
B For Bad Boy

Evelyn Joan and Jayden Flynn was what people could label as strangers forever but not until they meet in a detention that makes their lives uphill and downhill. Evelyn is quiet, likes designing dresses more than anything and has a brother who's a heartthrob of Northern High and the best quarterback the school ever had. On the other hand, Jayden is chirpy, a player, and likes to mock people out of nothing and quite too handsome for his own good and with a black past he doesn't want to remember nor face through his lifetime again. So when this two are thrown together, nothing can possibly go wrong unless they don't make their lives a cyclone mess with bike rides, ditching school with a group of other kids and getting themselves in a serious trouble. He calls her by Queen. She calls him by his name. I mean, what can go wrong?

urgh_get_out · สมัยใหม่
12 Chs

CHapter Eleven: Don't Mind Me if I'm Wrong

Chapter Eleven: Don't Mind Me If I'm Wrong

Blake released himself on one of our couch and sat cross legged, his hands resting on the arm of the couch and a face so serious that I wonder if I had ever seen that. I sit down at a couch to the opposite of his ones and waited for him to talk first.

He shuffled uncomfortably. I thought about starting the conversation but it's him who began the fuss and he has to make one all the time that's why I stayed silent. At the point when I thought about standing up and walk into my room, Blake spoke for the first time, his voice quiet.

"What were you doing with Jayden Flynn?"

I breathed like an winded rhinoceros. Who the hell is he to tell me what to do or not to do? "Why are you asking me this?"

"Just because. Are you going to answer me?"

"No." I stood up, attempting to leave. He could be one of the popular brats in school or the best student also but he couldn't dominate me by any threats. I wouldn't bear it. Blake and I are almost same besides the difference of one year. One year older than me doesn't mean he can say anything above me.

Walking towards the door to escape from this, I predict what he was gonna do and to no surprise, he does. Standing up, Blake growled and his words struck me like lightning bolt.

"Do you still want to answer me for being a whore or are you simply gonna leave without saying anything like a coward?"

The words make me root on the ground as I turned around, my eyes stinging in angry tears. I swallowed them, not knowing what answer I have to give him. "What to do you need from me?" I muttered.

They don't even reach close to his stone-like emotions. "I asked you before. What were you doing with Jayden Flynn?"

"Even if I fuck him, what would you do?" My voice raised a bit higher and my body shook in anger.

Blake's eyes widen in distaste when I took a step forward, not knowing what I was doing in that moment. My mind went blank as I screamed.

"You call me whore! Have you ever thought what you do? Bringing random girls everyday in our house just to have fun when mom or dad is not here to see what you've been up to! You don't deserve to call someone whore when you are a one! I am a coward and I don't care! At least I'm not a pleasure seeker like you who runs after girls 24/7 just for keeping up with the reputation!"

I leave him thunderstruck there, going for upstairs. I didn't have the energy to talk to him anymore. Slamming the door of my room, I let my body give up on the floor, having no one to comfort me in the moment and started crying, letting everything out. For the fact that my brother calling me a whore, for regretting coming with Jayden, for everything.

Reaching out to grab my phone, sobbing, I dialed the number that could comfort me right at the moment because I needed at least one person right now. The caller picked up the phone right away, her voice ringing beautifully on the other side but I wasn't in the mood to talk like her anymore.

"Rose, can you please come over?"


"Alright. There's nothing to cry. Stop it will you please?" Rose patted my head as I sobbed all over her shoulder by saying what happened perhaps half an hour ago. We were settled on our bed and she told me Blake wasn't home when she came so I felt a little relieved. Him being here won't make things less complicated.

I hiccuped continually, saying what Blake told me. "He", hick, "Called me a," hick, "W-whore and I yelled a-at him and he," I couldn't finish my sentence properly and started crying again that even I cringed at my site. When did I cry that much last time?

Rose hugged me closer, and we stayed there until my cries died down, that took a big while. When I was calmed down fully, she tapped a finger on my forehead.

"Ouch!" I rubbed the area of my forehead as she laughed and stand up, her feet bobbing up and down on the floor.

"Shall we go and have something from outside? Starbucks?" How does she speak about food right now? "I know what you're thinking honey. Just get up and get ready. We're going out. I haven't talked to Luke in a while." so demanding.

I knew I had no other choice but to go where she wants to take me so without further arguing, I pulled myself together, trying not to think about Blake right now and stood up from my bed and walked to my closet to pick something random.

After changing into a black sweat pant and a white fila t-shirt, I walked downstairs and saw Rose already waiting for me, her black hairs into a high ponytail and wearing what she wore when she came here, a off-white top with denim shorts. She scowled at me, and for some reason, I found it quite amusing.

"I don't know you if you don't take those things off and wear something at least close to decent."

I looked down at me and didn't know what was wrong with this outfit. There was always a problem with her with my dress ups. "Why what's wrong? It's comfortable."

She gave up, surrendering with her hands raised. "Just forget it. Come on."

We quietly walked together, not talking with each other except for Rose asking me to help her fix her All Star white converse. Walking past Jayden's, I couldn't help but glance sideways, maybe hoping to get a glimpse of him.

But instead of him, I saw Jessi walking out from there and the first thing she notices was me, because I was walking on the right side of the road where their house was situated.

She cheerfully shook her hands at us. Rose had no clue of any of that, so we stopped there as Jessi dashed at us, her brunette hair which was cut in tousled layer flying behind her shoulder. I didn't look at Rose but I realized the shocked face with the corner of my eyes and I wouldn't be surprised one bit if she was jealous but knowing her for three years, she was never like that to envy girls for their looks.

"Hi." Jessi's voice resonate around us and I gazed at Rose whose eyes were big with unflattering awe.

"Hey Jessi. Um, this is my friend. Rosetta Swift. And Rose this is Jessi Flynn, Jayden's twin sister."

"Hello..." Rose breathed out and Jessi chuckled holding out her hand to shake it with her. "Nice to meet you Rosetta."

Rose seems to land on reality as she grinned, taking her hands in her. "Please just call me Rose."

"I was going to stay inside but Jay almost kicked me out from our house to explore the place, so here I am. I don't understand if he can go out, why would I have to hurt my leg in this hour? Were you guys going somewhere?" she asked us. Rose answered her question on behalf of us.

"Yeah there is a Starbucks near here we always go there to hang out. You can join us."

"Oh thank you but.." She tried to protest but I gave the responsibility to Rose. She knew so well how to do this kind of thing.

"No buts. You have to come. Don't worry, we won't poison your coffee, Jessi."

"I didn't mean that," she chortle a laugh. "Um...okay. But I have to come back before dinner otherwise Jay will kill me."

"On me."

The three of us girls walked together to the nearest Starbucks, talking about ourselves and our daily lives when a question popped up inside my head. How did I forget?

"Jessi, you don't go to our school. Where do you go?"

She loudly laughed.

"I'm home schooled. I was in a normal school before but, I got into a trouble for racing on bike with Sam, Austin, Van last year and ended up in jail for half a day and when we got home, I confessed to mom that it was our plan because we were bored and that's how we all are home-schooled except for Jay who is the nerdiest of our pack."

Our breaths caught in throat. But she looked totally fine to us. Fine by ending up inside a jail for half day, racing on a bike and being home schooled. So that was the reason why I didn't see any of them elsewhere before. They were weirdly cool but how come Jayden didn't tell me this?

Rosetta carefully lets a breath out. "So you're saying you're fine in a home school?"

Jessi lazily tilted her head. "Wherever there is Austin, Sam Van or even Jay, I'll be always fine."

"That's awesome." Rose was right. Their life was more awesome then ours. Bike race? Coolest to us.

All the way, though we thought it would be boring, surprisingly turned to be superbly exciting thanks to Jessi that she noticed us. She had done things even boys aren't allowed to do and hearing them, our mouth dropped on the roads although she isn't allowed to do them now that she is in watch.

Stopping in front of Starbucks, Rosetta ran her palms on her stomach. "It's been a while since we've been here."

Jessi glanced at her from my side. "You like food huh? Just like me."

"I mean what would you do without it?"

Starbucks was as usually quiet in this hour. It was sharp 8 pm and there was barely three or four customers, sitting indistinctly here and there. A guy with black hair and a lip ring, a very familiar face I knew the moment we ran into this shop when we were sixteen- came to take our orders. "Hey I'm Lucas, your waiter for this evening. What would like to have?"

I didn't have the time to talk as Rosetta snapped, partly funny and partly furious. "Shut up."

He chuckled and turned to me.

"Hey there Eve-Wavy. What's up?"

Lucas Cameroon was a senior who graduated from high school last year and was studying in college and working here as a part timer since then. One day Rosetta and I were so boring and she told me there was a Starbucks near here but I didn't know about it because I was still kind of new in the residence. So we ended up there and there I saw him the first. I still remembered Rosetta calling him Luke right away without knowing him and how he was laughing about it, being two year senior than us. And he called me Eve-Wavy after that and I cringed at the name because of my wavy hair.

"Nothing much. How about you?" I asked him as he rolled his eyes.

"I don't know. It's boring working here. The manager always yells at me for nothing but still doesn't fire me. I wonder what's his point of keeping me here." His eyes found their way to Jessi and I swear I saw his cheeks turning pink but Luke quickly put on a smile on his face to hide the blushes, as he said.

"You must be Jayden Flynn's sister? Don't mind me if I'm wrong."

I can't believe wherever I go, this name doesn't seem to leave me alone. Jayden there, Jayden here. This Jayden thing is wrecking balls inside my brain now that even my own brother is starting leaving home for this.

Jessi nodded and smiled at him. "Yeah. We're new in this area. Of course my brother would find Starbucks. I'm Jessi by the way."

"And my name is Luke but formal peoples like my manager calls me Lucas. Therefore you don't have to call me with that boring name. Luke is enough. And Jayden is amazingly funny to be honest, this guy can put Guillermo Rodriguez into shame."

Jessi grinned and Luke again turned back to us. "Would you like the same?"

Rose nod her head.

"You know me."

He walked back to the kitchen, not bothering to write our order owing to the fact that we have been eating the same thing- if it doesn't count on having lunch in the school and dinner in our home and occasionally coming here- for one year and half.

The silence consumed us and maybe to break the blind line of tension, Jessi suddenly questioned me about something I want to talk about the least now, but I didn't have time to warn her when the question hits me- a question that reminds me of Mrs Goldwell blacklisting me from the school for my whole life.

"I heard my brother's going to tutor you from next Monday. I didn't believe it but he wouldn't stop talking about it. Is it true, Eve?"

I drooped my head on the table and gripped my hair from the side. Rosetta tensed beside me. She knew it was making me frustrated.

"Yeah. It is true." I tried not to be rude as hard as possible but somehow, Jessi managed to get the message and shuts her mouth from saying anything further which may cause my brain to short circuit and make a huge fire out of nothing. I'm already in enough trouble that includes rejecting me from school and me and and my brother cutting off our relationship completely.

I shuddered. I can't even think about it.

"Anyways," Jessi cleared her throat. "How long have you been living here?"

I wasn't in a mood to answer. I felt Rose's stare for a second of the back of my neck before she replied to Jessi's question. "I lived here forever and Eve had come four years ago from North Carolina."

"North Carolina?" Jessi looked interested. "You were in North Carolina before?"

My mood instantly lights up. The only few good memories I had for all my life was back there in North Carolina. My dad was transferred here for his job and mom opened a restaurant the year before last year. "Yeah. I love that place. We are planning to visit there next month or... I don't know."

"Did you watch Fantastic Beasts and the Crimes of Grindelwald?" Rose suddenly asked.


I shifted on my bed for the two hundredth time and I still wasn't able to sleep, not sure if it was for all the things Blake had said to me or for the Peppermint Mocha I had three hours ago. But I'm not the who should be feeling guilty. It should be my brother who called me a whore as if it was a very normal thing to call me.

Nothing was comparable to what I was feeling right now. Guilt? Anger? Shame? Miserable?

Of course I was feeling miserable, anyone would but why I couldn't sleep? I told before I'm not the kind of person who should take the blame upon myself. Hanging out with Jayden was the only problem for him but why? Why doesn't he want me to hang out with Jayden? We were only friends.

My back was facing the door of my room, that's why when it creaked open and the light from the hallway illuminated inside, I couldn't see who it was but didn't bother to move. I wasn't in the mood for doing anything at all.

"You asleep?" Blake's voice flooded from my behind and I stiffened. God knows what is it this time. Bitch? Slut?

I closed my eyes and waited for him to continue whatever he wanted to say. I felt he heaved a long sigh.

"Eve, I'm sorry."

The words made my eyes snap open in shock. My breath hitched in my throat and suddenly, my eyes fills up with water without any meaning. The shell covering my pitch black heart starts to crack slowly. There was slight sound of shifting and I heard his back hits the frame of my door with a soft thud.

"I'm really sorry for calling you a whore. Both of us know that you're not a one and I was out of my mind that time. I don't even know if you're hearing this or not but all I want to say is that I'm sorry. I'm telling you to stay you from Jayden because I care for you. I don't want you to end up with a... with a guy like me who'll hurt you every now and then." he paused, then chuckled miserably.

"It might sound hypocritic but you know, I'm with the soccer team and all and all they care about is reputation, and it's basically based on how many girls you can sleep with in a week. It's not that I'm a pleasure seeker so I guess I'm stuck with it... for now." Blake took another breath in.

"But I care for you okay? I can't afford to see you getting hurt for an asshole before my eyes. I-I won't let that happen. But if you think you'll be happy hanging out with him, I don't have any problem. That's cause when you're happy, I'm happy too. You should've kicked my ass for talking with you in that kind of way in the evening but for everything I said..." he stopped for taking a breath.

"Please forgive me."

Exhaling a tired breath, Blake stood up from the floor. "If you're awake, I hope you understood."

He stood there for some seconds and proceeded to walk away.

I don't say anything, lying there on my bed, taking in his words carefully in me.

He really did apologize.

I smiled in victory, turning around slowly to see whether he's gone or not. Once I realized he wasn't there anymore I exhaled and made a starfish on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

I forgive people easily. I guess it's one of my issues.
