
Azazyel's Multi Story Pile.

Alright, so I have a lot of stories... And frankly, I get a number of commissions for stories I don't want an individual story for here on WB due to the fact we can only have so many stories so here is the spot where I will pile new stuff that may or may not get their own story space.

Azazyel · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
202 Chs

Story 17 Cursed to Infinity Chapter 4

Somehow... The internet was still a thing in this world, and although it wisely didn't state things like [Potatoe Devil slaughters a whole school. What major tragedy has fallen upon the world, will any justice be done?] No, because of the way devils could grow in power due to the negative emotions associated with them. A lot of news was vague but still informative.

And I learned a lot as I laid down in my new apartment just researching things about this world. Of course, the first thing I researched was Kyoto itself in order to see what news there was in terms of major recent events and it boy... Was it enlightening?

[Rank 3 spirit born of one deceased Yoshiro Kairos, killed twenty-three civilians last night before he was exorcised by Grade 3 Jujutsu Sorcerer.] [Five, Rank 5 Spirits born of a power failure leading to seven people dying in Intensive Care was thankfully exorcised before they could harm anyone at Musashi General Hospital.][Dog god? Special Grade Amanterasu Wolf Totem Beast, meets Tidal Wave Devil in combat outside of Kyushu island leading to thirty deaths but the Devil was exorcised with Amanterasu's soul-eating flames ensuring it will be decades before the Tidal Wave Devil returns to the world.]

There was just so much to read and understand honestly... But although the world was partly. No rather fucked in a number of ways like Hawaii and Australia being dead zones due to the shit that happened there. Like people turning into Titans in Australia that didn't have a developed Curse Technique for example.

Either way, after reading about Totem Beasts and how they fell into the six-tier system of power in this world from Grade Five to one and then special grade. I learned that Totem Beasts were all animals that had grown to the Special Grade level and had a benevolent or friendly attitude towards humans.

"Let's read up about the Hunter's Guild. The Devil Extermination Office is pretty self-explanatory with it being a government office." I muttered to myself as I threw a look at that picture album I still hadn't looked at yet... As it was kinda weird to have a servant all a sudden.

'Or would it basically be a live-in girlfriend?' I thought before I continued reading a blog that was written by someone who posted pictures of their Hunter's Guild ID and their own face in a mirror to prove their identity.

[The Hunter's Guild is for the strongest and most determined people to go! We are not sorcerers who project their bullshit onto others for not having some kind of special bloodline that probably had something to do with the fucking collapse of the world. Nor are we the dogs of the government in the Devil Extermination which has this weird ass fetish for just going after devils for some reason.] The blog poster was clearly a younger teenage girl with a punk/emo aesthetic with her words being... Yeah

[In the Hunter's Guild, all that matters is how good you are at killing things. No politics, no hierarchy except for who is stronger, and no leash whatsoever on what you do though you will pay the consequences for your actions.]

The blog went onto explain the girl's stint in the Hunter's Guild as she spoke on how by harnassing her inner hate, and pain... 'Ew.' She could create spears of solid shadows from her own shadow and with that Cursed Technique, she killed several enhanced animals, and worked with several other members of the Hunter's Guild in killing the Sleep Devil.

And then the blog ended with an admin of the site posting a news article that read. [Hunter's Guild Member sexually abused by higher up?! A mutual kill by Hunter's Guild Member against a senior member after the higher-up tried to go after the junior's mother.]

More news articles confirm my thoughts about the Hunter's Guild... And Kasumi Miwa's words about them also fell into that line as well. 'They are all fucking crazy and believe in might makes right.' 

With my foray into the Hunter's Guild over and with nothing else coming to mind that I needed to research right now. And I didn't have work today at all, nor was I going to be hungry for a couple more hours. 

I mentally said screw it and opened up the servant list that Toji threw at me. And in the very first page, I realized exactly why there were female servants in this... Jujutsu Tech was running this school like a eugenics harvesting facility. 

'Get the best warriors and sorcerers in the school with some pretty young thing who is very heavily incentivized by being a survivor of a monster or some other supernatural creature attack to serve that warrior as well as they can... What else will happen but them getting knocked up? But either way this is an extensive list.' I thought as I read through the cards that were down below each file of each woman or older girl.

As their ages went from from eighteen all the way to thirty and they came in all shapes and flavors... With each one being scored and having their personality traits listed by how they were put into semi-solitary confinement when they came into the school to make sure they weren't tainted by anything. And while they were stuck with new serving girls, people watched them and picked out the traits they had.

Some were leaders, some were utterly mentally shattered after seeing their family get mauled into giblets of flesh and gore by their pet dog evolving and going mad. But most of them were in the middle with some kind of PTSD and clear signs of dependence should they be allowed to form bonds.

Anyone who was more independent or wouldn't latch onto their 'master' would be screened out... And tossed back out onto the streets.

But either way I made a noise as I did some 'shopping' and it was only as I looked through all these ladies that I realized something about myself. "Wow... So this is what it is like on the side of things haha." I joked weakly as I knew I could choose any woman on this list and I could have her living in my apartment basically at the end of the day.

It was a heady thing to have the womanly power of pointing at a dude and going... 'He will do, he is cleaned up and doesn't look like a serial killer.'

Though after a while I did find something interesting... Twins, no it would have been triplets but one of them died leaving them kinda broken, with the rest of the family that they still lived with also dying after the Midgit Devil broke into their house while fleeing a Devil Hunter. [Anya and Alyx Uzu.] [A package deal even if irregular, it is due to their Cursed Technique that allows them to pool their cursed energy allowing one another to draw from the other's pool of Cursed Energy.] [Anya, the one with orange hair is very active and charismatic, also she is noted to have even been doing lesser training to become a Sorcerer as neither of the other two siblings wished to use Cursed Energy in life due to it's ill feeling in training.]

I blinked reading more about them as I realized that was honestly a very powerful technique if the three of them were able to actually grow to a higher level as having access to three pools of high-grade Cursed Energy couldn't be looked down upon at all even if the technique wasn't that easily applied to combat. Still I continued reading as this was one of the more interesting entries.

[Anya is also described as protective of her remaining sister, though has been noted to being rather prone to forgetfulness. Her previous trauma and loss of her fellow triplet has made her obsessed over her sister and will likely include their partner once they ease into a sedate life and enter their tight-nit life.] 

And so I went to look at the other sister who had red hair and matching blue eyes to her sister. [Alyx has the same cursed technique and as Anya as listed.] [Alyx is noted to be very reserved and this is noted to be the case even before the previous trauma in her life. She is also noted as being more observant than her sister. Having a more traditional mindset, she is well-versed in the caretaking of the house, including cooking, and bookkeeping, and has been recorded as being more than adept at handing clan children who are put with the servant women to test for maternal instincts.]

And there again with the whole eugenics aspect... Like did they send a bunch of rambunctious sorcerer kids who could actually defend themselves against these women if they snapped, into there to see how they reacted towards young children being put into their sphere of influence?

I got a bleeping noise on my phone and I looked at it while putting down the 'waifu catalog' and saw that it was text message from an unknown number but that thought was cleared up as the message read out. [Hello Jake Barris, my name is Tsuki Karin, and I am the Vice-Head Healer for Kyoto's Jujutsu Branch. If you are willing and aren't too busy could you meet in the cafeteria in an hour for dinner, so we can go over your schedule as well as allow me to see your healing abilities?]

After reading the text message I nodded and sent a quick text message back. [I would be happy to do so. But the Vice Principal didn't give me an ID or anything so I honestly have no way to pay.]

I was a bit embarrassed to say that. But in the end, it was better to be honest. Though after a few minutes after I went back to flipping through the waifu catalog and realizing there wasn't anyone as interesting as those twins in the entire thing. A new text came with a series of dinging noise.

First was a picture of a QR code that was my ID for all the amenities in the school along with my work ID as well. But she also sent me another message with a smug winky face at the end. [I bullied that lug into giving you a small advance so you can take care of yourself. Get yourself settled in and I will meet you at the cafeteria at the turning of the hour.]

I smiled at that and then took a breath and then sent a message to the Vice Principal himself in Toji Fushigoro. [I choose the Usu twins, Anya and Alyx as my companions.]

A couple minutes later as I went to go take a shower to get ready for this meeting and change into a simpler business suit that was the norm here in the school unless you were well respected or noted as being too powerful to bother in being a Grade 1 Sorcerer. I got a message back from Toji. [You brat! I like your style thou. Have fun and don't let them keep you from work or I will toss your ass out onto the curb Haha!]

Next 5 chapters are on Patreon and Ko-fi

Hey if you like this and want daily uploads and to read early chapters please drop a tip in my Ko-Fi https://ko-fi.com/azazyel22926 or https://www.patreon.com/Azazyel and your precious energy stones, it keeps me working on it.

My commission rate is 15$ per thousand words.

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