
Azazyel's Multi Story Pile.

Alright, so I have a lot of stories... And frankly, I get a number of commissions for stories I don't want an individual story for here on WB due to the fact we can only have so many stories so here is the spot where I will pile new stuff that may or may not get their own story space.

Azazyel · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
202 Chs

Story 18 Broken Hearts. Mended Lives Chapter 2

Thankfully maps for around NYC were readily available even if the people weren't all that patient. Either way I got a map of the area and after a moment of thought I realized that I needed money.

Three grand wouldn't even last me and Hinata a month here in NYC so after a bit of thought I had a thought. "Hinata, what is your opinion on robbing criminal drug dealers, prostitution rings, and the like?" I asked as we were taking a break and sitting down on a bench that wasn't some modern art exhibit to block homeless people from sleeping on it.

Said kunoinchi tilted her head to the side and giving me a wry smile saying. "Jake, how do you think Ninja-Clans make a decent portion of their personal funds besides actual mission payments and their smaller side business? During war or while on missions in hostile lands, we regularly steal everything thats not nailed down and if we have time, we will be petty to steal things that are actually nailed down and then sell the nails for scrap metal to make more kunai."

She gave a demure smile before shaking her head and saying with some amusement. "Although the Hyuga clan didn't do that so much and preferred only to take treasuries or art pieces to keep up our more noble image... It's a rite of passage for genin to blood themselves on bandits who don't have control over chakra and it's common for bandits to have some money for us to loot." 

I slowly nodded in understanding and then asked the pale beauty. "Well, honestly I have some ideas to make money but to make ends meet for a short time, are you able to do that?" 

Hinata was silent for a moment before exhaling and with a small voice, she put her hands together and said quietly. "I... I don't know, I don't think I can even fight anymore." 

I held in a groan as I knew that would just make Hinata anxious and also I knew that with her mental issues her not being willing to fight for now was one of the better fates. She could have been one of the waifus that were more mentally shattered and having drug, or actual magical damage to her mind and soul.

Not just recovering from a mind break in her case. So I smiled and said comfortingly. "Alright, Hinata we can make due. Just... Let's make our way out of NYC and we can get some place we can rent."

She bit her lip and slowly nodded so I took a breath and gently took her hand making her shiver and look at me weirdly as I helped her to her feet. But as I went to let go of her hand I felt her hand follow mine and then her fingers intertwine with mine as she stood at my side with her head down refusing to make eye contact with me.

I didn't question her action and just let her hold my hand as I briefly checked the map I had and then after some thought I got us on a bus to be taken across the city to a more relaxed side of things and after a series of events by the time we got settled in it was already dawning and I managed to get us both as a small one bedroom apartment by spending most of the money in downpayment and a bribe to get us into the system with our prior paperwork.

'No furniture, no dishware... Fucking A, I couldn't have reincarnated in a fantasy world where I didn't need to worry about being homeless and had to just kill monsters?' I thought with some annoyance before Hinata made a noise and she held out a large boxy radio she had found in the closet from a previous occupant probably.

"Wanna listen to the radio?" I asked raising an eyebrow but she shook her head and after fiddling with it she managed to get it going at a lowered volume.

She put the radio down and then she stood up and took in the decent sized living room and said. "I can't fight Jake... I never was good at mustering up the intent to harm people and after my ordeal in Kumo." She shook her head while I remained silent but she visibly took a breath and continued.

"But I can teach you how to use Chakra, although your body is different from mine and the rest of the humans I have seen on this world with having different energy channels, the ladies who worked with your fellow Jakes told me how you all could use almost any supernatural sources of energy." 

I slowly nodded while saying with some confusion. "I am more than happy to learn but do we have time to make a ninja out of me?" I asked as I raised a hand to the empty apartment. "I need time to acquire the funds to make this situation more livable after all." 

Hinata gave a small smile and then she took a breath and said. "I can't teach you hand-to-hand combat lest I quite literally faint at the stress it brings me. But I do know some simple jutsu as all ninjas are forced to learn the basic survival elemental jutsu along with the henge, and substitution jutsu." 

With that Hinata sat down with her legs coming to side Indian style with her hands resting on her knees with myself matched her position with her looking at my eyes with her purple pools as she spoke seriously and began teaching me the secrets of Chakra manipulation. "Now, Chakra is the manipulation of the body's physical energy, merging the spirit and mind's spiritual energy. Yin and Yang basically, but whereas typically even the most devout of monks cannot find their Chakra points and activate them easily, ninja's and chakra-using monks have a cheat."

Her hand glowed with an ethereal blue glow as the veins around her eyes bulged as she activated her Byakugan. "Like a therapist, I can guide your body's energy flow and teach your body how to activate the muscles and spiritual flow of your chakra points to allow you to skip decades of meditation and training people who don't have someone with chakra already guiding them."

She had me lift my shirt and then with her hand laying almost flat on my stomach she began slowly tracing the tips of her four upper fingers minus her thumb across my stomach and across my chest as she explained the feelings of my life force merging with my spiritual energy to form Chakra within my body that began filling the rest of my body.

"Now. Chakra is a resource that puts strain on your soul and body itself. Your body can naturally accumulate a good amount of it but once it's spent and you are trying to make more in the midst of battle... The strain your body was already under doing jutsu's and combat will meet the mental strain you were under and you could burn out your body and soul killing yourself if you force chakra to come to your use." She warned me as I inhaled and exhaled slowly feeling the neutral feeling of the Chakra filling my body.

She made a soft noise before chuckling and saying. "Actually... Its likely you yourself has water-attributed Chakra so those jutsu will come more easily to you and thankfully I know some but my elements are fire and lightning." 

I gave a grunt of understanding and then after a moment of thought, I smiled as I held out my hand and then swirling blue mist formed in my hand before violently erupting as the swirling mist failed making me pout at failing to make a Rasengan. "Well... I suppose we should get some rest before we get on with the day." Hinata said as she scooted back and then leaned against one of the walls.

Knowing she was right and that I at least needed a small nap before I tried to make some money I scooted over next to her with a bit of space between us and bemoaning my future back pain I used my backpack as a pillow I laid on the carpeted floor to hopefully get some rest.

Next 3 chapters are on Patreon and Ko-fi

Hey if you like this and want daily uploads and to read early chapters please drop a tip in my Ko-Fi https://ko-fi.com/azazyel22926 or https://www.patreon.com/Azazyel and your precious energy stones, it keeps me working on it.

My commission rate is 15$ per thousand words.

Azazyelcreators' thoughts