
The Moon Goddess Ceremony

Shandra did not sleep that well that night. She tossed and turned in her bed. Something stirred in her mind, making her thoughts almost poisonous to her. The feeling was spreading deep into her mind. As dark thoughts begin to form, Shandra's breath quickens and she begins panting. Beads of sweat form on her forehead and run to into her hair. She yearns to sleep peacefully because she will need her rest to be ready for the ceremony. 'Where are these thoughts coming from?', she asks herself. Quickly, she sits up and gets out of bed, walking over to a small pitcher containing some drinking water. She pours herself a glass to drink. As she drinks, her other hand brushes over a smooth cool cloth on the table. Her eyes snap open quickly. She glances down at the cloth as she lowers the glass. The next thing she feels is the blade that Darwin made her. A wave of relief washes over her, as if someone just poured a huge bucket of warm water over her head. She picks the blade up and as she holds the blade in her hands, the poisonous thoughts and uneasy feelings start to subside and her breathing becomes more steady. The blade almost feels warm to the touch. She looks at the table, grabs the purple cloth, and sets the blade back down. Finally, she begins to feel tired. She wraps the purple cloth around her as she walks back to the bed. She lays down and, as her head hits the pillow, she falls right to sleep.

Shandra was still sleeping as the sun began to rise. There was a a knock on the door that woke her. 'Miss Shandra are you awake? The High Priestess said you have many chores to do before the ceremony tonight.' That has to be Leaf, a maid that works and lives in the castle. 'I will get up now and get ready. Please tell the High Priestess I will be down in a few minutes.' Shandra stretched and got out of bed. She changed in to her usual work clothes and braided her hair to keep it under control. Even her braided hair reached her waist. As she looked in the mirror before she left her room, she took one more intense gaze at her hair. With a sigh, she turned her head and moved towards the door.

In the library, the High Priestess sat in her usual chair. Small flames danced around her head while she was in deep thought, engrossed in what she was reading. Shandra did not want to disturb her, so she moved quickly to a stack of books and began putting them back in their correct places. She loved this job. The shelves were always fairly clear, she could always find places for books that were left in stacks all over the library's floor. By lunch time, a third of the library's floor was clean. 'Time to stop and get some food Shandra. You've done an excellent so far. But, I believe you could have done more... if you hadn't overslept.', The High Priestess said with a smile. Shandra put down the books she had just picked up. 'Thank you, I am completely famished.', Shandra said as her stomach growled unexpectedly. She and The High Priestess shared a small laugh.

In the dinning hall, the food had already been set out. There was herb bread, salted fish, and roasted turnips. Everything smelled so wonderful to Shandra. As they sat down, waiting for the rest of the priestesses, Leaf looked at Shandra and said in a low voice 'I hope the young priestess is doing good today. It is a very big day for you and we are all very proud.' These words touched Shandra and made her smile. Shandra began to think about the ceremony and how her world would change once it was over. Would it change for the better? She tried but could not seem to shake those negative thoughts. Something dark loomed on the horizon, but what it was she did not know. This looming feeling made her worry greatly. But, with a glance at the High Priestess, those thoughts subsided.

After lunch, she went to the castles garden and helped tend to plants there. The plants were mostly herbs this time of year, but weeding was still the most important task. She did not mind this work. Yes, it was mindless work, but it allowed her to clear her mind for the ceremony tonight. 'After tonight everything will change. I can feel it.', she thought with a smile.

The sun was beginning to go down. In an hour she will be summoned to the High Priestess room to start the Moon Goddess Ceremony. Shandra wanted to make the most of her time before the ceremony. She went back to her room and grabbed her bag and her dagger. Just having it with her made her feel at ease. She headed quickly to her hidden Garden. It had never taken her long to get there. So she knew she had time. The first thing she did was water her plants and pick some berries for dinner. She had picked 2 baskets full. 'That should be enough for tonight.' She wiped her forehead with the back of her hand.

Jus then something caught her eye. She turned to see that the Luna Flower was beginning to open. Quickly, she put down her baskets and grabbed her book. She flipped through the pages, as she had been detailing what the plants in her garden did. As the flower opened, a sweet smell wafted from it. She inhaled deeply, it was a floral sent with notes of cinnamon and honey. She opened her eyes just in time to see the flower's petals unfold. The petals were a silvery-white color. It seemed to be calling her, telling her to stare at the flower forever. Her body moved almost involuntarily. She blinked and found that her face was right over the flower. She blinked quickly again and shook her head, 'What is happening to me?' Shandra was confused and felt light headed. As she let out a deep sigh, her breath hit the silvery pedals and caused dust to fly into the air, stunning her. As the dust rose, she inhaled some of it and quickly she began to cough. Her coughing fit lasted for less than a minute, but it felt like she had been coughing for hours. Her brain was foggy after her coughing. Then, when her sight cleared, she saw the flower was still open. But now, the petals were black, black as the sky on a moonless night nit it's center remained a shiny silver. It was as if the moon was trying to pierce the darkness of the moonless sky. She picked up her book and made her notes, being sure that she noted the dust and the how it made her feel: dizzy, confused, and slightly weak. She finished her notes, put her book back into the bag, grabbed the baskets of berries, and headed back to towards the castle.

In the kitchen, she washed the berries and made a few berry cobblers with the cooks. The cobblers were smelling wonderful. She took them out and looked at the bubbling goodness. Looking at what she made Shandra sighed 'I wish we had some mint that we could add. It would put this cobbler over the top delicious.' After dinner was finished, she went back to the kitchen and brought out one of the cobblers for dessert. She presented it to the others that lived in the castle with her. After they finished dessert, she went to the bathing room to prepare for the ceremony.

The room smelled like lilies, mint and lemon. 'The bath must be ready' she thought to herself. She stepped towards the big basin by the far wall. A couple of maidens helped her undress and bathe her. They washed her hands and feet first and then Shandra's hair. The girls washed her hair with many oils and combed her hair so it felt as smooth as silk. The bath water was warm and made her relax. She should not have been nervous, as she has been waiting for and wanting this for a long time. She took a couple deep breaths to calm herself. When she was done, the maidens helped her dry off and braided her hair again. She looked in a mirror. Her skin glowed and as she grazed her arm with her hand, 'wow my skin feels so soft.' She then stepped into a white linen dress. It was very plain but Shandra was fine with it. Tonight was about her. 'It is time my lady,' one of the maidens spoke and held out a hand to lead her to the site of the ceremony.

The site was so beautiful. It was a clearing in deep in the forest, surrounded by the scent of juniper and pine. There were candles and floating balls of light scattered throughout the clearing, but a dense cluster circled the center. This is where the maidens were leading her. The breeze was gentle and feeling it calmed her inner nerves. But it was her inner spirit was really squirming. Her spirit knew that it was almost time for it to be free and show its loyalty to the Moon Goddess. The High Priestess was waiting in the center of the circle.

As she walked closer she kept saying in her mind, 'breathe, just...breathe. Take a deep breath in to fill my lungs let a large breath out to release all the worries.' As she walked across the clearing, the balls of light cleared a path as she moved forward. As she moved forward, glanced around. All around she saw that there numerous priestesses making their way into the clearing as well. All wearing white linen dresses, the same exact type of dress Shandra was wearing.

As she entered the center circle of the clearing the other priestess were taking their places and sat on the cool damp ground, crossing their legs and testing their hands on their knees palms facing the sky. One by one each of the priestesses sat placed their hands then closed their eyes and tilted their heads to the sky. The light is the moon light their faces, Shandra thought to her self, 'they look so beautiful and peaceful, like they have no cares.' With a breath Shandra turned once more to the High Priestess. She smiled at Shandra and said 'It is time, are you ready?' 'Yes I am ready,' she walked the last few steps and kneeled at the feet of the High Priestess. 'Every one here will bare witness to Shandra's becoming the next in line to be the Moon Goddess's High Priestess.' As she spoke she raised her hands and turned in a circle. There was a small fire roaring with a metal pole sticking out of it.

The brand, the metal pile was the brand each priestess gets but only a hand full gets the full ceremony that has a brand and alder wood ash rubbed in after.

As the High Priestess spoke more, 'the Moon Goddess has chosen this lady to serve her in the good times and the bad. To be the light in the darkness.' She smiled at Shandra and asked, 'do you have what you need to prove to the Moon Goddess your loyalty?' She closed her eyes and took a deep breath and with that a calmness spread through her body.

She opens her eyes and In the light of the moon the High Priestess saw how they shone with determination.

With all her powers Shandra held out her hands and pulled water from the ground. She held it to the sky then let it hover to her right. Next was air, she held her hands together and pictured a sphere of air turning in her hands. As soon as she thought it, it appeared. She held it up to the sky and she let it hover to the left of her. Next was earth, a seed was just to the left of the High Priestess. Shandra held out a hand and it picked itself up and flew to one of her palms, with a smile the seed sprouted and as it grew first just a greenish white shoot then leaves started to grow. Once again the she proudly held it to the moon. She gently passed the plant suspended in air behind her. Finally fire, it was the most difficult. Fire was the most dangerous. The last time she would prepare the fire for the Moon Goddess. She pictured a spark that turned in to a beautiful flame it danced in her palms. As she held it up to the moon a she thought of the warmth of what was in her hands. She placed the final element in place floating in front of her. With each element floating around her like a protective circle, she felt at peace.

It is time for the oath. The High Priestess held out a small future of the moon goddess for Shandra to take. Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves and spoke 'I give my self to the moon goddess not only body but spirit as well. I promise to protect Avalon with every aspect of my abilities. I will only cultivate the good of the land and praise the moon goddess in every way from this day forward.' But as she gave her oath something was happening to the moon. There was a lunar eclipse. The moon looked the moon was putting on a deep red vail.

At the end of the oath the High Priestess gently grabbed Shandra hair and with her ceremonial knife to cut off the long braid. Shandra closed her eyes as she felt the coolness of the blade graise the back of her neck. With a quick powerful swipe away from Shandra's body, the braid was no longer attached. The High Priestess took the long braid and put it in a bowl with some shaving of alder. With a tap of the knife a spark landed and set the wood and hair on fire. In a minute the bowl held nothing but ash. With a smile the High Priestess took 2 fingers and gathered some of the ash. Shandra's eyes were still closed she know what is next to happen. The ash would be placed on her forehead in the shape of a crescent moon pointing up. The tips would touch her hair line. Then over the ash a brand would be placed to make sure that the crescent moon would never fade. The symbol of a high priestess of the moon goddess.

She felt the fingers trace the moon shape then she knew what was next. A searing pain, it filled her body. Her body was hot. 'So hot. What is going on? Something is wrong it should not be this painful' Shandrs thought to herself. After a few seconds the pain was gone. She tilted her head back and opened her eye, but was scared at the sight. The moon was not it silvery beacon of light. It was red, blood red. With the fright that was on her face the High Priestess looked up as well and uttered 'Oh no.'

At that moment the elements that once was a protection circle was now spinning around Shandra. With the next exhale the air sphere stoked the small flame and it grew. The plant was burn to a crisp and the water had evaporated. Now there was only the circle of fire. The High Priestess took a step back not wanting to get burnt, she raised a hand and with a fling of her wrist the flames was put out. But when that happened Shandra collapsed.

The last thing Shandra felt was a wave of power hit her and her body hitting the ground. 'The ground feels so cold it hurts,' she thought to herself as she lost consciousness.
