
Avatar The Legend of Korra: Ruthless Wind

An Airbender is a peaceful warrior. an Airbender does not kill. An Airbender witholds his wordly desire. But he is a different Airbender, a man despite using the most peaceful element is the most brutal and scheming.

Marcus_Adderley · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
38 Chs

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Jiran's Dark side

"JIRAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Korra screamed at Jiran and stood up from the ground.

She approached Jiran and tried to stop him but Jiran pushed Korra away with wind.

"Korra!" Mako shouted. Korra tried to stop Jiran once again but Jiran didn't budge; it was like he was possessed by a demon.

"Jiran! Stop! You're going to kill him!"

Korra couldn't stop him with words so she tried bending but…

"Why can't I bend!?" She cried confused.

"Because of the Chi-blockers, they're Amon's underlings," Mako explained gravely.

"He's running out of time!" Korra said with a cracking voice seeing the assailant's blue face.

'Why can't I bend! Come on! Bending come out!' She started to thought desperately. But as her desperation reached peak she felt a connection to her bending once again.

"Hiyaa!" And with that she pushed her hands to the ground and bended a giant boulder.

"Haya!" She then punched sending the boulder darting towards Jiran.


"Arrrfgghhh!" The boulder hit Jiran on the back, making the latter shout in pain. And due to that the air sphere around the masked assailant broke down.

Immediately after that, the other one,the one who was slammed on the wall earlier, moved fast and grabbed his companion. Away from this wind demon.

They rode their bikes again and got away. Jiran, with his back hurting, groaned in pain then anger rushed into him and stood up.

"What the hell is wrong with you Korra!?"

"Why did you stop me!? They got away because of you!?" He looked at Korra right in the eye menacingly, he was taller than her so he was towering her. Seeing Jiran tower her Korra almost cowered away but she got a few things to say so she didn't fold.

"You were going to kill him!" Korra shouted back.

"So what? They were trying to kill you first!" Jiran said coldly.

"What do you mean so what? You just almost killed a man"

"They are criminal Korra! You do not call them man, do not treat them the same way you treat a normal person, they kidnapped your friend or whatever and most importantly they almost killed you the Avatar!"

"That doesn't justify your action!"

"That justified plenty of my actions. If you were to die, crimes would run rampant! Not that it is not rampant to begin with"

"What!? Are you concerned for me?"

"I am not concerned for you, I'm concerned that if you were to die, crimes would rise up again and more children would suffer" Jiran said then he turned to Mako.

"Tsk, this is pointless, we need to follow them. Who knows how many more have been kidnapped." Jiran said but Mako and Korra rebutted.

"But how will we find them?" Hearing that question, Jiran fell into a thought. Then suddenly a solution came into mind.

"Those guys… they're equalist right?"

The equalists are a radical group of non-benders who are dedicated to the idea of eliminating bending from the world. Lacking bending themselves, they are adept chi blockers who can temporarily stop any benders from benders.

These feat was demonstrated earlier when they incapacitated Korra and Mako from bending, making them fearful even though they don't have bending ability.

"Yes," Mako nodded.

"In the park. There's always this guy who is protesting there about equality, he's an equalist too. If someone knows something it's probably him." Jiran said seriously.

"But there's one problem. He usually starts in the morning so we'll have to camp in the park."

Hearing Jiran, both of them nodded unconsciously. His plan was the most duable, and the two of them can't think of any better plan so they just followed his instructions.

And under Jiran's instruction, all of them headed to the park using Naga as their transportation. After arriving there, Jiran said,

"You two stay here, I'll go out and find some clues." And with that Jiran disappeared in the wind leaving Mako and Korra alone at the park with each other.

The two watched the back of Jiran as he disappeared with the wind. Ever since the battle ended he acted like a cold machine, there was no emotion in each of his words.

Korra felt really really disturbed, it felt like this was not the Jiran she knew but a complete stranger.

"Is that guy always like that?" As the two were left in silence, Mako asked.

"Like what?"

"Like… very cold and murderous."

"No… I don't think so. This is the first time I've seen that side of him too." Korra said with low voice.

"Something bad must've happened to him in the past involving criminals, that's why he's like that." Korra said solemnly with her head down.

"By the way, how did Bolin get tangled up with those equalist anyway?"

After hearing her question, Mako went silent a bit, maybe even hesitated and ashamed, but he still answered.

"Bolin and I used to work for them back in the day"

Korra jolted back, surprised and asked immediately.

"What!? Are you some kind of criminal"

"No, you don't know what you're talking about. I just ran numbers for them and stuff. We were orphans, I did what I had to do to survive and protect my little brother." Mako said with hard voice. After hearing Mako's side, Korra looked at him sympathetically.

"I'm sorry. It must have been really hard."

Then after some deliberation, she asked.

"Can I ask what happened to your parents?"

Mako sighs. "They were mugged by a firebender. He cut them down right in front of me. I was eight."

Mako pulls his scarf over his mouth. And Korra looked at him consolingly "Mako"

"Bolin's the only family I have left. If anything happened to him …" The firebender said with his voice almost breaking then Korra patted his back and smiled.

"Don't worry, me and Jiran will help you find him, I promise as the Avatar." Korra said, which made Mako smile.

Then after their conversation was done Jiran suddenly came out of nowhere and spook the two.

"Yiiihh, look at these two lovebirds!" Jiran said jokingly while pointing his fingers at the two of them teasingly.

It was like his previous cold and distant attitude was gone and was replaced back by his old self.

"N-No! What are you talking about!?" Korra said bashfully while her face went red with Mako experiencing the same.

"Uhuh, yeah, yeah" Jiran nodded teasingly at the two while shooting them a look.

"You two sleep here with Naga, I'll find my place up there in the trees, I wouldn't want to bother you two's lovey dovey session" And with that Jiran flew up in the tree while hearing some protest from the two which made him chuckle.

This complete change in attitude really baffled Korra and Mako, it seems like this guy has some bipolar disorder or something.

And with that bizzare ending of an evening, morning came.

"Equality now! Equality now!" Jiran and the two were woken up by the sudden shouts.


Jiran jumped down from the tree using his wind to cushion his fall, making him land smoothly as a feather.

"That's our guy" He pointed at the protester, then with the two in tow he approached the Protester.

"We want equality now!"

"Non-benders of Republic City! Amon calls you to take action! Take back your city! It's time for the…!" Without being able to finish his word he was suddenly assaulted by a powerful wind.

"GUAH!!" He was sent flying away that saliva went out of his mouth when he was slammed to the ground.

His view went blurry and when he regained it back, he saw a gray haired man looking at him menacingly while rotating his arms.

"OUCH! AAAGHHH!!" Jiran started using his airbending and making air swirl around the protester's arms.

A small tornado encompassing his arm started to form, on his left the tornado's rotation was clockwise while on the right it was rotating counter- clockwise.

With these motions the wind started to twist his arm in different directions making him yelp and cry in pain while Jiran just looked him in the eye in the most menacing way possible.

"Where are the people kidnapped by the equalist?" He asked with cold fury.

"I-I' I don't know what you're talking about!" The protester said in defiance while still in pain. This just further angered Jiran as he accelerated the spin of the two tornadoes making the letter cry in pain more.

He didn't ask for the second time, instead he just comtinued on his torture.

Even Korra and Mako were looking at Jiran with conflicted faces. They knew that the protester was part of the wrong side but they can't sympathize with Jiran's method. It was too unorthodox.

The tornado continued to get worse until blood started dripping out from the twisted limbs and unable to take the pain anymore, he cried.

"I-I'll confess!"

"T-They're being led to a revelation! No one knows what a revelation is but the location is behind the flyers!" And with that confession, the torture ended. The wind dissipates leaving the protester wheezing and tearing on the ground with his two broken limbs.

"Grab the flyers." Jiran said and with that their short but painfully long interrogation ended.


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