

Chapter 117: Fired! 

Silence filled the air as the spectators gaped in utter disbelief.

The stillness was violently shattered when an explosion echoed through the room. 

The sudden burst of sound was followed by a faint but distinct tremor that seemed to ripple through every corner, amplifying the shock..

Vincent retreated to a safe distance as his sharp eyes caught the movement of several figures storming into the Metabot room, led by a short, stout man in an impeccably tailored suit. 

The man's shiny bald head reflected the harsh fluorescent lights above, a stark contrast to the stern, stormy expression that painted his face.

"W-What's the meaning of this?! What in the world is going on here?!" the man barked, his voice a strange mix of confusion and boiling anger.

The authoritative tone cut through the lingering tension, dragging Harlot back to reality with an almost visible jolt.