

"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind." A midsummer night's dream The only thing Aziel Rolland cares about is getting money to continue paying for his sister's hospital bills so when he's offered a new job by his boss to steal and murder from his target, Arya Allen the daughter of a rich, influential CEO he drives away all feelings of guilt and complies. Unfortunately things don't always go as planned.

Saph_ron · วัยรุ่น
3 Chs



" Could you please refrain from annoying me any further?"  I gritted as I glared daggers at Ryan behind me who kept drumming rhythmically with two pencils on his desk.

He flashed me an infamous smile and continued to drum loud enough for me and the people around him to hear. Mrs. Smith seemed oblivious to my ordeal as her high-pitched voice continued to teach calculus.

Sitting at the back of the class was literally hell for me. It wasn't like I purposely chose this seat, I just got it by default. I was surrounded by a group of nerve-wracking, exasperating hormone-filled teenagers who couldn't pay attention for just a second in class.

Ryan always just had to drum directly behind me. Brielle would always giggle at something Sam would tell her. Austin would always be heard mumbling the lyrics to whatever loud music he was listening to with his earbuds.

My only saving grace was Dionne who sat right beside me. She was the only reason I was still sane.

A folded paper landed on my table snapping me out of my internal struggle not to blow up in anger.

" Babe chill, you look like you're about to murder someone."

The handwriting was Dionne's.

I picked up my pen and scribbled out the words I so wanted to yell at the people around me.

" Fuck Them!"

She cracked up as she read my reply and gestured to the board, her eyes saying we had better pay attention.

In all truth school was my safe haven. I know it didn't make any sense seeing as most teenagers hated school but that wasn't the case for me.

At school, there was a type of freedom and peace I felt. I didn't have to worry about how my aunt was coping with raising her late sister's daughter when her own family was dysfunctional. I didn't have to worry about anyone finding out that my reason Surname was Austin.

Arya Garnet Austin

I was so glad that I didn't have to walk around with people knowing I was the daughter of a wealthy, popular man.

After my mother died and my father literally abandoned me, I realized that life wasn't a bed of roses. I was even dumb for once thinking that my father was some sort of hero.

He didn't give a single shit about me.

He didn't even flinch when his wife was murdered right in front of him.

The only thing he truly cared about was his business.

A light knock on the door of our classroom brought me back from the depths of my thoughts. Mr. Reynold our principal stepped in and a guy walked right behind him. He easily towered over Mr. Reynold a man who was considered one of the tallest males in our school. Everything about him seemed to stand out in an eerie way as everything he wore was sickeningly dull and Gray.

I could tell from his handsome face that he would quickly become popular.

The only problem was that his eyes looked so dead. His blue irises looked so dull and devoid of emotion.

The class was suddenly in an uproar as everyone began to comment about how hot he looked. The only thing I could see were those dead eyes, it seemed to block out every other amazing feature he had.

Mr. Reynold whispered something in Mrs. Smith's ears and left the class after we had welcomed him.

" Everyone we have a new addition. This is Aziel Rolland please do your best not to show him how horrible you all are." Mrs. Smith announced shooting each and every one of us our own special glares.

Right on cue, the bell for the end of her class and recess rang.

" Also Miss Allen."

A frown found its way to my face as soon as she called out my name. I hated attracting the attention of teachers. I walked up to her internally hoping that I wasn't In some kind of trouble.

" Yes ma'am."

" Principal Reynold told me you were recommended to show the new student around and also guide him through subjects you both may have together."



That couldn't be possible. I was Arya Allen. I wasn't some kind of model student. Neither was I the smartest student in class.

Why would I be recommended to be a guide?

" I think this is a mistake." I chuckled nervously.

" Well, I don't know the details. Perhaps you'd have to meet with him if you're not up to the task." She gave a little smile and proceeded to leave the class.

How did the principal even know of my existence? I always did my best to never stand out. How could I possibly be recommended by people I rarely associated with?

I trudged back to my seat where Dionne sat waiting for me completely oblivious to the set of blue eyes watching me.

" What was that about," Dionne asked.

I was going to answer but before that, I had something more pressing to deal with.

That is, the annoying set of humans that sat around me. I was going to give them all a piece of my mind.

" Ryan, what the hell is wrong with you? I have told you countless times to stop drumming with those pencils. It's annoying."

Ryan cocked a brow at me before going into a fit of laughter.

I was so going to break those special pencils of his.

" And Brielle, Sam go take your lovey-dovey couple goals somewhere else."

" They left like three minutes ago." Austin chimed in with an amused look on his face.

Of course, I was just talking to myself. At the end of the day, they never took anything I said seriously.

" You still love us all the same," Ryan said as he wiped off the drop of tears that had gathered in his eyes during his fits of laughter.

" We aren't friends. I only feel great displeasure and animosity towards you all." I glared at Ryan and Austin who was bobbing his head to whatever song he was listening to.

These teenage delinquents.

" Arya can you please tell me why you're suddenly so agitated." Dionne worriedly asked.

She could read me so easily.

" I was chosen as a guide for the new guy. I mean, it's me the invisible Arya Allen."

She tilted her head slightly as though checking if I was telling the truth. Even she couldn't believe it.

" And I mean who suddenly transfers schools in his senior year of high school? Did he do something so grotesque he had to be expelled or what?"

Dionne's eyes widened slightly and she stared at something behind me. I turned my head in confusion to find Aziel standing right behind me.

He didn't hear what I just said did he?

" I'm so sorry– I didn't mean it like that." I quickly rushed.

" My Dad got a new job here so we had to move." He explained, his voice just as emotionless as his eyes.

This guy. There was something about him. I had to keep my distance from him.

" Oh." I laughed although we all knew there wasn't anything funny about the situation.

" I'll see you after school. For the tour and stuff." And with that, he walked out of the classroom leaving me with my mouth wide open.

Why was I always the unlucky one?

" That was so rude of you to say, Arya," Dionne commented with a frown. Miss goody two shoes clearly didn't understand the sort of situation I was in.

"I didn't mean it. Besides, how was I supposed to know he was still in the classroom." I said in my defense.

Her eyes narrowed suspiciously at his retreating figure. " His eyes were trained on you the entire time."


How didn't I feel his gaze on me?

I was always on alert In case of situations where I was being monitored but he somehow managed to watch me this entire time without me noticing.

Aziel Rolland. Who are you?