
Azazyel's Multi Story Pile.

Alright, so I have a lot of stories... And frankly, I get a number of commissions for stories I don't want an individual story for here on WB due to the fact we can only have so many stories so here is the spot where I will pile new stuff that may or may not get their own story space.

Azazyel · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
202 Chs

Story 2 Magical Ascencion Chapter 11

I swiftly learned that even my peak human strength as a mage wouldn't allow me to get through the mesh nor allow me to force the dented shut door open. So with rescue more than an hour at least away and home being about four or five miles away anyway I decided to bust my way out of the armored van... As it's not like the driver had anything to say about such a thing.

In school, we learned many, many, and once again many times that should a horde or beast tide no matter the size or strength come into an area I was held up in. There would be no rescue efforts as mages would be entirely focused on slaying monsters and establishing our territory and only after half an hour after the horde is dealt with, will the civilian and low-ranked mages come out to clean up and rescue any trapped people.

And I refused to be stuck in a still-running crashed van with a corpse for an hour.

So with a mental flex, I called upon my mana, and golden light formed under my feet as I called upon my astral Novice ranked spell, and then three seconds later the large glowing golden spherical planet of Venus flew in front of me and after a moment of thought. Instead of firing the minature planetoid, I brought it closer to the metal wall of the armored door and as the planetoid made contact, I realized it was spinning, insanely ridiculously almost ludicrously fast, and more important like how Venus was not a smooth planet with no features, this representative of the planet was not smooth either so instantly sparks were flying everywhere in a blinding corona of light as the sphere grinding away the metal I was pressing it towards.

"Well this could be useful," I noted as I realized just using the orb itself as a shield or weapon could be possible as I was able to literally use the sphere to bore completely through the metal and then I used it to widen the hole so I could safely crawl out of the orb and onto the cool pavement outside of the armored van.

Coming out of the van I looked around and gulped seeing the Marrow Eaters still flying around but not in the overwhelming huge flocks that could strip the metal of a tank with their insane numbers and wind-attributed claws and beaks. Thankfully the appearance of their local predator had sent the swarm into a fleeing frenzy to say nothing of Makoto who was teleporting to each dense flying clump of the monsters and shredding them with either solid lightning laser's or spatial blades.

Knowing being out in the open even while being a mage was dangerous, I got moving, jumping off the highway and down the three or so-meter drop to land in the side alley that led between the buildings that lined the highway so I could start heading home. "Skree!" A loud bird screeched and I whipped around I was inwardly so happy that I kept the flying orb sphere of Venus as three Marrow Eaters had singled me out and dove for me from out of the air and hearing the screech I could see even more banking on their wings to fly at me.

I quickly looked around and I saw the beginning of the stairs into one of the nearby store's basements. I grinned as I sprinted down the stairs and then with the beach ball-sized glowing orb of death hovering above my head... I just had to wait.

And I was right in my quickly thought strategy as the Marrow Eaters did their typical strategy of violently and harshly landing on their target with their claws and ramming their sharp beaks enhanced with cutting wind into their target. But instead of landing on a smooth target, their talons were violently broken or pushed aside along with the spinning sphere's motions, and then as I felt more Marrow Eaters slam into the sphere I willed Venus to blast off and with a loud crunching noise the uncaring magical representative of Venus went from flying in place while spinning to zipping upwards at a great speed for some ten meters and then with a mental command the sphere detonated violently sending a powerful shockwave and golden fragments of the planetoid through the small swarm that came for me.

And seeing their prey fighting back with the magic I could see beyond the hunger in their eyes that the birds were quickly rethinking their plans as they saw another sphere grow above my head... And like a group of numerous hyenas that saw a dozen of their troop slaughtered by a pissed-off elephant they quickly decided I was more trouble than I was worth, so they just flew away while making their particular screeching noise to tell their fellows to leave me alone.

I heavily exhaled with a nervous giggle escaping me as I threaded my hands through my blond hair... That was too fucking close, I maybe... No, I should have gotten past the mesh of the van and kicked the corpse out and stayed there probably for an escort home or just called Mother who could easily fly over to get me.

"Pride is the killer of men," I whispered softly with a wry smile as I realized how fucking stupid I was... So with that Grimm reminder for me to think things through more clearly next time, I got down and with my pocket knife, I removed the talons and beaks of the Marrow Eaters I killed. As the son of one of the best magic tool smiths here in the US, I knew what materials were what and how they could be used.

Even as I felt that stab of realization of stupidity I also felt Nahida who was attached to my very soul and watching my every move seemingly hug my soul with some soft affection coming through the connection we shared. And that cheered me up a good bit.

I was going to grind down these talons and the beaks into a powder to mix them with some molten metal and make myself some enchanted boots that would make me faster. Maybe add some green highlights to make Nahida happy.


With each minute passing, a dozen mages joined the battle with the ones who couldn't fly being on enchanted snowboard equivalents that would ferry them through the air quickly. So I wasn't harassed the rest of the way home.

But once I arrived home standing at the front gate, was my mother and father with my mother looking particularly supremely unhappy... Nope, she was just plain pissed honestly. "Jake Allan Barris... What do you have to say for yourself?" She questioned with her voice disturbingly still.

In response, I gently pushed the bag filled with chocolate-covered strawberries into her arms. "I am a mage mom, this world fucking sucks and I don't plan on literally hiding in our armored home for the rest of my life." I took a breath as mother's pissed expression faded into shame as she realized the truth in my words.

"I am inevitably going to fight monsters and be in danger. just as the both of you have been for years of your life to earn this wonderful lifestyle... That's just reality, I will do my best to come to home to you guys and be as smart as I can and mitigate risks but... Yeah, I love you guys, maybe I should have called Mom to fly me back but I thought chartering an armored van was enough." I said shrugging.

I did what I could to mitigate risks but this was a dangerous world and most importantly I got home without a scratch so mother only sagged in place and out of the corner of my eye I saw my father lay a large rugged palm on my shoulder and squeeze as his voice came out deep and tired. "Allow your mother her woes as she loves you dearly. Now come on, Taihou and Alice were worried about you." He said with a bit of humor entering his voice which made my face twitch as I imagined Taihou freaking the fuck out.

Next 10 chapters are on Patreon and Ko-fi

Hey if you like this and want daily uploads and to read early chapters please drop a tip in my Ko-Fi https://ko-fi.com/azazyel22926 or https://www.patreon.com/Azazyel and your precious energy stones, it keeps me working on it.

My commission rate is 15$ per thousand words.

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