
B&S, A oddly magic world

This is a book about a guy and he has the powers of the game Blade and Sorcery. The powers won’t be exactly the same they will follow the general ability’s of the powers. Hope you enjoy reading! New chapters, Monday through Friday! Not on weekends!

Gatorish · แฟนตาซี
33 Chs

Chapter 2

Sitting and waiting is boring, to the nth power especially if you have ADHD its mind breaking. So I screwed around and tried different things like trying out my new body. Yes new body, how do I know this is a new body? Well, my brown hair is now black. But dude that could have been dyed, fair point but my skin is tan. But dude they could have but you in a tanning machine. Another fair point but how do you explain THE SIX PACK!? If there is technology that gives people six packs I would have wanted to know about it sooner. Also, a quick tip talking to yourself helps with boredom and going crazy!

I have tried talking to the people across from me in my cell but they just ignore me and anytime I talk to one there answers are super short like they're trying to not know anybody. So here I am once again yelling to see if someone will tell me what is going on and what we are doing here. The amount of time I have gotten "shut up dumb*ss" is astounding.

Tachi wise won't come off, at all the blade won't come out it's like they are glued together. It looks amazing but it doesn't work amazingly like a prop gun. Surprisingly it won't impede my movements at all. I can't even kick it. It just moves out of the way. I can grab it but can't kick it like two positive magnets. They won't go together.

Food wise it's delicious, the rawness, the bits that get stuck in between my perfect teeth. Divine. Oh my teeth are perfect like God's own creation. My body has a few beauty marks but my teeth are made from marble(not seriously dumb dumb). I ended up ripping some of my bloody tunic to make a hair tie. Because I'm sure I'm handsome, I bet with a man but I would be a hunk. Do you hear that it's the screaming of ladies and men alike, wishing for a glance at my perfection.

Now how do I know this if I don't have a mirror, well narcissism is all the rage nowadays. Confidence stems from power, narcissism stems from belief of power, probably. My fantasies stop after I see a man fiddling with his keys by my cell's key hole.

"Get out you're going to fight!"

"I'm going to fight? What do we do here? Do I have to kill people? Will I get to choose a weapon? Are people going to try and touch me? You won't, right? You think I'm handsome don't you?"

"Shut up dumb*ss, and put your hands in front of you."

I put my hand out with my hands balled up into fists facing down. He puts chains around them and locks them.

"Are you going to tell me what is happening?"

The guy turns around quickly and starts to drag me by the chain. I walk behind him, we pass multiple cells, which and proceed to stick my tongue out at anyone we pass whether there in the cell or not. We go through 3 metal doors before the guard walks me to another cage where I can see outside.

And see I do, huge amounts of cheering people inside a circular dome. With a sandy floor, a few blood stains, and a partridge in a pear tree. In the center of the stadium is a chariot with a man in full armor inside. There is a group of people who seem to be cleaning up dead body's. How can I see that? Does it matter? Probably?

After 10 minutes because it's so hard to move a few dead body's me and 14 other people are dragged out by chains. After we are dragged to the center we are uncuffed and released. One person tries to run only to be shot in the back of the leg with an arrow.


The crowd started chanting something and couldn't even hear what they were saying. It was so loud in here. Sensory overload. The guy on the chariot started to hold his hands up and spin. And he spun like a top, he could have been a ballerina if he tried hard enough.

He whips his horses with their reigns, they started to charge.

They ran and trampled two people while the rider took out a spear and started to slice through the running people. The rider turned towards me and when he was 20 feet away he slowed down and his speed half's. As I follow the horses movements I move out of the way when they are 7 feet away. I dodge the horses but a spear comes my way.

I jump towards the spear and grab the shaft. Yanking it away from its owner. The rider flips off the back of the chariot and falls to the ground. He lays there for a second, before he stands up and pulls out a sword from his waist. He charges at me and I throw the spear at him, missing him slightly but still spearing through his arm and pinning him to the ground. The crowd stops hollering and goes silent.

I walk over to the rider and grab his sword that he dropped. Walk up to him, pull off his helmet and cut off his head. I grab the head by its hair and examine it. Average face about 35 years old glossed over eyes and multiple scars on his face. After looking at the head I hold it up to the audience and they cheer. They cheered for me, so I ran around quickly killing all of the people who were running away around 10. Then I make a pile of heads and grab them one by one, throwing them in the air, blood lying from their necks. I feel my face and realize I'm not smiling. I'm frowning like I'm sad or about to cry but I don't.