
Author POV: Writer's Manifestation

In the modern city of Eqidux, where the supernatural powers of the divine sages are a distant memory after a centuries-old war, people live ordinary lives, struggling to achieve their dreams. In current times, Victor Revenant is a struggling writer and part-time English teacher. Despite his passion for writing, Victor's manuscripts are constantly rejected, leaving him with barely enough income from teaching and freelancing to get by. His jovial personality and sense of humor endear him to his students, but he hides a deep well of frustration and guilt, exacerbated by his mother’s constant reminders of his failures and financial burdens. One fateful night, Victor experiences a sudden burst of inspiration and writes a fantasy story about a hero who discovers a mythical artifact. To his astonishment, he wakes up the next morning to find that the very artifact he imagined has materialized in his room. This discovery leads Victor to realize that he possesses an extraordinary ability: he can bring to life items from the stories he writes... ---------------------- Disclaimer: This book has no affiliations with The Author's Pov.

Decrepit_bastard · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Accident At The Fallen Hole

Victor felt a mix of emotions—sympathy, confusion, and a hint of anger. This was the same Vanessa who had left her old life and friends behind for fame and fortune, and now she was standing before him, broken and vulnerable.

He took a deep breath, trying to process the situation. "Alright, Vanessa. You can come with me... but we need to talk about everything."

Vanessa nodded gratefully, wiping away her tears. "Thank you, Victor. You don't know how much this means to me."

"I am not making any promises... Let's go talk about it first."

They walked back to Victor's apartment in silence. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts as on their way back.

As they stepped inside, Victor suddenly realized how cluttered the place was.

Books, notebooks, and various artifacts from his stories were scattered around. He quickly began to tidy up, trying to put away his magical collections and make space for Vanessa.

"Sorry about the mess," Victor said while shoving a stack of papers into a drawer. "I wasn't expecting company."

Vanessa offered a weak smile. "It's okay, Victor. I'm just grateful you're letting me stay."

Once the room was somewhat organized, Victor gestured for Vanessa to sit on the couch. He handed her a blanket and a pillow, then sat down in an armchair opposite her.

"Alright, Vanessa," he said gently. "Tell me what happened."

Vanessa took a deep breath, her eyes reflecting the weight of her struggles. "It all started about a year ago. I got involved in a high-stakes poker game with some people I thought were friends. It was supposed to be a fun night, but it turned into a nightmare. They cheated and scammed me out of all my money."

Victor listened intently, his heart aching for her.

"I was desperate to recover my losses, so I took out a loan to pay off my agents, and workers, and to keep my house," Vanessa continued. "But then rumors started circulating about me—that I was unreliable, a liability. Those rumors cost me movie roles and potential earnings. My debts grew, and soon, I couldn't keep up with the payments."

She paused with tears welling up in her eyes. "They took everything from me, Victor. My house, my savings, everything. I tried to find work, but no one would hire me. It's been weeks of living on the streets, trying to figure out what to do."

Victor sighed, feeling a deep sense of sympathy for her plight. Despite their past and the way she had distanced herself, he couldn't ignore the pain and desperation in her voice.

"I'm so sorry, Vanessa," he said softly. "That sounds incredibly tough. But you can't stay here for too long. My apartment is small, and it's not built for having roommates. We need to figure out a plan to help you get back on your feet."

Vanessa nodded, wiping away a tear. "I understand. I just need a little time to find a job and a place to stay. I promise I won't be a burden."

Victor gave her a reassuring smile. "You're not a burden, Vanessa. For now, get some rest."

Vanessa curled up on the couch, pulling the blanket around her. "Thank you, Victor. I don't know what I would've done if I hadn't found you."

Victor watched her settle in, a mix of emotions swirling inside him. He was determined to help her, but he also knew that this unexpected reunion would complicate his life in ways he couldn't yet foresee.

Vanessa was still a very beautiful woman even though she looked unkempt. This made Victor realize that if she wanted to use despicable means to get back her life of luxury, she could and yet she didn't.

It meant that Vanessa never sold herself despite how bad things were and Victor couldn't help but admire her for this.

As Vanessa drifted off to sleep, Victor returned to his desk. He glanced at the magical items he had hidden away, wondering if there was a way to use his abilities to help her.


The next morning, Victor woke up early as usual. Vanessa was still asleep on the couch as he quietly got ready for the day.

Today was the long-anticipated excursion to the Fallen Hole, and he needed to be at his best to help chaperone the students.

After he finished preparing, he left a note on his desk for Vanessa and headed out.

At school, the students were buzzing with excitement. They filed into the bus as their chatter filled the air. Ronnie being the history teacher, took the lead in organizing them.

"Alright, everyone, make sure you have your permission slips and stay with your buddy!" Ronnie called out, directing the students to their seats.

Victor, along with another teacher, Ms. Harper, helped usher the students onto the bus, ensuring everyone was accounted for. Once everyone was settled, the bus rumbled to life, and they set off towards the Fallen Hole.

As they approached the site, the students pressed their faces against the windows, their eyes widening with awe.

The Fallen Hole came into view. It was a massive chasm that seemed to stretch endlessly in both width and depth.

Its perimeter was surrounded by a high fence, with observation decks, informational signs, and a bustling crowd of tourists.

The bus parked, and the group disembarked. As they walked closer to the edge, the sensation of magicules in the air became more pronounced, a tingling energy that seemed to vibrate through their very bones.

Victor couldn't help but marvel at the sight before him. It wasn't his first time and yet it remained impressive.

The sheer size of it was staggering. The chasm was easily as wide as a city, its depths shrouded in shadow, with countless levels descending into darkness.

A tall man with a friendly demeanor and a badge that read "Guide: Marcus," approached the group. "Welcome to the Fallen Hole, everyone. My name is Marcus, and I'll be your guide today. We have a lot to see, so let's get started."

Marcus led them to an observation deck, the students' eyes wide with wonder. The deck provided a stunning panoramic view of the chasm. The layers of rock and earth revealed glimpses of ancient ruins and artifacts embedded in the walls, hinting at the treasures that lay below.

"As you can see, the Fallen Hole is a place of great mystery and history," Marcus began, his voice carrying over the group. "This chasm is believed to have been created during the Sages' War, a battleground where many powerful beings fell. It's said that the remains of legendary magical beasts, ancient weapons, and even sages themselves lie within these depths."

The students listened intently, their eyes wide with wonder. Marcus pointed to various signs and diagrams that depicted the history and significance of the Fallen Hole. "The magicules you feel in the air are remnants of the powerful magic that was once wielded here. These particles create an immense pressure that makes it nearly impossible for anyone without magical abilities to descend more than ten to thirty feet."

He gestured towards a large gondola that was preparing to take a group of tourists across and slightly into the chasm. "We're lucky to have a gondola system that allows us to get a closer look at the upper levels. Please follow me, and we'll board the next gondola."

As they moved towards the gondola station, Victor could see the excitement on the students' faces. The gondola itself was a large, sturdy vessel with reinforced glass sides, providing an unobstructed view of the chasm below. The students filed in, and Victor, Ronnie, and Ms. Harper made sure everyone was secure before the gondola began its journey.

The gondola moved smoothly across the chasm, the depths below revealing more of the ancient ruins and artifacts. Victor felt the magicules even more strongly here, the air buzzing with energy.

It seemed to resonate with him, a feeling that wasn't present the last time he visited.

"This is incredible," Timmy whispered, his face pressed against the glass. "Do you think we'll see any magical creatures?"

Victor smiled. "We might see some remnants or artifacts, Timmy. But remember, the deeper levels are too dangerous for us to explore. That's why we're here to learn and observe from a safe distance."

As the gondola descended slightly into the upper part of the Fallen Hole, Marcus continued his narration. "The artifacts you see embedded in the walls are just a fraction of what lies below. Each piece tells a story of the battles fought here and the powerful beings who once walked this land."

The students were captivated, their eyes darting from one ancient relic to another.

Suddenly, the gondola jolted slightly, and a gasp went up from the group. One of the students, Emily, had lost her footing and was teetering dangerously close to the edge.

"Emily!" Victor shouted while lunging forward.