
bad boys love

mylifeforever12 · อื่นๆ
4 Chs

chapter 1

Luna:*walks to school silently with no friends to talk to and she is to shy to make friends*

Kyle: *rides his motorcycle as he passed by he saw Luna and a couple of other students but his eyes were mostly on the road and Luna*

As Kyle arrives Luna arrives and walks into a group of bullies as she didn't notice

Group of bullies: *pushes Luna around and starts to mess with her*

Kyle: *walks over to the group and luna* leave her alone or it's going to get real nasty

All the group members turn around and see Kyle had a knife and the bullies walk into the school

Luna: *falls to the ground and a couple of tears go down her face as she wipes the tears away*

Kyle: *walks over to Luna* are you ok *he puts away his knife and holds out his hand for her to let him help her up*

Luna: *looks at him softly and nods

Kyle: *smiles* I know your sad but cheer up those douchebags pick on everyone but why are you alone?

Luna: I have no friends here *takes him by the hand*

Kyle: why do you say that

Luna: I'd rather not talk about it *looks at him softly*

Kyle: I see *he looks into her beautiful blue eyes and pale skin as he then pulls her close to him*

Luna: *blushes* w...what a...are y-

Kyle: *smiles and pulls her towards his chest*

Luna: *blushes even more and runs inside the school to get to class*

Kyle: *shrugs it off and goes to his class*

At the end of the day everyone went home and Kyle felt as if he wanted something like if a little kid wanted chocolate but his heart knew what it wanted it wanted Luna