
Awakening Into One's Own (Apothecaries Awakening) (Psuedo - LitRPG)

Are you looking for: *Realistic Dungeons *Crossing between split time-lines *Believable progressive growth *Apothecary work with an eccentric teacher *And more? Andrew thought they were testing for a Virtual Reality. He was half-right. No one really knew how the global medical and scientific empire, Millennial Enterprises came about. All that they knew was that they had risen from the ashes of World War III, and brought about miracle-like changes never before seen to a world in desperate need of a savior. Now, nearly half a century after the war, having contributed the most towards society's restoration, and despite introducing the necessary technology years before, they were finally dipping their own toes into the Virtual Reality sector. Jumping at an opportunity to participate, Andrew felt that he finally might have an in on getting his sister's currently incurable ailment resolved. It was a horrifically mutated disease like few others that came about in the aftermath of the war. Not all was as it seems though. Powerful corporations always have an agenda. It just wasn't known, what was their intention and what was the catch? ********** Warning!!: This is a slow burn story focused on Mental and Emotional development(with violence sprinkled in), as that is the basis behind the main character's power. ********** This becomes a Truer Lit-RPG with far more action at the start of Book 2, but I won't ruin the surprise. ********** Monday/Wednesday/Friday releases

Jade_Theif · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

Chapter 6 First Delivery & Kernels of Wisdom (Part 3/5)

Finding someone who was a virgin like me has been a dwindling prospect in today's society, where so many people glamorize their sexuality and freedom to sleep with whomever they want. If they feel empowered by such, then that is their choice. I will stand by mine, albeit with adaptations from what it had been before.


As a high school student, I had a rose-colored view of life romanticizing the idea of soul mates. I retained such an ideology up until my first year of college.


Originally, I had been determined to make my first kiss be who I married, but my 2nd girlfriend had quite effectively broken me of that over-the-top aspiration. I certainly won't seek to discredit the idea that such a thing as soul mates exists. However, I won't hold my breath waiting for the perfect person. When instead, I could work on turning an imperfect yet good match, into the closest thing to perfection and fulfillment.


Once I had reached my 5th ex-girlfriend, I had begun to dabble in what some more conservative religious circles would consider to be controversial, or downright scandalous prohibited actions, for those not married. Don't get me wrong. I've had several opportunities to lose my virginity card, yet I still retain it. I refuse to advance beyond a certain point with physical intimacy, until I am married.



Those outside of the brothel, watched on as I headed to the doors with package in hand. There were 2 well-muscled type guards of the canine persuasion in meticulous professional suits. They stood at attention on either side of the front double doors. Looking almost like Dobermans with incredible lethality for any who sought trouble, they gazed at me with the suppressed threat of violence should I step out of line or prove troublesome. Upon announcing who I was representing and who the package was for, their demeanor shifted as they bowed respectfully and opened the door for me to enter.


Just inside those double doors, I stopped just over the thresh-hold. Staring in utter amazement at the reception entrance, my eyes popped at the sights glistening before me. I could easily imagine this being a place to show the ever-popular and grand play productions from time immemorial such as Les Misérables and Phantom of the Opera.


Gilded and filigree covered arches reached far overhead, as they silently welcomed any who entered. Silken drapes of deep red and maroon lay artistically across the entrances to various side rooms along the wide hallway. Several meters in, at the end of the hall, was placed an unassuming glass and fully transparent counter. Were it not for the company behind said counter, I likely would have overlooked it entirely for the other grandiose and enchanting surroundings.


Stationed behind the counter, with little to be hidden from view, were a pair of foxy girls. When I say foxy, I didn't mean in demeanor or attraction. Although, they certainly met those criteria as well. They were literal fox-human hybrids with the signature ears and tails twitching and swishing about. Their clothing itself, was far more reserved and modest, as compared to those outside. However, their assets were still somewhat accentuated in an unrevealing way. Neither girl looked to be any older than 18 or 19 years old.


Feelings stirred within me as this method of allure was highly effective to my senses.


"Hi!" The younger looking one called out cheerfully, making her ears twitch a little in excitement. "Welcome to Madam Callestro's! What sort of package are you interested in today?" My eyes were drawn to their tails that swished about a bit as if in subdued excitement. Shaking my head, I cleared my stray thoughts. I had a job to do, and I intended to do it well.


"Uh, I actually just have a delivery for Madam Callestro from Apothecary Victoria." Setting the hefty package on the counter top, I waited to see what to do next. Victoria hadn't informed me if I was to receive payment for the materials themselves, or just accept payment for the service of delivery. I honestly should have asked, but I was kind of rushed out the door after completing the compounding of the blue powder.


"Oh!" The younger fox girl spoke up again. "I will go notify her. Please wait here." As she departed, her exuberantly swinging tail once again drew my eyes. Oh-my-goodness, the cute fluffiness of it was to die for!


Just as I was about to force myself to look away again, I was startled by the suddenly very close presence of her partner, who now stood mere inches from me. Her golden irised and almond shaped pupil foxy eyes took in my body, but lingered heavily upon my sash.


"Ooooh! I really like your sash." Raising up her dainty fingers, she ran them over my chest, tracing parts of the stars and black vines, she then added on, "You'll be rising up in this world soon. How would you like to have a nice memorable send off, to go with that ascension? I promise to make your time Very full-Filing."


*Gulp* My dry throat reflexively swallowed at the close proximity. Never had I been spoken to in a way before where so many words sounded so intimately suggestive. 


Casting my eyes about to focus on anything but this alluring vixen in front of me, I struggled to put a stranglehold on my wayward hormones. I had been doing well with exercising self-control where I had simply been experiencing passive appreciation of their figures before. But now, I had become strongly aroused from the first touch of her fingers upon my chest. My nether regions flared up harder than I've ever experienced before, and the small hairs across my arms and neck rippled in stimulation. In that moment, I wanted nothing more, than to follow where she beckoned and experience where things led to.


Dreamy thoughts played about in my head as I beheld this willing and beautiful creature in front of me. Justifications filled my mind screaming to be heard. 'Take her! This isn't a real world. No one is going to be hurt and you won't truly lose your virginity. Do it!' I felt like I was on the straightest of razor edges, peering down into an abyss of pleasure that was but a single misstep away.


It was at that moment that the emblem at my chest pulsed. Warmth and chills formed to strengthen the tendril of sensation within my core. It beckoned, creating a counter point to that which I was lusting after. My eyes and mind momentarily cleared up enough to allow me to resist giving into my hand's unconscious desire to return that touch. My prolonged resistance appeared to be all that was needed as the young woman stepped back from me in disappointment. "Well, if ever you change your mind. I wouldn't mind you being my first." She whispered into my ear seductively before returning to her station behind the desk.


'Wait!' My hormones called out. 'We aren't done deciding yet!' However, in my mind and heart, I was glad that she had backed off. I wasn't sure I could have resisted the temptation much longer.


"Well now Surie," A more mature voice broke my thoughts. "It seems like you have been entertaining our guest." A middle-aged lady with strong elven and oriental features appeared in my view following that voice. A proper if elegant kimono wrapped her figure as she sashayed into the entry room, accompanied by the other fox girl who had left at the start. The kimono was filled with beautiful patterns and colors that bespoke of historical oriental origins. If she were back in my world, she would look to be a very seductive and likely financially successful Asian cougar. Her smoky eyes too lingered on my sash and she licked her ruby red lips in appreciation of what it appeared to promise.


'Oh heavens, just let me go!' I cried out in my mind at the various temptations in this place of lust.


"Where are my manners." The Elven lady reprimanded herself. "I am Madam Callestro, and this. . ." She motioned as if to encompass the building in its entirety. ". . . this is my house of pleasures."


Proper decorum ingrained by my parents had not left me, despite my misgivings. I reached out my right hand in an offering of a handshake towards the Matron in greeting. "It is a pleasure to meet you." My head bowed in respect towards her. Appearing somewhat startled at my gesture, she took my hand with a gentle grace that bespoke of great professionalism.


After releasing my hand, she commented "My my. Victoria spoke true when she said you were too unaware of your position as her apprentice. I appreciate your show of respect. However, if you are not careful, you will besmirch her name and cause others to question their fear and respect of her."


Circling around me, she made as if to measure my presence from top to bottom. "You need to stand more aloof of those around you and subtly demand the respect your position offers."


Motioning to the package on the counter, she continued. "Normally I would have sent a courier of my own to collect these items out of respect for her time and the difference in our stations. However, Victoria had requested my aid in instilling a sense of propriety within you to not encourage certain problems."


'Victoria sent me to a pleasure house to learn propriety?' The thought made me question some of my prior interactions.


Seeing my confusion and questioning eyes, the Matron further explained. "I believe that you are not aware of the political clout your master has within this city. Let me remedy that." Motioning to the two young fox women at her attendance, they quickly led us to a more private professional room. It appeared much like a school principals office, except far more lavish and cozier, allowing for a more relaxed discussion rather than a berating.


"This is my office, which should allow us a safer level of privacy to our discussion." Settling into the push chair behind the desk, she motioned for me to take a seat as well at any of the many pieces of furniture spread about. I ended up taking a seat at a deep green sofa which boasted a soothing and peaceful comfort. "Would you like anything to drink or refreshments? Perhaps even the company of one or both of my assistants?" The eyes of both the young fox women brightened at that suggestion.


'Oh heavens! Why me?!' I thought. Instead, I answered "No no, I appreciate the offer. If I could just get some water, that would be all I could want."


*Snort* The matron let out an indelicate sound as she non-discreetly looked at my still aroused nether region for a moment, before dryly commenting. "Are you sure that's All You Want?"


I gave a brittle smile at her challenge. "That is all that I'll allow myself to have." My words came out stern and heavily enunciated.


"Good!" She exclaimed. "That is a good start!"


Confusion swept over me, followed by frustration and disgruntlement. 'Was this all just a test of some sort, some way to evaluate my ability to retain self-control over my lustful desires?' Anger began to fill my thoughts as I sought to end this interaction and leave.


The Madam appeared to take in the many emotions I was feeling, as I contemplated how to get up and leave. She then raised up her hand as if in apology. "Peace. It was not my intention to test you, so much as draw out your conviction. I honestly would have been pleasantly surprised if you had taken up the offer of accepting the companionship of one or both of my assistants as we had this discussion. They would likely have done nothing more than give you a really good shoulder and foot massage as we discussed what Victoria wanted me to impress upon you."


My eyes widened in surprise at her frankness and clarification of the situation.


I looked back at the closed doorway, absent of the two young fox women, with a sense of longing. A shoulder and foot massage sounded really good right now after the long carriage ride, but I kept my peace and didn't request them back. It still felt awkward and improper to ask for such with my current state of arousal.


Noting my hesitation, the Matron gave a bemused smile and continued to explain. "The reason I say such is that any acceptable method that I can employ to bind myself tighter to the authority which Victoria welds would be a boon to my position." Placing her hands upon her desk, she sat more upright as if to denote the importance of what was to come. "However, we are not here to discuss my desires to become more powerful, but to repay one of the many favors I owe to that good and scary woman, who is now your master."


So many times, I had heard of or gotten the impression that my master was scary and powerful. Certainly, that demonstration at the mages guild answered part of that question. I still just couldn't wrap my head around how she could elicit such fear and mixed emotion within the City Council itself. I felt that the Magus in the council could match her for power, based on what it felt like to be in his presence. But then again, looks can be deceiving. Maybe I could finally get some answers.


Templing her fingers she continued. "Victoria is a powerful independent within this city, with skills and products highly sought after by all. She has a respectable amount of magical power with the ice elements that she wields. However, what is the most important aspect of her, is the potent combination of her skills, power, and demeanor. Tied to no faction, but in need of by all. She can demand a very high price with her products, due to their potency, yet she is fair to those that respect her."