
Back For My Daughter

To everyone who has been with our small family for these years, it's been a really lovely time getting all your care and blessings. But it hurts to inform you all that, this novel will have to be on hiatus for a year at least due to my personal life and its goals. But it's a promise to not just you all, but also to the little girls that this longing won't be for long. As we have a rule, never abandon your family, even if it takes a while, you have to face them. And this family that we have formed in these years, is not something that I can dare to abandon. Be it you all, or be the characters who are alive deep in my own heart and soul. For me, the girls are real and so are you all. Maybe by the time when we meet again will not be the same and many things might have changed, including your preference for stories and also many things that we can't imagine right now. But no matter what, we have to complete what we have started and in the right way. I hope this will not cause you all to be mad at the characters, it's fine to be a bit mad at me though. All I hope for you all is to love the book and yourselves. It hurts me even more to say this, HaoShu (Qiqi's Papa) __________ "Dad promises that I will always be there with you, my little baby." It was Ye Qian's promise to his child who was yet to be born. However, fate didn't seem to agree as it took his life in the form of an accident before he could see his little one's face. The promise that was made to his wife and daughter reverberated as he left the world, just two months before the child was born. He died, but his soul transmigrated to another body in a different realm. 5000 years of deliberate cultivation in the heavenly realm as a venerable, helped him to reveal the secrets that could pave way for his return to the mortal world. Finally, he achieved the ultimate power to break through the spatial tear and return to earth. "Don't worry, my baby. Dad is on the way to meet you," He chanted as he confronted the tribulation. Even when earthly suppression depleted his cultivation, he frets not. All he wants is to meet his family and fulfil the word he once gave to his daughter and her mother. Let's accompany Ye Qian on his journey to search for his family and witness his efforts to keep his wife and daughter happy as he helps them to cultivate, for an eternity together. Join Ye Qian on a journey where he struggles against the norms of the world. ______________________________ Note: The story will have 2K + chapters, and all this happens within a time of 1 or 1.5 Years of the story, so the Story is bound to have a very slow pace. Hope you guys enjoy it.

HaoShu · สมัยใหม่
1270 Chs

Qiqi's Egg Rolls

While the sun was setting and the moon was rising in the sky spreading its coldness in the surroundings.

In a house, within its kitchen.

A little girl who seemed too cute to be true had a grim expression on her face as she was concentrating on all her efforts.

She was a little beauty nonetheless, but now her expressions were grim as if she was facing the biggest challenge of her life.

And in front of her was her nemesis who seemed to be a small dough ball, which was extremely small and just stood there on the table.

While the girl held her weapon, the wooden roller to take control of her nemesis and subjugate it into an Egg roll wrapper.

She had small beads of sweat forming and dripping from her head.

She was also completely covered in the battleground "soil" 'the flour'.

She looked at her nemesis dough ball and attacked it without mercy as she first punched him down then used her weapon to roll it down on the table as she sprinkled some "soil" on her enemy.

Finally, after a few minutes of a tough battle with her nemesis the small dough ball, she won the fight with an accomplishing victory.

She heaved a sigh of relief as a bright smile appeared on her face as she turned to her "Comrades".

"Papa see it is more like Mumma's!"

The girl exclaimed while pointing her weapon "cough cough" the wooden roller to her nemesis, the dough ball which looked into a different state than before.

"See didn't I tell you, you will get even better after some time."

Ye Qian called out as he walked to her and gently patted a soft towel on her face and head which had many sweat beads.

"Fuu fufu."

Ye Qian slightly blew cool air on her to make her feel better.

"Hehehe Papa it tickles so much."

Little Qiqi giggled as Ye Qian blew some air on her while wiping the sweat off her forehead and face.

"See how much flour is on my Butterfly, gee the flour has even stuck in your hair."

Ye Qian said as he patted the flour on her small frock dress.

There was flour flying in the kitchen as Little Qiqi giggled.

"Papa you should do the same to Mumma she is also tired"

Little Qiqi suddenly said while pointing at Yuan Meng who also had some sweat beads on her forehead.

Hearing her Yuan Meng's face turned red as she thought of what they were about to do before Little Qiqi walked into the kitchen.

She glanced at Ye Qian bashfully with a ting of rosy red on her cheeks.

"Yes yes, don't worry Papa will also help Mumma get fresh now."

Saying that Ye Qian turned to Yuan Meng and stepped toward her while carrying a small towel.

Yuan Meng was sitting on the chair after she was finished rolling the wrappers.

As Ye Qian walked toward her she didn't know what to do and looked at him in a daze with her eyes fluttering at a very fast pace.

Ye Qian came near her and brought the towel to her forehead and gently patted it a few times to soak the sweat, as he continued to blow some cool breeze from his mouth.

Yuan Meng felt a chill as she shuddered as the breeze swept on her face, her goosebumps started to rise as he blew on her again.

Ye Qian then gently blew the hair off her face which was stuck because of sweat and smiled at her after he was finished.

Yuan Meng felt her heartbeat speed up as she started to blush and felt embarrassed that only Ye Qian's breath affected her so much.

Ye Qian then turned to Little Qiqi and said.

"Hey, Little Butterfly how does your Mumma look now."

Yuan Meng was in her own thoughts as she heard him calling for Little Qiqi.

Little Qiqi's eyes brightened as she watched how her Mumma who was tired a while ago was looking so fresh and even had a rosy shade on her cheeks.

"Mumma is looking so beautiful."

Hearing Little Qiqi, the blush on Yuan Meng's face brightened as she shifted her gaze around the kitchen.

Little Qiqi exclaimed as she jumped from the chair and ran to Yuan Meng.

But before she could come closer, a hand stopped her from going any more forward.

Little Qiqi looked at the hand and beckoned.

"Papa, why do you stop Qiqi?"

Little Qiqi was having a wronged expression.

"Now my Butterfly, look."

Ye Qian said as he pointed at her dress.


Little Qiqi looked at herself and then at Ye Qian with confusion.

Ye Qian shook his head and continued while he patted her head.

"See the flour is all on your dress and hairs, if you now hug your Mumma, she will also get dirty."

Though Yuan Meng was wearing a bathrobe now, it would really be and if she had to take a shower once again.

"Hehehe, sorry Papa Little Qiqi will go to bath again."

Little Qiqi giggled as she ran towards the bathroom once again.

Ye Qian smiled at her fading figure in amusement and nodded his head.

With that Ye Qian turned to Yuan Meng and asked.

"Shouldn't you go with her Mengmeng?"

Ye Qian smiled as he saw that she was still blushing and looking around.


Yuan Meng nodded and stood up as she heard him and walked to the bathroom behind Little Qiqi.

Ye Qian smiled and went back to the filling which was needed to be turned cold, so he placed it in the fridge and sat on the chair while closing his eyes.


After about fifteen minutes a giggle sounded in the house as Little Qiqi ran out of the bathroom this time wearing a sleeveless dress with a Unicorn and Flower Print.

It had lively colours just like how lively Little Qiqi was herself.

This time Little Qiqi's hair was washed and she was wearing a bun made of a small towel to dry her hair.

She ran straight to the kitchen followed by Yuan Meng who was still having a few drops of water on her.

Little Qiqi entered the kitchen and saw Ye Qian sitting while closing his eyes.

Little Qiqi studied him curiously and then took Ye Qian's face in her tiny hands and rubbed his cheeks.

Ye Qian smiled at her while opening his eyes.

"Did my Butterfly finish washing the flour off?"

Little Qiqi nodded and giggled.

"Yes Papa, Qiqi washed the flour off her head."

Ye Qian pinched her nose and stood up.

"So do you want to eat some snacks now?"

"Yes, Papa Qiqi is feeling very hungry."

Little Qiqi pursed her lips as she rubbed her small belly.

Ye Qian smiled at her and went to cut the wrappers into a square shape for stuffing then later.

Meanwhile, Yuan Meng wiped the water off her face and smiled at Ye Qian.

Ye Qian passed her the filling and sat beside her as they started to wrap the Egg rolls.

Little Qiqi seeing them make the rolls got curious and watched them for a few moments and then asked.

"Papa, can Qiqi also wrap them?"

Ye Qian nodded and then handed her some square-shaped irregular wrappers which were placed separately on a plate.

"Butterfly these are the wrappers that you made, use this to wrap our rolls so that Papa will eat them after frying."

Little Qiqi's eyes shone as she heard him.

"Papa will eat the snacks made by Qiqi?"

"Yes, why not, didn't my Little Butterfly make it with so much effort."

Ye Qian said as he placed some filling in a small bowl and then passed it to her.

Little Qiqi watched them and started to wrap the rolls as her Papa and Mumma wrapped them.

While there were some problems with the first few, with Yuan Meng and Ye Qian helping Little Qiqi, she improved and in about ten minutes all the Egg rolls were prepared and placed in a dish.

There were not many as they were just for snacks.

Ye Qian then started to fry them as Little Qiqi watched with great focus as to how the rolls would sink first and then come up as small bubbles formed on them.

Then it was time for the Egg rolls made by Little Qiqi to fry.

She looked with intent while Ye Qian fried them when her small irregular momo-like, dumpling-like, eggrolls-like Egg rolls rise she clapped her hands in victory.


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