
Avatar The Last Airbender: Cold Paths

"Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them."—William Shakespeare. This story is about the latter. A man with no recollection of his name, finds himself in the world of Avatar. Forcing to accept the idea that the show he once watched as a kid is not, in fact, fictional has taken a massive toll on him, torn as he is between the awesomeness of his new found powers as well as it's absurdity of how everything came to be, he will do what humans do best, he will overcome and adapt and greatness will follow. to read chapters ahead go to www.patreón.com/cornbringer.

CORNBRINGER · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
114 Chs

Chapter 63

If you want to read ahead or read other novels on the work go and check https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

15 chaps ahead!

Love ya!


After asking my grandparents and mother… god that will take a while to get used to, anyway after asking them or rather demanding them some privacy, they ordered all the personnel to stay out of my room unless I myself asked them to enter. A man needs his privacy.

After that, I started my day with a very delicious breakfast, and immediately after that I was told to go and explore the city, while they discussed some stuff with my dear mother.

Seeing I had nothing better to do for now, and our coup plans were going to take some time, I agreed, besides I wanted to see the fire nation capital up close anyway. Before leaving I was given a large sum of money, to spend as I saw it fit.

With no reason to reject the money, I graciously took it. And started to explore the vast and rich fire capital. Buying shit I would probably never use. Eating in every restaurant that crossed my path, and tipping the servers outrageous amounts. But no matter what or how much I spent, I was nowhere near using the money they had given for one day.

"Thanks for everything," I smiled at the waiter, as I left. Tripping into someone.

"Apologize," Someone demanded, by the tone of voice, posture, smell and demeanor I knew it was a noble woman, typical.

"Sorry," I said, inwardly chuckling as I stood up, being mildly shocked at what I saw. Azula, was the one I had just tripped against.

"On your knees," Azula smirked, "I want you to apologize on your knees… beg for forgiveness,"

Oh well, this plan.. the coup plan lasted more than I anticipated, two whole days… well, a day and a half, "No," I said, matching her glare, "I already apologized,"

"I wasn't asking," Azula said, glaring at me.

If this crazy ass bitch thinks I will kneel and lick her boots just because I crossed her paths, she is in for a surprise, "Ok, still not kneeling though," I winked, as I walked out of the restaurant.

"Holy macaroni! He talked back to Azula!" Ty Lee commented in awe, and how did I know it was Ty Lee? Well she was doing a cartwheel while talking.

"Who are you?" Azula asked.

"Akira Lakon," I replied, without missing a beat, all while still walking towards the door.

"The Lakons don't have anyone around your age," Mai commented, and how did I know it was her? Well, her voice, body posture and eyes screamed she was soooo over with everything, she would've fit well in my old world.

"Mother and I came back… I was born outside the fire nation," I shrugged.

"Then I can understand your stupidity… allow me to give you a second chance to kneel," Azula chuckled, "Here in the fire nation, my word is law,"

"By all means princess… make me kneel," I challenged, shocking both Mai and Ty Lee.

"Very well, I shall indulge your suicidal thoughts," Azula sighed, trying to look bored, but she was enjoying this, she wanted to make an example out of me, she wanted to make me kneel, and in the process she wanted to make me suffer.

"He's dead," Mai muttered with a sigh.

"Hmmm, I don't think so," Ty Lee giggled, landing in front of Mai, "The way he walks, and presents himself… and the color of his aura are very scary… I think he has a chance, ohhhh maybe we can't match them?"

"Is she really playing matchmaker?" I asked Azula.

"Don't pay too much attention to her, all the brain power she has… it's used on her acrobatics and in this type of thing ," Azula replied with an annoyed expression, "So? Still up for me making you kneel?"

I chuckled, "The only way I will kneel is if someone is strong enough to make me," I winked.

"Very well, follow me," Azula ordered and just because I had no fucking idea where we could fight, I did as I was told.

And I walked behind Azula, a single thought came to my mind, that after beating her I would have to take Sakura out of here, and come back later to kill Ozai. For I knew I was going to win this petty duel, fucking the coup plan.


[Azula POV]

I have but one day in the Fire Nation and I already have to show an insubordinate idiot, why he has to obey my every command. Though Ty Lee was right, this Akira… was no normal guy. I also could tell he was a warrior. I wonder how long it will take me to break his bravado.

He seems confident of his skills, overly so, so much that it will be a pleasure to break his confidence. To show him why I was the best of the best.

"So where are we going?" Akira asked, with a yawn… he was bored? He was going to fight me?! And he was bored!

That wasn't confidence, that was stupidity… "To a place where I won't burn the city while teaching you respect,"

"Neat," Akira chuckled.


[Ty Lee POV]

A boy! A handsome one! And one with enough metaphorical balls to stand up to Azula! Finally! Someone that could date her!

Azula is always complaining no boy ever hits on her, and how could they, every single one of them is afraid of her. But this Akira wasn't.

He had all the check marks on my Azula dating profile.

Handsome - check.

Confident - check.

Well-endowed? Well, there is no way a man with such confidence has a small BFF, so… check!

From a noble family? Check! He was the grandson of one of the richest family in the fire nation.

Now all he had to do is survive Azula long enough for her to crush on him! And everything will be okay!

"I am sooo excited about this!" I giggled.

"I don't understand or comprehend how your brain works," Mai sighed, "Or if you even have one to begin with,"