

Chapter 62: Limit

"Poison Cloud!"

As the poisonous purple mist expanded to cover a five-meter radius, Caelius immediately shielded himself with his origin energy to block the toxins.

However, the dense cloud obstructed his vision and dulled his senses, making it impossible to perceive anything around him.

Within moments, he felt a presence darting toward him from within the poisonous haze. Suddenly, Old Bone's dagger pierced out of the cloud, aimed straight for him. With quick reflexes, Caelius tilted his head slightly, letting the blade narrowly miss.

Without hesitation, he thrust his golden longsword toward the source of the attack, but his blade sliced through empty air. Before he could react, another dagger flashed toward him, this time from behind.

Turning swiftly, he deflected the weapon with his armament.

The pattern repeated itself multiple times.

"This slippery zombie…" Caelius muttered in annoyance.