

Until this moment, you never knew what it meant when people talked about seeing red or being so angry they couldn't see straight. This is it. How…how dare he! Wasn't it enough that Vance humiliated you, that he got you kicked out of college, that he ruined your life? Time travel is the one thing that you've managed to achieve, and here he is usurping the credit! You think about wrapping your hand around a gun…not that you would ever…

"Guth, don't do anything rash," Brett whispers. "Take a breath. I mean it. Take a breath. That's it. And another one. Good. We won't let him get away with this. I promise you." Brett's eyes are earnest. "You have every right to be angry, but for now we have to stop and think what to do."

That's sensible advice, even if Vance's treachery is hardly something you can set aside at the drop of a hat.

Brett hands you some binoculars so you can observe them more closely from your hideaway behind the tree. The three of them drain their champagne flutes, and Vance pours himself another. Meanwhile Skyler pans slowly with the video camera, lingering on Vance, the RV, and their Cretaceous surroundings. Casey's looking up and down the game trail, and at the ground for animal tracks and droppings.
