
Azazyel's Multi Story Pile.

Alright, so I have a lot of stories... And frankly, I get a number of commissions for stories I don't want an individual story for here on WB due to the fact we can only have so many stories so here is the spot where I will pile new stuff that may or may not get their own story space.

Azazyel · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
202 Chs

Story 4 Hero Within, Monster Without Chapter 6

It turns out that with supernatural-enhanced senses tracking the more put-together drug dealers through the night was rather easy, especially with Lucario's aura sensing.

"The question is... Do I want to go loud and fight through the drug dealers. Or do I only really care about the money?" I muttered to myself as I sat on the edge of the nearby house that was across the street from the Merchant Gang safe house that had people going in and out of it every few minutes.

There was a moment as I considered that decision. As on one hand... I could be a hero and go out of my way to incapacitate the obvious criminals down there and turn in their ill-gotten goods to the police and the PRT who dealt with other Parahumans.

Or. I get in, snag the money, and get out while reporting the trap house. 

I took a breath as my mind was made rather quickly after that event at the hospital. This world wasn't interested in altruistic heroes. This wasn't My Hero Academia after all, this was the world of Worm.

So after firming my idea to stay a rogue who was in it for the money. I then pondered on what kind of monster I should be to do this. 'Can I turn into Yugioh monsters as well?' I thought with some interest at the thought of becoming an Egyptian god monster or something to fight an Endbringer before I shook the thought away as I picked up another option that was... Just super simple.

With a crunch of my bones I began shifting my form from a Lucario as I gave up a true body as my body and I became a solid mass of shadows before a wide grin with teeth filled the void and red glowing eyes opened to gaze upon the building across from me.


"Get the fucking pizza pockets out of the oven before they burn!" A man wearing a white beater yelled at the dazed girl who barely reacted to the order before grumbling as she stumbled to her feet clearly high as hell.

The man who yelled at the woman scoffed but returned to talking to the three men in front of him who laid out a plastic ziploc bag filled with rolls of cash on the table separating them. "Aight John, we have third through eighth street on lockdown with ABB fucks trying to push on fifth street, so you need to tell Mush to give us some support as three of our dealers got shanked by that fucking psycho Oni Lee." The leader of the three said as he tapped the money bag before continuing.

"Anyway, here is the roundup. Thirty-five G's. Now I need some crystal, weed, and cocaine for my dealers to distribute." 

John the man on the couch nodded after taking the bag of money and inspecting for a moment and then he clapped his hands and from a side room two men with Ak-47's walked in with a third carrying a large duffle bag over his shoulder. "The typical amounts right?" The leader of the three nodded with the wholesale dealer John making a hand wave to hang over the bag to the leader.

The leader of the three shivered as the room seemingly became more than ten degrees colder and he couldn't help but wonder if he was getting shorted with how his senses were acting up. "Cool, let me just check something real quick." He said and unzipped the large duffle bag and froze after counting for not even twenty seconds as he hurriedly picked up something.

"What the fuck is this?" He demanded as he held up a half-sized kilo of cocaine that had been clearly bitten into something with a mouth shape and then taped over to 'hide' the half of the missing kilo of cocaine.

The dealer blinked in utter surprise at the fucking weird block of cocaine that looked like some kid took a bit out of a cookie and then put the cookie away thinking no one wouldn't notice.

"Bro, that wasn't like that before!" John stated with frustration as that was literally more than ten thousand dollars in cocaine that was 'missing' and he knew that his gang leader Skidmark would hang his ass by his toes and have his men sell his organs.

But as the dazed and high girl who was barely dressed stumbled into the living room with a platter of pizza roles she staggered and slammed the platter of damn near molten pizza pockets onto the face of the leader of the three-drug buyers who screamed at the hot greasy pizza sauce hitting his eyes and skin.

"Alice what the fuck!" John screamed as he whipped out a pistol he had hidden under a pillow as the two other dealers took their own pistols out and finally dual clacking rang out as the rifles were cocked and held out.

Before it could further escalate though...

A loud hissing giggle rang out that tickled the spines of everyone in the room. Everyone looked around as one of the gang members cursed and whispered. "Fuck... Its a cape!" 

'Crack!' A wet cracking noise rang out as out of nowhere the girl who had collapsed onto the ground after slamming the pizza pockets into the face of one of the gang members had her spine seemingly snap violently to the side while her legs and arms whirled around on the ground and the woman screamed for a couple seconds shrilly before abruptly going silent as the gang members shakily aimed their weapons at the girl.

Then the girl blurred with motion even with a curved and odd spine as she like a spider crawled up the walls and even as all the gang members started shooting at her, the bullets seemingly were deflected with sparks being sent flying as they collided with an invisible wall around the girl.

"Johnny... I loved you so soooo much!" The girl spoke with sobs in her voice as her mouth opening entirely too wide with her teeth growing obscenely large and jagged even as bullets from the machine guns slammed into the barrier around her and did absolutely nothing.

Then her body fell from the ceiling with a crashing noise onto the hardwood floor that shattered sending wooden chips flying and below her a pool of darkness formed as a large silhouette formed behind her with glowing red eyes and a ghastly smile aimed at the gang members who screamed in terror as their vision was filled with the glare of the monster's crimson eyes.


I stood over the shivering forms of the gang members who were laying on the various forms of the trap houses furniture and ground as they shuddered in literal from the smell mind pissing terror from the collective nightmare I put them in.

'Maybe Gengar was a bad idea.' I thought with a wry smile that would make any child scream in terror and run home crying for their mother. But within myself... I could feel Gengar's instincts pushing me to howl with laughter.

And go even further... To use Dream Eater and eat their life force and very souls. 

'Pokemon can be scary as fuck when they want to be.' I thought frowning as I shoved down the instincts of the Gengar as I realized the more powerful a monster was. The more I would lose control over their natural instincts and essence.

I levitated over a phone and then I dialed the police's phone number and then placed the phone's receiver next to the whimpering form of one of the gang members as I could hear the operator on the other line saying they were going to send officers to check here. 

'Perfect score though.' I thought as the plastic bag filled with the money I found on one of the gang members would take care of any food needs I would need for a good while.

Hey if you like this and want daily uploads and to read early chapters please drop a tip in my Ko-Fi https://ko-fi.com/azazyel22926 or https://www.patreon.com/Azazyel and your precious energy stones, it keeps me working on it.

My commission rate is 15$ per thousand words.

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