
Growing Up - Introduction

How pitiful.


I entered middle school as a happy, average child, I had everything that would make me happy. That's when reality hit, the worst part of school, the people. You never know what kind of rumors they spread, or what actions they can do to harm you. Reputation was all they cared about, they never cared about how others felt.

I was one of the victims of these people.

I spent my years trying to keep up with all of it. I could never stand up against them, I was the most useless, weak, usable person at the time.

That's why, when I was at school, wasting my life, at home I have done everything to make myself look better and to have a more straight mindset. I've learned how to self defense, how to ignore shitty rumors spreading. I've gotten rid of that heavy body of mine.

I joined a outside of school club, it taught boxing. I thought it might be worth a go, I've trained over and over, losing weight and growing muscles, strength, or violence, the most powerful thing you will ever need to keep yourself alive during school.

I've grown up from my past self and I am now finally what you can call, "a strong person".

But overall, I haven't gone to school. And it would stay that way for two years.