
B-Ball Lover

Hi my name is Saito Kenshin. I have 2 loves in this life of mine. Basketball and Sayori Hasegawa. I have been chasing both my loves as long as I can remember. Basketball has accepted my confession, but Sayori has not. Yet I have made it my life's goal to get them both. How you ask do I do this well, by dedication. A/N Thank you so much for taking an interest in my book. This novel does not only revolve around the ML and the FML. There are 6 main characters in this novel. Each person has complex emotions and hurdles that they need to overcome to be with the people they love. Much like in real life, each character in this novel needs to grow in order to be successful. The main characters are bound to one another in many ways, but basketball acts as a means to make each of them grow and realize their potential.

Aarthurs_Pen · กีฬา
13 Chs

Chapter 13 The Night After practice.

Chapter 13 The Night After practice.

Sayori and Saito walked back to Kuro's office. Somehow Kuro decided that going to his own office was a mistake so he did not follow them.

Saito had a face that told Sayori he was thinking hard about something while staring at his own hand.

She couldn't help but laugh and ask, "What's wrong?"

Saito sighs as if the problem was too hard to find the answer by himself. Then he says I really want to hold your hand but even after washing my hand so much it still stinks"

Sayori - hahaha

Sayori almost fall down when she heard him. Saito had caught her waist right before she fell. She did even try to stabilize herself and he had to carry. While still laughing she said, "No put your arm under my back and knees."

She instructed him as if teaching him something beneficial

He readjusted her into a princess carry and asked, "Like this ?"

Sayori responded, "Yes."

Saito laughs and says, "You are really starting to act like when we were kids. I love this cute Sayori"

Sayori blushes and realizes how free she felt today. Maybe because she's finally agreed to be with him, it could also be that she's right now Jessie not herself. She knows that the man who is holding her right now loves spoiling her. He actually spoiled her so much when they were children.

Sayori was crying while an Ice cream was on the floor next to her while Saito was in line to get his. He liked chocolate and Sayori loved vanilla, and Jessie liked strawberry ice cream. After requesting vanilla he happily ran to Sayori.

Saito - "Sayori look."

Saito hands her the ice and says "It's too cold for me you have it."

Sayori smiles on holds onto his hand. And says "We share"

Saito says "But I don't like vanilla"

Sayori frowns and says "Then I drop"

Sayori remembers even as a kid he can never say no to her. She laughs and snuggles her head into his chest. She thinks to herself "Fine if you like spoiling me so much I will try to give you chances to spoil me with some restraints".

She then falls asleep.

However, this self-imposed promise does not last, however.

Moments later they were at Kuro's office.

Jessie was sleeping. Saito knew his limit. He could carry them both if he was not tired. So he woke up Sayori and Jessie.

Saito - "Sayori you have contacts on, you need to take them off yourself."

They both wake up. Then Sayori was shocked and asked, " You remember?"

Saito smiled "Yeah. I try to remember anything that could harm you. Plus I miss your green eyes since I haven't seen them in a while."

Sayori who was still in his arms was so shocked by his words.

Even Jessie was impressed and said, "You're really manly today brother".

Saito thought what he said was normal. He also did not understand exactly what he said had to do with being manly so he asked. "Does saying something like that make me (manly means hairier in his head) manly?"

Actually, Saito would always say things that come to his mind. But every time he would say something that would potentially embarrass Sayori, she would smack him stopping him before he is able to say it.

But now she loves hearing him. When she removed the barrier of her own inferiority the world changed for her. This Earth that would only annoy her: now smelled so sweet and even the air felt delicious like honey.

Jessie confirmed with a serious nod. Saito looks at Sayori asking for confirmation again. She too nods her head a bit shyly.

In contrast to Sayori's smitten expression. Saito was terrified, he thought "The more I talked about Sayori's eyes the more hair I would gain."

Saito looked like he gave up and said, "So that means I will become like a werewolf in the future."


Sayori finally recovered when she heard him again.

Sayori - "Huh, why are you gonna become a werewolf?

Jessie saw what was coming so he got up and started to walk out of the office while covering his ears.

And of course, the empath was right.

Saito - "Since talking about your eyes makes me hairy (manly) I will have no choice but to turn into a werewolf. Because I can't stop talking about your eyes."

Sayori's response was stunted again than before. If he didn't have her still in his arms she would have fallen to the floor. Sayori had no strength in her body after listening to Saito. She only kept her eyes on his face. Saito's face looked helpless it was as if something he simply had no power over.

Sayori was used to place her emotions into a bottle and she kept it closed until the 1v1 competition she had with Saito. But after today she released the bottle's content and let out all her emotions. To others, it may have looked like her emotions were exaggerated, but in all honesty, they were not. Her emotions have become much stronger while under the constant pressure of their confinement. She herself did not know how strong they truly were. But she knew that if chosen among all the emotions she felt her love for Saito was by far the strongest. This is why she still restrained her actions in order not to trouble Saito.

But this man did not know what was good for him. His prior statements placed her restraint into a large wooden coffin. This was barely keeping Sayori functional. But then the final nail in the coffin was hammered in by Saito.

Saito looked at her with a face of a child who did not want to get abandoned.

Saito - " Sayori you would still love me if I got hairy (manly) right?


Sayori from Saito's arms jumped onto him. At that moment all of Sayori's restraints were gone and a new beast awoke inside of her. She did not know how terrifying this monster was but she knew it was too late.

Kuro's fear came true.

Jessie walked back to the class A-1. There he sees Kaori being approached by another male teacher. His gait does not speed up or slow down as he walks towards them. However, he brings both his hand into his pockets. He does not even know how he became so possessive over someone he has known for a little over 24 hours. But he simply couldn't hold his feelings back.

Male Teacher - "Izo-sensei let's get a drink together. All the other teachers are coming along too. You should come too. As a new staff member, you need to greet your coworkers and be social with them, you know"

The man was handsome and tall his blue suit perfectly match his scholarly yet dashing appearance.

But Kaori did not bother to even look at him as she was making her lesson plans. While keeping her head down.

Kaori - "I would normally say yes but I have a student that needs my help. His family begged me to tutor him. He is a star athlete now but a very studious child that spent the whole day yesterday studying in the classroom. I can't let him down."

The male teacher heard this and stopped. Sports were just like academics at this school. But more than that he respected oaths, and a promise between a student and their teacher this is the most sacred of all promises. If the student loses respect for a teacher because they broke a promise. It is possible for that child in the future to interest in school entirely. A child's future is at stake. What can be more important?

The man slowly bowed his head until his head was lower than his waist.

Seeing this shocked and stopped Jessie mid-stride. He was close enough to hear the conversation he did not understand what warranted such a huge reaction.

Kaori however fully agreed with this reaction, a child's life is no joke as an educator one must be very careful when making promises.

Kaori - "You understand sir, that a child's future is largely impacted by their educators. I would rather die than break a promise to my students. "

Jessie see these two take their responsibility to such a degree felt ashamed. He wanted to use tutoring to get closer to Kaori. But now he realized how childish his actions were. He promised himself to use her time to because better in every aspect. He would learn everything and become an overall better person and then win her heart. Jessie felt bad about having ulterior motives for getting better at school, but that does not mean he will change his reason for her coming over. Love is selfish after all.

Man - "Yes Izo-sensei I will let the other faculty know that a star athlete needs special tutoring from you so they will not bother you again. Also, can you tell me who the athlete is?

Kaori hearing his question smiled as if his accomplishments were hers as well. Feeling this motherly affection coming from Kaori Jessie knew he had a long way to go to change her mind.

Kaori - "He is Jessie, didn't you see him in practice today he was amazing."

Man - "Yes I did, Coach Hasegawa-san's son was a spectacle he was just as good as the ace Saito. Please take care of him for the sake of our school. Truly a gifted child."

Jessie was sweating buckets when he heard this. The man turned and faced him. He grabbed his hands and said in a voice full of hope "Best of luck my boy".

Jessie swore in his heart. If this teacher was just a bastard trying to hit on Kaori it would be easy to hate him. But he was such a great guy, God dammit!!!

Jessie kept the smile on his face and slightly bowed his head. And the man left.

Kaori got up seeing Jessie and asked, "Where are Sayori and Saito?"

Jessie spasmed a little remembering the feeling his sister had towards the smaller defenseless animal known as Saito. He always wanted to say the truth to the woman he loved this is what his aunty taught him.

Mayumi- "The more you love someone the more truthful you have to be"

Jessie sighed and said it in the most discreet way he can think of. "She is eating him right now"

Kaori's head tilted. She had no idea what did that mean.

A few hours later

Saito and Sayori walked home in their normal school uniform. This is because their gym clothes were torn to shreds by Sayori. But the uniform could not hide Saito's face and limping posture. He looked like he was attacked by many wild animals. And this was not far from the truth. His face was bruised, and he had bite marks all over his nose, ears, and cheeks. The ferocious beast did not even let his eyebrows go. Even with a magnifying glass, it would be hard to find anything but small teeth marks on his face. Even his hair was more disheveled. With patches of hair missing on his scalp. If one were to look under his uniform they would see his body is in a more gruesome state than his face. If compared to his body the beast looked like it took mercy on his once handsome face.

As he was dragging his body. Thankfully it was dark and not many people were on the road. Otherwise, people would have dragged him to the hospital to get a rebase injection (rabid dog injection).

By his side was Sayori. She had a very satisfied smile on her face. She looked like a starving person who ate a 12-course meal. If someone were to check her pockets they would find male underwear and socks.

They saw Mayumi's house lights were on and sounds of laughter could be heard. When Saito open the door he nearly fell. But he was caught by Sayori. She made him jump again making him fall forward with a terrified expression. Seeing him behave like a sheep in front of a wolf made Sayori feel the beast awaken again but she suppressed it. When he fell into the house many eyes caught the sight of the new couple.

Seeing Saito's state Mayumi laughed so hard she dropped her spoon and nearly fell on the floor herself. Kuro grabbed her hand so she wouldn't fall but he still had his eyes closed while shaking his head. Jessie felt sad for his friend but knew it couldn't be helped.

Kaori was the only one who stood up for the boy and said in a reliable and dignified voice of a teacher, "Saito who bullied you? And what did they do to you? Do not be scared. I will get justice no matter what trials I have to face."

Jessie sees her reaction and tries to make her sit down. But she resisted.

Kaori - "No Jessie, how can you let your friend suffer like this!?"

Sayori started to frown and stood between Kaori and Saito. She then responded in a voice as if it was only natural. "I did, come to the bedroom I will tell you exactly what I did."

Kaori was shocked and even put on an expression that Julius Cesar had when he said Et tu Brute. But followed Sayori thinking it was her duty to get justice for Saito.

Mayumi was still laughing this whole time. Kuro looked like he lost something precious. Jessie slowly stood up and offered to take Saito to the bathroom. Saito nodded like a wounded animal.

Nearly 45 minutes later.

Kaori ran out of the room. With her face red not only her face even her neck, hands, and legs were red. It looked like a full-body rash when she left that room. But Sayori's voice was still heard, "Sensei I am not done also I wanted to tell you about my plans for tomorrow."


Hearing that Mayumi who was drinking coffee after she finally settled down spit coffee all over Kuro. And started laughing again.

Mayumi- "Hahahaha"


Kaori slipped and fell on the floor. She could not stay here she thought instead of waiting to put on her shoes. She grabbed her heels and ran out the front door bear foot.

Sayori made an evil laugh and said "Wait, tomorrow will be more interesting".

Mayumi laughed even harder. HAHAHA HAHAHA.

Sayori looked at the laughing Mayumi and happily jumped into her arms and called her "Mother, where is my darling"

Mayumi laughed and thought Sayori has turned from saying "not today" to calling Saito darling and herself mother in less than a day. Mayumi looked at Kuro and passed him a $100 bill saying "You won, she a yandere" (Japanese anime crazy in love, borderline dangerous)

Kuro "I told you, your dear sister was one too"

Mayumi was in shock, "No way!!! She has never dated anyone else before you so I didn't know. Even though she was so beautiful. She never expressed any interest in anything."

Kuro remembering his own struggles said "She had them but didn't express them. She was so beautiful everyone had bad intentions with her. So just like our little Sayori, she bottled them up until I convinced her that my love was real. After she believed me she became a yandere."

Mayumi "Was she just as aggressive as Sayori?"

Kuro said one line and Mayumi exploded in laughter again. "He was able to walk home, right."


Sayori called again "Mother!!! looked at me"

like a spoiled child she asked for Mayumi's attention.

Mayumi turned

Sayori - "By the way Mother how many grandchildren do you want, we will work hard just like today.

Saito felt horrible chill while he was taking a bath. So he turned the faucet towards hotter water.

Sayori wanted to start sleeping in Saito's room but Mayumi convinced her otherwise. The way she did so would make others think she was convincing a spoiled child not to eat dessert before bed. Her actual worlds left Kuro speechless.

Mayumi - "My dear daughter-in-law if you were to stay with Saito then he would be too weak for basketball practice. Don't you want him well-rested in his second practice like today?"

Sayori - "Your right both practices were really fun."

Mayumi- "Exactly both are important, so be a good girl and behave ok?"

Kuro felt that he no longer had any hope for Saito's body to hold on. He can only ask for Mayumi to put more meat in his lunches.


Thank you everyone for reading my novel. I had a lot of fun writing it. This is the first time I have written anything outside of school and am so glad to be able to share it. This is the last chapter for book 1 of B-ball Lover. This series is actually super long. If you have read until now you know that the whole first book is 2 days in the book's universe. I did this because I wanted to introduce without it being boring. I feel like I did not do that well with the FML. She is such a complex character that it was hard to write. She is also my favorited in the novel. If anyone has any ideas of how I can make her a stronger character please send me a message. Also I am going to write a novel with the name of Academy of Versailles please read and give me your opinions on it. Thank you so much again. Below is the link to the book on amazon. It also has an additional bonus chapter. If you would please support me thanks!!!
