
Chapter 6

Author Note: (.U⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ U.)

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It was around noon in the Northern Water Tribe when I finally managed to get to the city, with my new companion, who I have been calling Crowley. The streets around the city were incredibly busy making it hard to see around, but I had finally arrived, so I was happy. Now it was time to find some place to sleep, not that it was hard, I could probably sleep in the snow if I have to, but I rather check for options first.

The city… was a labyrinth of streets and lanes, with everything… or at least the big majority of it being made out of ice, I suppose it's a smart idea to use ice in this area. Around the streets I could see a lot of shops and stalls selling everything imaginable, from fans to carved wooden toys to food and weapons, it was remarkable. Then there were the ice buildings that appeared to be residences, and close to the center, the manors and temples, probably where the rich people of this place lived.

As I surveyed the area, I saw what I was looking for, an Inn, Moonlight Inn, it seemed to be small, and probably within my economic range, I didn't have much money, and the little I had was given to me by the villagers in the tribe.

"Moonlight Inn… do you want to try there buddy?" I asked my feathery companion, inside my jacket.

*Caw,* Crowley nodded.

Alright, I had all the greenlights I needed, time to see if I can afford this, I sighed as I stepped through the door into the icy interior of the Moonlight Inn. Surprisingly enough, not everything was made out of ice, just the structures.

As I was admiring the inn, seeing the small details carved into the ice wall, a nameless inn maid approached me. "Young man, would you like a table?" she offered politely,

I looked at the young maid, and said, "I would actually like to inquire about a room,"

"I can help you with that," The maid smiled, as she guided me to a table, "A night is five cooper, but if you stay a week, the nights go down to three coopers each,"

Huh, and I had five silver… Why in the hell did the villagers in the tribe gave me so much money, not that I was complaining but heck.. why? "I would like to stay a month, is there a discount for that?"

The maid hummed deep in thought, "How about this, a silver a month, and we give add a meal a day, and a weekly laundry service? Does that sound fair?"

See, negotiation works when you know the price and value of things, you can't negotiate if you don't know jack shit of the product, but ignorance was not going to stop me, "Two meals a day, for me and my companion, and we have a deal,"

"Hmmm you drive a hard bargain, but sure!" The nameless maid smiled.

Well, now that the housing situation was fixed, it was time to rest, "Well, I'm super tired, can I get my room?"

"Sure give me a minute," The maid nodded.

As the maid left, I started to pet Crowley as I reminded myself I was here to learn water bending properly, after that… Well, I had no idea what I wanted to do, but at the very least I would have the power to defend myself.

"Here you go," The maid said, giving a key that had a little tag that said R.

"Room R?" I inquired trying to make sure I understood.

"Yes," The maid nodded, "Now for the payment?" she added, extending her hand.

"Oh yes," I chuckled, giving her the silver coin, "Here you go,"

"Terrific!" The maid giggled, "Enjoy your stay!"

People here sure are lively… how can anyone keep that charade when in times of war, it really shocks me, but I suppose it's better to be happy… than angry and sad all the time, though that would be more realistic for me, "I will," I smiled.


My room was fairly simple, I had a bed, a wooden floor and a mirror, that was it, but it served its purpose, a place for me to sleep, "Are you comfortable buddy," I inquired, as I saw Crowley jumping in the bed.

*Caw!* The excited raven ignored me, as he kept on jumping on the bed.

And I couldn't help but smile at the sight, I was an animal lover… I mean, I think I was on the normal version of earth, some of the amalgamations I have found here are unlovable, but in general I always liked animals and because of that I always wanted to understand them, like in a deeper meaning, and with Crowley, I kinda felt the little guy was able to understand anything I said, and that alone was refreshing.

"Alright, you keep on jumping…." I chuckled.


[Sakura - The Nameless Maid POV]

A tribal kid, we don't get those often around here, his clothes and lack of knowledge about the prices was… adorable, one silver a month, I almost hugged the brat for how adorably stupid he was, one silver didn't even covered a night here. But… well, I have a weak heart for kids like him.

Good thing, I'm the owner, "Room R is paying one silver, give him three meals a day, for him and his raven,"

"Another stray?" The chef, Roku inquired.

"Yeah so?" I narrowed my eyes, "It's getting out of my pocket, you still get your pay,"

"I know, I know, but it's not a wise business model," Roku shrugged.

"Let miss Sakura be," The head maid smiled.

"Didn't he close the deal for two meals though?"

"I know, but… well, you know me," I smiled.

"Aye, aye," The guard laughed.


Before falling into the world of slumber, I traced a line in the air with my fingers, I had some goals I wanted to accomplish, I wanted to be the best water bender, I wanted to be the strongest blood bender, and most importantly, I wanted to find Iroh and have some tea with him.

Yeah, those are some good goals… I can live with that.