
Azazyel's Multi Story Pile.

Alright, so I have a lot of stories... And frankly, I get a number of commissions for stories I don't want an individual story for here on WB due to the fact we can only have so many stories so here is the spot where I will pile new stuff that may or may not get their own story space.

Azazyel · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
202 Chs

Story 7 The Red Priest and Blue Slime Chapter 4

Rimuru had questioned me a good bit honestly, getting to know me better, my abilities, and subtly seeing if I was going to be a threat. But in the end, I was chilled out and didn't posture or anything.

I was a simple dude, who like him got yeeted into this world. Just instead of becoming a slime, I got a gem on my chest as I inherited the blessing of the Yatagarasu. Though it was weird how Rimuru got all flustered when I lifted up my shirt to show off the eye-like gem.

Either way with all that said and done, I spoke up about the more pressing issue to myself. "Well, I suppose if I am going to be staying here, I need to make a new house for myself," I said wryly.

Rimuru jiggled in a clear affirmative with their voice coming out swiftly. "Yup! Most of the goblins here live in family units or are already married. So unless you want to try to bunk with one of the goblin families you will need to make your own place as this house is mine... Actually, this was the village meeting room which is why it's so big and there's no furniture but it's still mine!" Rimuru rambled on making me chuckle at how spastic they were.

"Alright alright... Well, I best be going, as I would like to get a box up and some raised off-the-ground bedding." I said with some humor as I stood up from where I was sitting on the ground in front of Rimuru who was also just resting on the ground.

While Rimuru sent me off with an encouraging wave of a slime tentacle of all things, I went over to the neighboring forest and pondered on how I could make a decent little house until Rimuru and everyone went to the neighboring Dwarf lands to bring some Dwarves over here to build actual houses and such.

But I could feel the Hunter Sequence within myself pointing out little tidbits like how certain woods were better for building and which ones were better to be used as traps for how weak they were.

Either way, I pinpointed some trees that had a good hardness to them, and as I did so, I wondered if I could go borrow some tools or something from the goblins before shaking my head as I knew I hadn't integrated myself truly into the community. So I just practiced my Yatagarasu flames in order to be more self-sufficient. And now with some peace of mind I could investigate my abilities and find out what I could properly do, which was easily sending a flood of flames down range from my palms and anywhere else from my body, but other than that, I was also immune to the effects of the flames.

So I began testing my flames in different ways, trying to control them on a more micro scale, and not after long I figured out a new trick. "Well, this has potential," I muttered as I waved around the tube-like pole of compressed black flames. Although I couldn't make the flames take on a solid shape or give it a blade edge or something, being able to make a lightsaber was good enough as I then used the pole of flames to bring down a couple trees, and several goblins came out of their houses to come to see what in the hell I was doing.

Which kind of ruined my fun, as I couldn't make the 'buzz, pew, pew,' noises anymore under my breath as I swung the lightsaber around, in order to make myself the logs needed to make a very small little shack off the ground like a trailer. As I used four poles that went into the ground to hold the shack I made a full meter and a half off the ground to help prevent mice, bugs, and other things from getting into the little cabin I made.

"You have carpentry experience Jake?" Rimuru asked me suddenly and I flinched at how fucking quiet the slime could be when they didn't deliberately make a bunch of squishing and bouncing noises when they jumped around.

In answer to their question I just kind of shrugged as I said wryly. "I have as much experience as any dad making a tree house. I mostly just used my flames to burn wedges into the logs and then put them together like Linkin Logs basically." I explained and Rimuru hummed and I cut them off flatly. "I am not building houses... Just this little cabin that can barely fit a bed and literally nothing else took me all day."

Rimuru oozed disappointment... Literally, the slime became a flat puddle and then Rimuru whined loudly. "Come on! Just teach the goblins how to build or something! They are like seemingly cursed that anything more complicated than a mud house or tent just falls over!"

I just deadpanned and without a moment of shame bit into the stupidly large squirrel I killed while knocking over trees earlier in silently refusal making Rimuru some emote a pote with how it's form scrunch up while looking at us.

And so Rimuru and I bickered for a bit and I think he was being more friendly than usual. Due to our shared trait as being a reincarnator or myself more appropriately being in the otherworlder category. But as we were just talking and I was sitting on my makeshift bed, we both paused as we heard a shrill whistle ring out.

"The wolves are here!" A goblin yelled out and Rimuru instantly hopped out of my cabin, and seriously his slime form could move fast especially when he used that spiderman trick of shooting webs to stuff in the distance and yanking himself towards what he anchored himself at.

Next 10 chapters are on Patreon and Ko-fi

Hey if you like this and want daily uploads and to read early chapters please drop a tip in my Ko-Fi https://ko-fi.com/azazyel22926 or https://www.patreon.com/Azazyel and your precious energy stones, it keeps me working on it.

My commission rate is 15$ per thousand words.

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