
Back to the year 2000: Scourge my wonderful wife

[What I owed you in my last life, I will pay you back ten thousand times in this life! 】 He, Jiang chu, was known as a scum doctor, and was disdained by the medical community and the world. With the remorse of suicide and top-notch medical skills, he was reborn 20 years ago.

DaoistmeKSxE · สมัยใหม่
50 Chs

Chapter23: Jiang Chu's Views

Liang Hua lit another cigarette and asked casually.

"In fact, not only the anesthesiology department, but all departments are the same. In the future, they will definitely develop towards precision and science. They will follow evidence-based medicine and conduct refined diagnosis and treatment according to the guidelines."

Jiang Chu did not hesitate, but simply said: "Take the anesthesia method as an example. Nowadays, many surgical anesthesia, such as mastectomy and cholecystectomy, also use epidural anesthesia. This high-level anesthesia method itself The safety is poor, the analgesic and muscle relaxant effect is poor, and large doses of sedatives are not dared. Patients will feel fear during the operation, and the surgeon will feel that the muscles in the surgical area are tense, which will increase the difficulty of the operation."

"In the future, this high-level anesthesia method will inevitably be replaced by general anesthesia, because general anesthesia will have the greatest protection, convenience and positive effects on patients, operators and anesthesiologists."

"Another example is the selection of anesthetic drugs, inhalation anesthesia."

Jiang Chu talked eloquently.

Introducing the concept of the next ten or even twenty years.

These are not specific methods of operation, just a concept.

However, it was this concept that opened a new door in front of Liang Hua!


Liang Hua never thought that the future of anesthesia would have such great development.

Of course,

a lot of things,

With Liang Hua's current knowledge and ability, he feels that it is just an idea and may not be realized.

It's not Liang Hua's fault, either.

after all,

A person's understanding of the outside world will be determined by many factors such as his or her position, knowledge, experience, and vision.

Finally, when Jiang Chu was about to go home, Liang Hua was even reluctant to leave.

After returning home, Jiang Chu found that Ye Qingxuan had locked the door of the room.

Jiang Chu didn't force the door open. He knew that Ye Qingxuan needed some time and he couldn't be too anxious.

After washing, Jiang Chu went to the second bedroom to sleep.

Before going to bed, Jiang Chu thought about what happened today.

"Although this operation is a bit thrilling, it is not too difficult."

Jiang Chu recalled the entire operation process. This was also a habit he had developed over the years. After the operation, he would inevitably recall the entire operation and analyze the gains and losses.

"However, when I used my hands to separate them bluntly, I could clearly feel that my hands couldn't keep up with the control of my brain."

"That is to say, the movements I think about in my mind cannot be completed with absolute accuracy by my hands!"

"This is the reason why my body has not been strengthened."

Jiang Chu immediately found the root cause: "It seems that I must conduct intensive training, otherwise it will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble when encountering delicate operations."

As for training methods?

Jiang Chu used fine carvings in his previous life.

On the radish, use a carving knife to perform extremely fine operations, thereby exercising the flexibility of the hands, micro-manipulation, cooperation with the brain, etc.

Seems simple,

But it is extremely difficult to actually do it.

Moreover, this is only the first step. It may require a lot of surgeries to polish it. To put it bluntly, it means practicing with real patients!

Fortunately, Jiang Chu has experience. In this life, he does not need to use patients to practice, he only needs to strengthen himself.

Not only the operation of the hands is strengthened, but also the physical strength, endurance, and even holding in urine need to be strengthened!

After all, some operations take more than ten hours, which greatly tests the surgeon's physical strength and endurance, well, and the ability to hold in urine!

Jiang Chu had some concerns in his heart and fell into a deep sleep.

Ye Qingxuan didn't sleep.

Ye Qingxuan heard every move Jiang Chu made after he came back.

She was worried inside, fearing that Jiang Chu would drink again, come back and act drunkenly with her, and do something to her!

This has formed a kind of fear that did not disappear from the moment Jiang Chu entered the house to when Jiang Chu entered the small bedroom alone.

"Unexpectedly, he really came back before nine o'clock."

Looking at the time, Ye Qingxuan was a little surprised.


Judging from Jiang Chu's careful movements, there was no smell of alcohol in the air, nor did he look like he was drinking.

"Could it be that he really didn't drink tonight?"

Ye Qingxuan felt faintly moved in her heart.

A night of silence.

Early the next morning,

Ye Qingxuan discovered,

Jiang Chu still got up early and prepared breakfast.

Wait until you get up,

He even saw that Jiang Chu had squeezed the toothpaste and put it in the bathroom.

For a moment, Ye Qingxuan was at a loss.

Breakfast is very simple, white rice porridge, mixed with shredded potatoes, and the fish that I didn't finish yesterday.

Ye Qingxuan ate breakfast absentmindedly.

Suddenly, she said without raising her head:

"My hand is almost healed. Today I am going to go out and find a job. I can no longer sit at home and have nothing to do."

Hearing this, Jiang Chu pondered for a moment and then nodded.

"Qingxuan, I don't object to you going out to find a job, but I have some requirements."

Ye Qingxuan raised his head and looked at Jiang Chu with an expressionless face.

"You can't be too tired, let alone take risks! Only if you promise me can I promise you to go out and find a job."

Ye Qingxuan pondered for a moment and then nodded.

"Okay, then eat more!" Jiang Chu was delighted when he heard this. He was really afraid that Ye Qingxuan would do some hard work in order to earn more money.

From Jiang Chu's perspective,

Ye Qingxuan stays at home every day, so why not go out and find something to do? Firstly, it can relax her mood, secondly, she can interact with other people more, and thirdly, she will not be out of touch with society.

Both men and women need something to do at any time.

After breakfast,

Jiang Chu said goodbye to Ye Qingxuan, took the plaster and walked towards the hospital.

I went to the internal medicine department today and saw that there are many patients who are bedridden for a long time, especially patients with cerebral hemorrhage and sequelae of cerebral infarction. Most of them are malnourished and their families do not take care of them properly, resulting in the formation of bedsores.

This plaster just has a place to be used.

In 2000, the production and use of drugs were not so strict, and many hospitals had homemade in-hospital drugs.

If Jiang Chu wants to get the first pot of gold, he relies on this plaster in his hand.

Arriving at the department,

Li Haitao, Yang Fei, Hu Qiang and others are all there.

Seeing Hu Qiang, Jiang Chu's eyes couldn't help but narrowed slightly.

When Hu Qiang saw Jiang Chu, he couldn't help but panic, and looked at Li Haitao next time.

Li Haitao secretly cursed trash in his heart.

Then without waiting for Jiang Chu to speak, he said directly: "Keli has been busy recently. Everyone should do their own work and don't do anything unrelated to work!"

"Yes, Director Li!"

When Hu Qiang heard this, he immediately said: "I originally wanted to report to you about the bet that Jiang Chu and I made yesterday. I wanted to clean the toilet in the morning, but the security section chief said that this was the job of the cleaning staff and he would not let me. Dry."

"Corey is so busy now, so let me put this matter aside for now, right?"

As he spoke, Hu Qiang looked at Jiang Chu.

The meaning is obvious,

I want to work, but the other party won't let me do it. Corey is also busy, so I can't do it either!