
AZI: Burial of a Selfish Lunatic

Full Title, AZI: The History Shattering Burial of a Selfish Lunatic, Who Walked through Reincarnation for Two-Trillion Years Volumes 1-3 Synopsis: “Who?” Holding a lone gourd in hand the young man raises it to the Heavens with a single question. “Who wishes to accompany me? To stay by my side for an eternity, and to walk through the mountains, and seas?” May container spoilers below Volume 4 Synopsis: Weapon spirits, such is the nature of every single Sinner within the Leng Bing Realm. In other words, all of them are but tools, and a tool… “A tool has no right to choose their owner, and what a tool does is decided by their owner.” “…Cruel, how very cruel the laws of this world are. Even upon death, a soul may not rest.” Volume 5 Synopsis: “Surnamed Ye, if you had a choice between being a hero or a demon lord, which would you choose? Naturally, you can also choose to be a villager A or B if you wanted to.” “What kind of question is that? Hmm.” Contemplating for a bit, Ye Chen answers— “I guess, the hero? Since he always wins in the end?” “Hero, is it?” “And you, surnamed Long?” “I think, the role of the hero—is a role that should only be played by a masochist.” “The hell? Is this entire question supposed to be a way to diss me?” “The fate of a hero is to suffer. They’re constantly being pushed left and right. …While everyone else drowns in a sea of despair, a hero must stand their ground, and step forward—to guide the deadbeats along. They must become the shining beacon of hope that others may follow—towards a future, where they may survive. Tell me then, if a hero isn’t a masochist, then what are they?” The world is a game board, those who control the game board, and the game itself… What are they? Volume 6 Synopsis: “A lunatic near death has three options. One, they can choose to pass away peacefully. Two, they can choose to spend the rest of their remaining life to find a solution that will let them live. Three, they can drag an entire world down as a part of their burial.” ……… “The longer you live for, and the more you experience, the less you care about the things around you. Maybe, I’m just someone who has reached that point?” ……… “You’re right in saying that even if this world goes up into flames, I’d still be drinking away at my leisure. Why bother to care for a world that is completely foreign to me? The people who I had cared for, they aren’t here; hence, I see very little purpose in getting myself invested into this environment.” ……… The 46th prince of the Hong Xiao Empire was born between the emperor and the 114th concubine. He was born on a moonlit night, and yet, since his eyes were blind, his majesty—the emperor decided to name him Bujian Yue. “Did you know—that the more fearful a prey is, the tastier it is? At least to me, since I enjoy chewing on my food to savor the flavor.” “…?” Enlarging its stature, the black serpent abruptly snaps its head forward, and swallows the palace maid whole. Leaving a bite mark on the ground, the black serpent begins to chew, as the sound of meat and bones being pulverized comes from its maw. And eventually, the black serpent swallows.

YatogamiSakuya · แฟนตาซี
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405 Chs

AZI Volume 6 Chapter 5

The return trip back to GC012 wasn't anything eventful, and upon returning, Long Hua headed to the port, and docked the modified yacht, prior to taking a nap until sometime pass eight PM. 

As soon as Long Hua had woken up from his nap, the Tai Xuan Emperor asks—

(*-laoban, didn't you have some rare metals and minerals, along with spirit stones from that surnamed Zhen?)

Recalling the items that were given to him during the auction, Long Hua raises a yawn, as he gets off the bed, and answers—

"I was thinking of only using them for when I had an emergency on hand."

Making a rough count in his head, all the items combined should be worth around 60 pulls. 

(Don't you think it'd be best to spend them all now? You might not have time during battle. C'mon, your pity is at 20 out of 100, just hand over the black jadeite flute to me, along with those goods and a bit of spirit stones.)

Stretching his arms, Long Hua replies—

"The more I do these pulls, the more I want to feel the joys of being able to do a colossal amount of pulls all at once."

(…Don't tell me you're planning to save up to a full 100 pulls before hitting the slots?)

"Something like that."

For reasons unclear to Long Hua, he can't help but have a feeling of bad premonition for the future—whenever he pulls something of value out of the gacha pool now that he knows it is the Tai Xuan Emperor, who he is making a trade with. 

(…What if one of these days, this bitch manages to take over a combat body without me realizing it, and end up using everything that I've pulled against me?)

The mere thought of this causes Long Hua to feel an incredible sense of discomfort. 

And considering how much more familiarized with Spirit Armaments the Tai Xuan Emperor is, the odds of it happening are rather high. 

(Spirit Armaments—as far as I'm aware of, they're tools that just about anyone can use. Ai, best to not be too reliant on them—if my guess of her using them against me does come true.)

Seeing the contemplative look on Long Hua's face, the Tai Xuan Emperor asks—

(Thinking of something, *-laoban?)

"Wondering what's for dinner."

(I see. Well, your doll wants you to know that she and surnamed Yu will be returning to this city tomorrow.)

"Got it."


Bai Wen's condo unit is situated on the 50th floor of a complex—located in the third ward. 

Upon knocking on the door, it is opened in less than 30 seconds by Nuo'er—who oddly enough isn't dressed in her usual military attire, but a set of white robes with a purple sash. 

Compared to how Nuo'er is usually dressed, her current air is very different—making it seem as if she is someone else for a brief instance. 

"Welcome, Long-shao."

"Un, thanks."

Nodding to Nuo'er, Long Hua walks into the unit. 

Seeing the kitchen unattended to, and the stove itself not giving off any warning lights to indicate heat, Long Hua asks—

"Who's cooking?"

"It's delivery from a high-class restaurant. Bai Wen and I rarely ever use the kitchen. It's just there for show."


"Ah, put this on."


Being given a set of robes, Long Hua raises an eye. But he nevertheless swaps them on. 

The color of the robes is silver and the layer beneath it is white. 

Guided by Nuo'er, Long Hua is brought over to the terrace, which is separated from the kitchen by a white wall. 

In the center of the terrace is a large table surrounded by ten chairs. 

On top of the table is a bowl of ice, while placed near it is a large pot of 100-year-old cherry blossom wine. 

Seated near the pot, Bai Wen, who has a wooden ladle in one hand, and is dressed in white robes, asks—

"As is, or with ice?"

"As is first."

Filling a pouring vessel with the ladle, Bai Wen uses the vessel to fill two ceramic cups with the wine—prior to placing one of the cups on the chair opposite of him. 

Seating himself, Long Hua picks up the cup, and gives it a brief sniff prior to taking a sip. 

Similarly, Bai Wen does the same.



Dressed in archaic robes, and with a cup in hand—facing each other, the air between the two could be described with the phrase "wind of the immortal, bone of the Dao." 

Had they been surrounded by nature—instead of concrete buildings, this air would be much more evident. 

Alas, as this is the Leng Bing Realm, if the two were to put on this Immortal-like display in public, they would surely be chased by weapon spirits left and right. 

Savoring the wine's sour taste that is gradually sweetening, the two set their cups down at the same time, with Long Hua remarking—

"Your 850,000 NWDs wasn't a waste."

"Mortal realm currency well-spent."

"Anyone else coming by tonight?"

"Lao Zhen might be running a bit late."

Momentarily, Nuo'er brings over the delivered dishes, which are stored inside of white boxes and foam containers. 

Opening one of the foam containers, Long Hua finds a serving of rice, dumplings, and chicken. 


Holding a set of chopsticks in one hand with the foam container in front of him, Long Hua can't help but find this situation a bit odd. 



Seeing the look of amusement on Bai Wen's face, Long Hua knew immediately that this was all done on purpose.