a punch at me which i dodged and i grabbed her arm, twisted it and kicked her in the stomach as she winced in pain. She called out to her minions and they started punching me until i quickly whipped them off their feet and kicked them until they coughed out blood. I walked over to Liz, while everyone gawped at me in awe, this is why i'm the bad girl of the school, i picked her up by the collar and spoke to her loud enough so every girl could hear.

E~ He is Mine. and if you ever talk, breath, look or even think about him i will personally hunt you down and kill you with my bare hands.

i let her go and spat at her walking to the bathroom to go clean myself up.

Meliodas's POV:

I had seen Elizabeth fight Liz and her minions and DAMN she looked badass. I flew to where we were going to eat lunch to see her fluttering in the air looking tired she had bruises all over then she fainted. I quickly panicked as zoomed to catch her, which i did, held her in bridal style and carried her to our room.

Time skip brought to you by my hands swelling!

Elizabeth's POV:

I woke up feeling sore all over i tried to move but strong arms were wrapped around my waist probably having a dream about me. i checked my Instagram and saw me and Liz's fight loaded on there. I mentally cursed my self. I tried to move but he kept bringing back onto the bed. O smirked as i thought of an idea to wake him up. i forced myself to cry and called one of my friends which i hated and didn't mind being torn apart. I pulled him on top of me and took off my jumper only having my bra on and started to whimper and cry. I heard Meliodas open one eye and then opened them fully. I could tell he was filled with rage.

M~ What are you doing with MY WOMAN!

i continued to whimper and then cried then finally sobbed. This was all part of my plan.


friend~ Nothing i swear! i was-


friend~ I'm sorry, I'm sorry AHHHHHHHHHHH....

i covered my ears not wanting to hear his screams and Meliodas dragged him outside went really high and dropped him. all i heard was a big SPLAT! I saw Meliodas come in and look at me. He ran over to me and kissed me. I guess that was his way of calming himself as well as me down. I pulled away and asked him " are we dating?" He just nodded and pilled me back into the kiss we were having. I was enjoying myself too much that i started to glow. then Out of my back came ten wings. Meliodas looked at me shocked we broke apart and he stared at me confused. I panicked and ran out of the window hearing him call my name, I flew as fast as i could. I could see Gelda and she saw me. I gestured my hands for her to come so she jumped and i caught her. I told her i had to be away from Meliodas and i told Zeldris that as well. i also told him to tell Meliodas i was sorry and then we left to my cloud house in the sky

Time skip brought to you by dinner

Meliodas's POV:

It's been a month and Elizabeth hasn't come back. It's all because of me. I miss her Everyday and i don't know where she is. I tried asking Gelda but she said that she didn't remember. she was dropped back in the middle of the week in the night. maybe she erased Gelda's Memories so she doesn't tell me where she is. Then suddenly i heard a knock on my door, i quickly opened it to only see Gelda.

G~ i remember where she is!

My heart rejoiced at the thought of finding her

M~ where is she?

G~ she is in the clouds above school!

I thanked her and she left my room, i quickly put on shorts and a shirt and headed for the skies. That's when i saw a cloud house, i went towards the door and i heard whimpering and sniffles. I could hear soft whispers of my name. i opened the door and she looked straight at her and she looked at me. i could tell she wanted to run into my arms but was to scared. She got up activated her powers and ran away. I quickly regained my senses and grabbed her hand.

E~ Let me go meliodas!

M~ no, tell me why you have been gone soo long my heart couldn't take being away from you. The demon in me nearly died from being this far and this long away.

E~ I-I couldn't risk hurting you. When i activate my Supreme deity form its dangerous to be around me and i could kill you.

~ Flashback ~

Elizabeth went to Camelot Elementary where their were people of every type of Race. She was Bullied a lot and one day she activated her powers and nearly killed everyone there. She didn't come out of her room and was home schooled until joining high school.

~ Flashback End ~

E~ The person that stopped me then was a boy with blond hair and green eyes...

M~ Blood-stained Ellie... Ellie that was me! i was that boy!

Shock rose to her face then tears started to fall. She was so tired that she fell backwards and was falling to her death. I screamed and dived towards her and held her in a Bridal hold. I flew back to the building because it was 7:30 am. i walked in and i saw Ban cry. I saw Elizabeth groggily wake up and pulled into a hug by Ban which she returned back. she let go only to stumble backwards, her knees shaking, i caught her and took her to our room. I placed her on our bed. I was about to leave when she tugged at my shirt. I turned around to see her whimper in fear of being left alone. i sat back in bed while she snuggled up to my chest smiling.

I heard her Whisper " i love you Meli"

i kissed her forehead as i whispered

" I love you as well Ellie"

Thats the end of chapter 2 folks! 2 chapters in one day! wow i'm impressed with myself!

Words used: 1785