

-- Spinx Palace

"Honey are you coming to the new Kingdom's banquet?" asked Tiana enthusiastically.

"I don't know, Tiana, I don't know, coming to the celebration of the Kingdom that won the war from us, I'm just afraid that they will embarrass me as the loser of the war," Gustav replied, massaging his temples.

"I heard from the nobles that her Queen is very generous, even she didn't destroy our Kingdom to pieces, if it were another kingdom, surely we who lost would have become their slaves," said Tiana, still snickering for Gustav to come to Queenby's royal banquet.

'You have to go there so that I can come with you to find someone who is more established and more powerful than you', thought slyly Tiana, who had not wanted the title of Crown Princess since the defeat of the Spinx kingdom which made the kingdom known as the smallest kingdom on the Khaaslonia continent. Tiana doesn't want to be the Queen of a small Kingdom, and it's enough she can't get Prince Emilio as her childhood friend.

Tiana, who Marquess Filarl had brainwashed to become a courtier, was eager to leave Gustav because, according to Tiana, this kingdom was nothing anymore. At first, Tiana strongly disapproved of her father's decision, which ordered her to get closer to Gustav to become his consort and instigated Gustav to win the title of Crown Prince.

"And besides that, no guests from other countries were invited, and there were only a few nobles. I heard that most of the people who came to the banquet were just commoners." continued Tiana reassuring Gustav.

Gustav closed his eyes for a moment to think about Tiana's words. As long as Gustav married Tiana, Tiana had always been gentle with him, but he also wondered if it was just Tiana's cover. Because there are bad rumours about Tiana's arrogance, it's not that Gustav doesn't want to do surveillance to spy on his wife. Gustav still respects it as a woman and his wife's privacy.

"If I go, will you come?" Gustav asked quickly in response to Tiana's nod.

"I'm going to my father's room first and ask your mother's opinion there."

When Gustav entered his father's room, he saw a middle-aged woman who was none other than his mother and Queen of the Sphinx Kingdom who caressed his father lovingly, even though Gustav knew that his mother was in deep sadness because her husband was sick and his first son disappeared.

"Mom, rest," Evan said, gently rubbing Emily's shoulder.

"Mother wants to be with your father, my son. How is your brother? Do you know where he is?"

"Not yet, mother. The search squad is still looking for him. I will also continue to look for bro Emilio until I find him." said Gustav.

Emily looked at Gustav's face. Ever since Emilio gave his title to his brother and disappeared, Gustav has started to change where Gustav used to be, just a selfish person who only thinks about pleasure for himself.

"Mom misses Emilio very much," Emily said softly, shedding tears.

Gustav, who saw his mother sad, was sad. Gustav wiped his finger wiping the tears of the woman who had become his first love in this world, and his heart was so sore and sad to see this the first time he saw his mother shed tears.

"Mother, I promise to meet brother, don't be sad anymore," Evan said, hugging Emily.

Emily hugged Gustav tightly and poured out her sorrow. While Emily was still hugging him, the door to the room opened, and a handsome man walked in. Emily was very surprised, and Gustav, Emily, and Gustav seemed to be given luck by the goddess, who didn't expect Emilio Vanue Spinx to stand in front of them with a smile.

"Mother," said Emilio calling his mother gently.

Emily ran and rushed to hug Emilio, and she was crying loudly. "Emilio, where have you been? You left without telling mom. Mommy is worried about you." Emily hugged Emilio tightly, not wanting to let go.

"I'm sorry, mother, I just went to take care of something regarding our kingdom."

Emily stared intently at her son's face. Emilio just smiled at Emily. Emilio let go of his arms and walked over to his father's bed, and sat on the edge of the bed. Emilio stared at the pale face of his sleeping father.

"Brother", Emilio turned to his little brother and looked at him.

"Gustav, come Queenby's royal celebration."

"But bro..." cut off Gustav's words.

"You don't need to worry, and Queen Gabby is not a person who likes to oppress. She will also still help our Kingdom. At least don't disturb her."

Gustav stared intently at Emilio's stern face. Of course, Emilio's words were true because the girl didn't seem to like oppressing people. After all, becoming Queen of the Kingdom that she founded did not enslave the Spinx kingdom.

"Bro, I'm sorry that our decision made our kingdom almost destroyed," said Gustav quietly. "Do you know her and have a relationship with Queen Gabby?" continued Gustav asked.

Emilio just smiled at Gustav. Emilio saw a big change in his little brother. Emilio felt guilty for giving him such a big responsibility. But Emilio couldn't break his oath, and he did so too to protect the family he loved.

"Come there. I am also invited later. You will know everything."

Emilio stood up and walked out. "Take care of your mother and father, be a wise king so that the people can love him," said Emilio, about to leave them.

"Wait, Dear!" called Emily seeing Emilion about to leave.

Emily hugged Emilio once more deeply and for a long time. "Is all this okay, kid?" Emily asked, rubbing Emilio's face.

"Mother need not worry. I will protect this Kingdom, I promise." Emilio promised.

"Be careful, son. Mother will always pray for you," said Emily softly.

"Thank you, mother," said Emilio kissing Emily's forehead.

Gustav saw Emilio's departure with a look on his face that he couldn't interpret. It didn't mean that Gustav was thinking different things. He was just confused about how he would protect this kingdom when Emilio wasn't here. Emilio also said Queen Gabby invited him and that Gustav would find out, which confused him.


Exactly the day before Queenby's royal celebration was held, many servants passed by in the Rose palace, invited even the people to those who could come to the palace, and those who couldn't come could still celebrate in the capital's square.

Even Gabby decisively abolished the Hierarchy as the celebration progressed. There were no nobles, no commoners. It makes the people very happy because Gabby treats them with the same status.

It's different in the palace. At this time, Gabby is persuading Shushu, sulking because Shushu is required not to use maid clothes anymore.

"Miss, it's okay you don't give me the title. I don't want to. I want to be a lady's servant." said Shushu whining to Gabby.

"Shushu, you know I gave you and the others a title for a specific purpose." Shushu, who heard Gabby's words, made Shushu puff out her cheeks. "You can still be my lady-in-waiting, Shushu." Connect Gabby.

"Really, Miss?" Shushu asked brightly.

Gabby smiled and nodded, making Shushu jump up and down for joy. Scarla, who saw Shushu's excitement, just shook her head.