

my name is zera and I am a chemical engineer I am doing a couple projects and recording the results.

Right now I am 30 years old

I have no family I live in a house in the USA.

well see ya

I went to leave work getting ready.

since its raining getting an umbrella.

suddenly I got struck by lightning everything stopped.

I hear the ambulance.

we are losing him.

I see a light I go towards it.

I find my self in a bed its way to soft to be in the hospital I looked around I saw all the stuff here is from the noble class.

so I am not in the hospital.

I went and looked into the mirror I have black hair ponytail and yellow eyes.

I look like a 3 to 4 year old kid.

I was deeply shocked so I pinch my self

it is real.

I went in the whole way looking around my surroundings to find out where I am in.

I found a map in the whole way there are 4 country's in this world.

apparently I'm from the fire nation

there is also the earth kingdom the air nomads and the water tribes.

they don't say any of the cities in the map so they don't go in depth.

I searched around the place I found some maids in kitchen I was a little hungry so I asked for some food.

I got some spicy spaghetti in the fire nation it looks like they try hot everything they even wear red cloths not a single person because it shows what nation they are in.

when they were cooking they also created a fire with there hands I was shocked how that was possible so I asked them apparently there are 4 types of bending fire earth water air.

I really need to get to the common sense in this world.

I walk around the mansion because it is huge and found a baby girl named a Azula I also found my name is Zuko.

I remembered in my previous like there was something slimier to this but the I never watched it.

anyways I found out people are being formal to be I found out me and Azula are sisters and we are royalty

I played with her a bit and then went to my room.

I really want to learn this bending stuff since its so cool.

then I went to my bed thinking about usually don't people who are reincarnated usually get a golden finger.

then I think for a sec and there was a blue panel in the sky

saying tutorial

I pinch myself again and its real