
Author POV: Writer's Manifestation

In the modern city of Eqidux, where the supernatural powers of the divine sages are a distant memory after a centuries-old war, people live ordinary lives, struggling to achieve their dreams. In current times, Victor Revenant is a struggling writer and part-time English teacher. Despite his passion for writing, Victor's manuscripts are constantly rejected, leaving him with barely enough income from teaching and freelancing to get by. His jovial personality and sense of humor endear him to his students, but he hides a deep well of frustration and guilt, exacerbated by his mother’s constant reminders of his failures and financial burdens. One fateful night, Victor experiences a sudden burst of inspiration and writes a fantasy story about a hero who discovers a mythical artifact. To his astonishment, he wakes up the next morning to find that the very artifact he imagined has materialized in his room. This discovery leads Victor to realize that he possesses an extraordinary ability: he can bring to life items from the stories he writes... ---------------------- Disclaimer: This book has no affiliations with The Author's Pov.

Decrepit_bastard · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Reversing Time

The gondola glided smoothly over the yawning chasm of the Fallen Hole, carrying its wide-eyed passengers closer to the ancient ruins and artifacts embedded in the rocky walls. The air was thick with the palpable energy of magicules, buzzing and crackling around them, heightening the sense of awe and danger.

Victor stood near the edge, keeping a watchful eye on the students, ensuring they held onto the railings. The guide, Marcus, continued his engaging narration, pointing out significant features and answering the students' excited questions.

Suddenly, the gondola shuddered violently, a loud mechanical groan echoing through the chasm.

The door behind bursted open due to this.

The students gasped, gripping the railings tighter. Victor's heart leapt into his throat as he scanned the group, his eyes landing on Emily, who had lost her balance and was teetering dangerously close to the edge.

"Emily, hold on!" Victor shouted, but it was too late. Emily's foot slipped, and with a terrified scream, she tumbled over the railing.

Time seemed to slow as Victor lunged forward with his hand outstretched, but he couldn't reach her in time. Emily's scream echoed through the chasm as she fell into the depths below.

Chaos erupted in the gondola. Students screamed, and teachers scrambled to keep the remaining kids safe.

The gondola rocked precariously, adding to the pandemonium. Victor's heart pounded in his chest as he realized the gravity of the situation.

News outlets on the observation deck quickly seized the opportunity, their cameras whirring to life, capturing every moment of the unfolding disaster. Reporters jostled for position, eager to get the best shot of the tragic incident.

Within moments, a sage arrived on the scene, his robes billowing as he stepped onto the gondola. The sage, a man with a stern face and piercing eyes, raised his hands, casting a spell to stabilize the gondola.

The air shimmered with magical energy as the sage worked to secure the vessel.

Victor felt a glimmer of hope as the sage approached. "Can you help her?" he pleaded.

The sage's face was grim as he peered over the edge. "Her fall from this angle looks bad. The magicules are too strong, and she's fallen too far. I'm afraid she is doomed."

People on the observation deck were shouting, their faces contorted with fear and anger. "Do something! Save her!" they cried. "We'll sue! This is unacceptable!"

The situation was spiraling out of control.

In desperation, Victor reached into his bag with his free hand, fumbling for the Orb of Eternity. He felt its cool surface and clutched it tightly, willing time to reverse.

The orb glowed intensely, and Victor felt a rush of power surge through him. The chaotic scene around him seemed to dissolve as time rewound, the screams and shouts fading into silence.

Victor found himself back in the moment just before the gondola malfunctioned. Emily was still safe, standing close to the railing. He acted quickly, grabbing her arm and pulling her away from the edge where the door was fated to blast open.

"Stay here, Emily," Victor said firmly, leading her to a safer spot. He kept his eyes on her, making sure she was secure.

The gondola shuddered again, but this time Victor was ready. He held onto Emily, preventing her from losing her balance. The mechanical groan echoed through the chasm once more, but no one fell. The students gasped and clung to the railings, but the immediate danger had passed.

Victor breathed a sigh of relief, feeling the tension drain from his body. He glanced at the sage, who seemed momentarily confused like he could sense that powerful magic had been used.

The people outside watched anxiously but began to calm down as it became clear that no one was hurt.

The sage fixed the unstable gondola with magic and the students got to witness real life magic being used.


After the near-miss with Emily on the gondola, the group carefully continued their exploration of the Fallen Hole.

The gondola descended further, allowing the students a closer look at the upper levels of the chasm. The walls of the chasm were lined with ancient carvings, glowing crystals, and remnants of long-forgotten battles.

Marcus led the way, guiding the group as they disembarked onto a rocky ledge about twenty feet down.

The air was thick with magicules, and Victor could feel their energy buzzing around him. The students walked in pairs, marveling at the sights, their excitement tempered by a newfound caution.

Ronnie did a headcount to ensure everyone was present. "Alright, everyone, stay close and follow Marcus. We'll be exploring the first level, which is safe but still filled with amazing sights."

Victor stayed near the back, keeping an eye on the students. They moved along the ledge, the path winding through narrow passages and past glittering rock formations. Marcus pointed out various features, explaining their historical significance.

After some time, they reached a wider area where the students could spread out a bit. Ronnie did another headcount, his face suddenly growing serious. "Wait a minute… We're missing someone."

Panic set in as the realization spread through the group. "Who's missing?" Victor asked, his heart racing.

"It's Timmy," Ronnie replied, his voice tight with worry. "He's not here."

Victor's stomach dropped. "I'll go find him. Stay with the group."

Without waiting for a response, Victor set off down the path, his mind racing. He retraced their steps, calling out for Timmy, but there was no response.

As he moved further, the air grew denser with magicules, but he was barely affected.

He reached a point where the ledge narrowed, leading down to lower levels. He saw small footprints in the dust—Timmy's. "Damn it, Timmy," Victor muttered, following the trail. He descended carefully, the path becoming steeper and more treacherous.

The magicules grew stronger and it was certainly assured that ordinary people wouldn't be able to handle this...

But Victor could handle it—his own magicules provided a buffer against the intense energy and even seemed to mergee with it.

He moved deeper into the chasm as the light from above grew dimmer.

Suddenly, he heard a faint sound—a groan. He quickened his pace, turning a corner to find Timmy lying unconscious on the ground.

At this point they were more than fifty feet deeo. Victor's heart pounded as he rushed to the boy's side, checking for signs of life.

"Timmy, wake up," Victor whispered urgently, shaking him gently. Timmy stirred, his eyes fluttering open. "Mr. Revenant?" he murmured weakly.

Before Victor could respond, a sinister clicking sound echoed through the cavern.

He looked up to see a massive, grotesque spider-like beast emerging from the shadows, its many eyes glinting with malevolent intelligence. The creature's body shimmered with magical energy, its fangs dripping with venom.