
Avatar With A System Dropped (Up to Adopt)

Join Soren as he joins Team Avatar on their Journey around the world running from the Fire Nation while training to fight and defeat the Fire Lord and end the war to bring peace and balance back to the world. Disclaimer!: I don't own anything used in this story related to Avatar: The Last Airbender except for my character... Please Support the Official Release! pay*pal.me/southgamez (don't use the *) Support me if you want by Donating to my Pay *Pal join the Discord and have some fun https://discord.gg/e7JYDRx

southgamez · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
20 Chs

Chapter 5: Leaving the South Pt:1

Soren followed Yu out from the cabin and came on deck wearing a Blue water tribe coat with White fur around the collar and was tied together by a water tribe belt. Soren had also put on some Bue undergarments that were given along with the coat, these clothes made Soren look like a full fledged member of the water tribe, but what put him off from the rest were the Brown pants he wore as they were the only thing that the ship full of females didn't have. Soren took a look around and noticed that he could see his breath in the air as he exhaled into the cold weather, Soren then turned to Yu and saw that she was waiting for him to follow her off the ship and into the village to meet everyone, and when Soren saw Yu waiting for him he quickly followed her off the ship and into the icy village.

'So this is the Southern Water Tribe… it's quite small… I also can't use Earthbending here': soren

Yu then came and pulled Soren by his hand as she began to introduce him to everyone present in the village with a smile on her face.

[Everyone, this is Soren… He helped me load some supplies when we were at the Earth Kingdom. He said he wanted to see the Southern Water Tribe so I brought him along to visit]: yu

When Yu had introduced Soren, many of the elders began to give the both of them scrutinizing looks, and while the elders were mainly looking at Soren, one of the elders who had loops in her Gray hair noticed that Yu was holding Soren's hand in her own and she had a slight blush around her cheeks.

[Hmm… He can stay for now]: elder 1

[Really!?... Thank you elders!]: yu

Soren was then dragged away by the excited Yu who had wanted to show him the entire village, and Soren was happy to explore the village with Yu. After a few hours Soren was back in the village with Yu, and when they returned Soren was shown his room that he would sleep in for the time being he was there.

'I wonder when the Avatar will make his appearance… All I know is it will be when a girl named Katara and her brother Sokka go out to hunt for some food': soren

Soren then spent the next few days hanging out in the village with Yu and the other village children, and during this time Soren found out that Yu's main job was to take care of the children while their mothers went out to hunt or gather supplies, and their father away due to the war. During this time Soren had met both Katara and Sokka, and unlike Katara who was quite open and accepting of Soren, Sokka was suspicious of him for being a Fire Nation spy, but no matter how Soren tried to reason with Sokka he was unwilling to trust Soren.

[Goodbye Gran Gran, Soren, Yu, and everybody else… We'll be back in a couple hours]: katara

Katara waved goodbye to everyone present who was there to watch both Sokka and Katara leave to go hunting. While Sokka and Katara went off on their trip Soren was tasked with helping Yu take care of the children, Soren had no problems as he quite liked playing with the kids and teaching them some moves he learned during his trip to the Southern Water Tribe.

[Soren!... That was fun! Do it again!]: child 1

Soren was throwing a child in the air with all of his strength while catching the kid as it came back down, and when Soren caught the child it began to laugh and giggle as it demanded Soren do it again, but as he was about to do so he heard a loud growl, and as he turned to see what made the noise Soren could see a gigantic White haired beast with 6 gigantic legs, and a wide and flat tail that hand brown arrow like markings that went up it's back and to the head of the beast.

'Looks like my journey has now started': soren

Soren watched both Sokka and Katara come down from the beast while Katara came down with a boy looking to be around 12 in age and a bald head with a Blue arrow on his forehead going down his back and down his arms and legs, Soren then watched as Katara took the boy with Blue tattoo's into a tent to let him rest. When Soren saw Katara come back out he let down the child he had held and went over to talk with Katara about what happened to the boy and what the thing they came in on was even though he knew the situation, but to make it seem normal Soren asked about the boy.

[Hey Katara, who was that?... Also what's that big beast over there? It looks soft and fluffy]: soren

[Huh?... Oh! Soren… That thing is Appa, and the boy in the tent's name is Aang, me and Sokka found both him and Appa inside an iceberg]: katara

[An iceberg huh?... Sounds interesting]: soren

Soren then began to familiarize himself with the beast known as Appa as he assumed that they would be really close in the future when he leaves with Aang, Katara, and Sokka. After a few hours passed Aang had finally woke up and Katara had come into his tent right as he woke up, and when Aang got dressed he came out to observe the village, and the first person he saw was Soren.

[Hello!... My name's Soren, I'm from the Earth Kingdom, but I had a vision that led me to this place in waiting for someone super important… So what's your name?]: soren

Soren tried to pry into Aang's background with his words, but to his surprise Aang completely ignored the prying and just answered with a wide smile.

[I'm Aang!... Wanna go penguin sledding with me?]: aang

[When Soren heard this he smiled and felt like those words made him remember something.

'Penguin sledding?... Wait, wasn't that the name of my quest?... Yup, just as I thought, it still hasn't been complete, maybe I need to join Aang?': soren

Soren had checked his quest quickly and noticed that it had yet to be completed and after having an idea to finish the quest he accepted Aang's offer and then Aang, Katara, and Soren had left the village after Aang was introduced to everyone, and this was when everyone found out that Aang was a bonafide Airbender, and the last of kis kind at that aside from Appa who was an originator of Airbending.

[Quack Quack!... Come here Mr. Penguin!]: aang

Soren and Katara then watched as Aang began to act like a penguin and quack like one as well while doing the chicken dance with his arms as he began to chase the penguin's around, but as he got close to them they would run away from him.

[Hehehe… Aang! You're doing it all wrong, want me to teach you?]: katara

When Aang heard this he immediately ran over with amazing speed.

[Please teach me the ways to penguin sledding!]: aang

[Hehehe… I will, but first you gotta promise to teach me Waterbending]: katara

When Aang heard this he didn't even think before answering, but after answering fully registered what was said and corrected himself.

[You got a deal!... But there's one thing… I'm an Airbender, not a Waterbender… But why don't you learn here in the South Pole?]: aang

[Well you see… I'm the only Waterbender in the entire South Pole]: katara

[Really?... There are a ton up in the North Pole, why not go train there?]: aang

[Yeah, but we haven't had contact with our sister tribe in ages, and we have no way to get there]: katara

[Really!?... Me and Appa can take you to the North Pole]: aang

When Katara heard Aang's words she got excited at the thought of finally learning Waterbending from a master.

[Really!?... That would be great Aang!]: katara

[Hey hey hey… I wanna go too!]: soren

Soren had interjected and caught the attention of both Katara and Aang and when Soren spoke about traveling with them Aang spoke up.

[That's fine!... The more the merrier, and on our way we can go to some amazing places to have even more fun]: aang

Soren smiled as he made his way into the team and then both he and Aang learned the secret to riding the Penguin's as all 3 of them began to sled down the icy tundra and through many loop d' loops, and as their ride came to the end Soren had won, but was caught off guard by the gigantic metallic shipwreck frozen before him and was soon followed up by the presence of both Aang and Katara who looked up at the ship as well.

[The Fire navy?... What happened?]: aang

[The war happened… That's why we no longer have any Waterbenders in the South Pole]: katara

[War?... But when did that happen?]: aang

[About 100 years ago…]: katara

Katara then began to tell Aang about the War that happened 100 years ago a few days after the disappearance of the Avatar, and with this news Aang, Katara, and Soren entered the wrecked war ship and began to look around, and as Soren stepped onto the ship he felt a strange sensation that he had not felt since he had stepped on the solid Earth back in the Earth Kingdom.

'Strange… I feel connected to the metal… Wait… Do I have the same ability as Toph?': soren

Soren began to feel the unrefined earth deep within the metal, but planned to try it out later as he didn't want to out such an ability this early. Soren, Aang, and Katara then began to explore more of the ship and when they came across the captains quarters Aang had tripped over a thin line and triggered a trap after telling Katara that they didn't have to worry about the booby traps that might be present in the ship.

[Uhh… Katara, what was it that you said about booby traps?]: aang

Aang, Soren, and Katara were then trapped within a rusty steel cage while a flare was shot off into the sky to signal any nearby Fire Navy that could see it. Aang then saw that there was a hole in the roof and took both Katara and Soren out from the ship and back down to the ground, and while Aang was doing that farther off in the distance a boy with a nasty burn scar on the left side of his face with his head shaved except for a ponytail kept at the top of his head looking through a telescope.

[There!... An Airbender… So you are alive after all, and quite agile for his age]: zuko

Zuko then took his sight off of what was in the telescope and looked to his uncle who was standing next to him with a cup of tea in his hands and began to give out orders.

[Uncle, tell the captain to set course to the Southern Water Tribe]: zuko

Aang, Soren, and Katara then went back to the tribe only to see the entire village waiting at the gates for the 3 of them and when they came back a boy was waiting for them, Soren knew this was Sokka and he didn't look too pleased as he was giving both Soren and Aang the stink eye as he began to shout at the 3.

[See!... I told you they were Fire Nation spies! They set off that signal to tell the Fire Navy where we were… And to think I was this close to trusting you Soren, you finally show your true colors]: sokka

When Katara heard her brother trying to bash both Aang and Soren for doing something they didn't do on purpose, she began to speak up for them.

[Shut up Sokka!... Aang didn't do it on purpose, it was all an accident… We were exploring the Fire Navy ship and accidentally fell into one of the traps left behind]: katara

Katara was then chastised by Gran Gran for exploring the ship when she was told specifically not to as it could cause trouble, and Sokka then began to try and kick both Soren and Aang out of the village for being enemies to which Yu spoke up.

[NO!... You can't kick Soren out!... I love him!]: yu

When Soren heard this he was quite surprised to hear such a confession, but he knew that staying would bring more trouble then just leaving, so that's what he did, in fact, both he and Aang both left the village on Appa.

[You don't mind if I travel with you for a while do you Aang?]: soren

[I don't mind… We could travel the world and have some fun until you want to leave]: aang

Soren and Aang began laying atop Appa as he swam away from the Southern Water Tribe, and while getting to know each other a bit Soren had noticed some soot fall on his hands, and turning his head back to where they were leaving from Soren saw a bunch of billowing Black smoke filling the air.

[Oh no!... Aang!... We need to turn around immediately! Katara and the others are in trouble… Yu! I hope you're okay]: soren

I don't wanna be a SI cannon so give me some ideas to add for traveling around before the North Pole Arc making an end ot Book 1 and start of Book 2... This will be a short series with only around 35-40 chaps per volume meaning this book will end with 3 volumes

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