
Azazyel's Multi Story Pile.

Alright, so I have a lot of stories... And frankly, I get a number of commissions for stories I don't want an individual story for here on WB due to the fact we can only have so many stories so here is the spot where I will pile new stuff that may or may not get their own story space.

Azazyel · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
202 Chs

Story 7 The Red Priest and Blue Slime Chapter 6

I wasn't sure how much mana I actually had in numerical amounts as it's not like I had a cheat system like Rimuru. So I took a couple of dire wolves and a couple of goblins to try naming them. "Alright starting off with the the two direwolves... I want to give you both powerful names, so I name you, Fenrir. And your name is Sif." I said and I could feel my very soul intertwining with theirs as I elevated their existence through my status as a Sequencer.

Both Fenrir and Sif glowed with a golden light as their 'Names' were inscribed upon their very essence though I wasn't sure what effects it would have until they evolved. But even as Rimuru rapid fire gave names to the goblins almost all starting with a prefix like 'gob' for all the goblin names like Gobito, Gobla, and Gobet. And his direwolf names weren't all that better with how they had like some kind of chuuni German accent or something to it.

"Alright, now for you two," I muttered as I took in the male and female goblin I picked out and I idly noticed the pink-haired one that was Gobte in the series had made sure to stick close so I picked her. But I didn't say anything about her actions, instead, first I looked to the male goblin and spoke formally as I named him. "I name you Karna," I said strongly and I grunted as I could feel there was definitely a correlation between the type of name given and the intent behind.

Even as Karna glowed, I still looked over at the female goblin who was literally vibrating with excitement, and after a moment of thought I named her. "And lastly I name you Demeter!" 

Even as Demeter glowed with a powerful golden glow, I could only mutter 'Uh oh." As my vision darkened at the act of bestowing a goddess's name onto a monster with the karma involved taking its toll on my soul. "Jake!" I heard Rimuru yell but even as the direwolves and the goblins caught my falling form, by the time I was lying on the ground I had lost consciousness.


When I awoke I was welcome to the sight of green... Big soft ample and voluptuous green titties in fact hanging over my head. As I blinked and shifted with my waking, a light and gentle voice rang out beyond the great valley of boobies. "My Lord, are you awake?" The voice asked with gentle but firm hope and after swallowing to wet my mouth I spoke with a slight rasp.

"Yeah... Is that you Demeter?" I asked and I realized I was getting a lap pillow from the now certainly stacked goblin.

"Indeed... Are you capable of moving? I assume you need a drink and to deal with other issues?" She asked and I grimaced as yes my body after sleeping off the stress of my stupid-ass decision needed to do all the things.

After dealing with the needs of my body by drinking some water and eating some jerky and then doing the other stuff, I finally got to check out Demeter fully. She had lost her almost pinkish hair and instead and gotten deep green hair filled with life and shined as light streaked through the patchy roof of the building. And her loincloth, hide bra couldn't hide her voluptuous curves much at all as naming her after a Fertility goddess was... The right move!

"Is Rimuru awake from his own mass awakening?" I asked and Demeter clapped her hands with joy making her large breasts jiggle distractingly as she responded with excitement.

"Ah, My Lord you already anticipated Lord Rimuru's exhaustion in their own naming ceremony... But yes I must inform you that they have awoken naught but a few hours ago from their own deep sleep." She answered quickly and I hummed and with a grunt I stood up from the bed that I realized must have been her own.

"Alright, then I am going to go check on him." I said nodding my head to her and then paused before I threaded my hand through my hair and said wryly." Also... Thank you for taking care of me Demeter." I said with gratitude clear in my voice.

But she shook her head with her happy smile fading slightly as she looked at me with great respect as she laid her hands on her chest and spoke clearly from the heart. "My lord you gave me and the other three, very powerful names... We all awoke with the World's blessing in our own skills. So be not thankful for my care, for I shall care and serve you with my whole being forever more." She finished solemnly as she bowed her head to me.

'Jeeze, the Master/Servant bond between high-tier naming is a strong thing.' I thought as I recalled just how strong the bond was between the person giving the name and the person named... I mean look at Rimuru and Ragna. 

Rimuru literally killed Ragna's father and then when Ragna was named, any possible resentment was wiped away leaving only one of Rimuru's most loyal subjects.

And for me who gave these four such powerful names? I had little doubt that their loyalty to me was without reproach... But regardless I laid a palm gently on the short stack goblins green hair making her shiver with joy as her hands squeezed her own breasts as she stilled herself from moving beyond her head pushing into my hand for more contact as I said formally. "Thank you Demeter, I will have to rely on you more then." 

"Yes!" Was her heartfelt response and that was it as I left Demeter's house after her brother apparently died during the direwolf attack... So Demeter was 'happy' to share her larger cabin with me. But regardless I quickly made my way to Rimuru lest I end up indulging in Demeter's overly friendly and affectionate attitude towards myself.

As I came into Rimuru's hut, I was greeted with a cheer and Rimuru strongly pointed at me. "Jake I need you!" Rimuru said and I froze for a second before they continued. "I need a human representative to help me meet with the dwarves and get a good trade deal to get some builders over here to build some actual buildings here!"

'Whelp Demeter is going to be mad I won't be sleeping in her hut.' I thought wryly as I nodded and then we began discussing the dwarves to the mountains that surrounded the Jura Forrest we were within.

Next 15 chapters are on Patreon and Ko-fi

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