
Author Of The Apocalypse

"All the stories are true. The stories we know are the reality of another world hidden from us." The words I wrote came to reality. The apocalypse I wrote came to reality. The fantasy I wrote came to reality. I, Michael, am an author whose failed novel came to reality. Granted with an 'Author' exclusive skill and knowledge about this new world, I want to live a life of peace, the dream every protagonist has. I have no idea if this dream would ever come true. All I know is that this is my world and I am the one responsible for both its creation and its destruction... *** Chapter length: 1.6k+ words every chapter. I have done a lot of research on various beasts and powers before writing this novel. You will definitely enjoy reading this xD Note: The cover is original and not stolen.

BlackFlamer · แฟนตาซี
57 Chs

Rewriting Reality (1)

Sigh. I guess resting was not an option.

A group of twenty Asians, all dressed in black suits and black loafers, were smiling at me. At the front of the group, a man with slight gray hair who looked in his late forties held Ner by the collar.

"We can't allow all of you to escape. It would be bad for the reputation of the Black Axe Gang. Including foreigners in our gang has already resulted in bad outcomes."

The forty-year-old threw a whimpering Ner on the ground before pulling out something from the inside of his coat.

A grim expression appeared on my face when I saw a gun in his hands. The mouth of the gun was soon pointed towards the back of Ner's head.

"Let me introduce myself." The man smiled. "I am Brother Sum, someone who migrated here to earn a future. Also, I hate cowards."

Brother Sum's hand tightened on the trigger of the gun. Silence fell over the place as the gun went off with a bang.


The bullet flew through the middle of Ner's forehead, passing straight through his skull. Blood flowed out of the hole in his head. His lifeless body slumped to the ground creating a pool of blood around his head.

Two screams were heard from behind me but I paid no attention to them. A numbing sensation had passed over my body, allowing me to process what happened.

< Author's Skill says that Michael should focus on the situation. Author's Skill will take care of the rest. >

Ahh, the skill was somehow responsible for my current lack of emotions. It was best to use this opportunity to figure out a plan.

Brother Sum and the rest of the Asians belonged to an actual gang. None of them would hesitate to put a bullet through my skull if I made any sudden decisions.

'Author's Skill, do you know something about them too?'

Words entered my mind, confirming that the skill had information on the gang as well.

|| Brother Sum started the Black Axe gang after being inspired by old Chinese movies. His motive was to earn a fortune by selling opium which eventually led to high level criminal activities.

The Black Axe Gang does not hesitate to kill anyone to reach their goal ||

I took a deep breath and tightly gripped the dart shooter in my hand. Three darts were present on the table behind me, allowing me to knock out 3 members of the gang.

But what about the remaining members? Only a few seconds and they would kill me with their guns.

"What do you want?" I asked.

I already knew their goal and what they wanted. It was a simple tactic to buy some time to plan my next move.

"We are the Black Axe Gang. We want domination over this city and then we will try to dominate the entire country. And to start that, we need to kill you to get the rewards. It's quite simple."

'And cringe if you ask me.' I added inside my mind. 

Brother Sum's lines were copy-pasted from every third-rate villain who appeared in novels.

"You killed him before midnight." I pointed towards Ner.

"Meh, he was a coward. Boys, grab them and separate the women. We need some entertainment before midnight." 

With a sigh, I wondered whether these were real humans or simulations run by some AI. No matter how different they looked, their thoughts were disgusting. 

Now I understood how the trio of brothers had managed to enter the Black Axe gang even though they weren't Asians.

Their thoughts aligned with the way the gang functioned and so did their morals, except for Ner who was lying dead on the ground.

Unfortunately, time was up. I had no plan prepared, at least not one which didn't lead to me sharing the same fate as Ner on the ground.

As the members of the Axe gang advanced, Vin's hand brushed against mine. No fear was visible on her face yet she seemed anxious.

Without our magic powers, we were just two ordinary humans with bad luck on our side. 

"Should we take a risk?" I whispered.

"And die on the second day? Sounds fun." Vin smiled slightly.

Vin's hands moved backwards towards another dart shooter kept on the table whereas I extended my hand towards another dart.


Suddenly, a girl behind us screamed and started running away. Two members of the Axe gang took out their guns and aimed at the girl. The sound bullets emerging echoed around the house.

She somehow managed to dodge the incoming bullets but one hit her in the shoulder, making her scream in pain.

I used this distraction to grab the remaining three darts. I quickly shot two of them at the members nearest to us before loading the last one.

Vin reached over to the end of the table where her air gun was kept, something I didn't notice. Vin shot the members closest to us, startling them a bit.

Seeing this opportunity, I grabbed Vin's hands and took cover behind one of the ruined walls.

The other captured prisoners were running around as well, some seeking cover behind destroyed pillars while others headed for the exit.

"Don't kill them. Target their legs!" Brother Sum shouted orders.

The sounds of gun blazing quickly surrounded the area followed by the smell of gunpowder.

"Let's escape from there." I whispered to Vin, pointing at door sized opening a few feet away from our current locations.

We hurriedly ran out of the door, hoping no one was coming after due to the chaos that had started.

< Author's Skill suggests Michael to jump! >

"Vin, jump!" I shouted while jumping forward.

Vin did the same as two bullets buried themselves into the ground. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Brother Sum and ten others following after him.

"You are not running away after that!" Brother Sum cackled.

The leader had full faith in his gang that they would be able to catch the two youngsters. After all, he had been in the business for the pass fifteen years and had a reputation to uphold.

Other than that, Brother Sum needed to capture the black haired boy, no matter what the cost was…

I continued to move in a zig zag pattern, occasionally jumping when the AS issued instructions. Vin was doing the same thing and jumped on my command.

'Why are they chasing after us with this much dedication? The rewards can't be that much.'

I found it strange that Brother Sum was dead set on capturing me alive. If it was about reputation, the gang leader could have ordered his gang members to shoot at my vitals.

Even after taking many cuts and running through numerous corners the gang kept on chasing us.

One could say that we were playing Temple Jump, a popular mobile game except we were being chased by guns bearing Asians who were out to capture us.

I think I might have preferred a Gorilla instead of them.

< Michael has good luck and the help of the Author's Skill. But it won't be enough. >

Maybe it was my imagination but I could hear the skill sigh.

'What do you mean by that?'

But I found the answer to that in the next moment as a bullet grazed by my right thigh. Pain rushed through my body. I somehow stifled a scream and ran into an alley.

A bullet also flew past Vin's shoulder, grazing it in the process. She groaned a little but that didn't stop her from following me into the alley.

"How the hell do they have that many bullets?! Is this the scene from a badly written movie?" Vin shouted over the sound of bullets shooting.

"I think they have unlimited bullets!"

"Jeez, you think?! They have not reloaded their guns once!"

< Does Michael wish to see the character details of Brother Sum? >

'Yes, I do! Why did you wait this long to show this to me?'

AS didn't reply to me and simply showed the information on a screen.


Only relevant information will be shown


Name: Brother Sum

Ability: Infinite Ammo Reload


Infinite Ammo Reload(B):

- Any type of gun touched by the user can be reloaded infinitely as long as one real bullet is present in the magazine. The reload will occur automatically and the gun will never run out of ammo.


Goddamn it. This was a cheat skill on Earth, especially for those who had guns. This skill only needed to be cast once and the weapon would basically be invincible.

Brother Sum must have high magic power. Without high magic power, he would not have been able to enchant more than five guns in such a limited time period.

Looking around, I could see many ruined houses. I quickly grabbed Vin's hand and entered one of these ruined houses, dashing through its interior.

"Let's run between the houses and find a spot to hide." I suggested. 

"We should have outrun them by running like that. There are stubborn." 

"I have a feeling they are chasing after us for some reason. That Brother Sum told his men to aim for our legs so that he could prevent us from escaping. He wants us alive."

"But why?"

"I have no idea."

That was a half-truth. As an author, I could tell that the appearance of the puppet during the free days and the appearance of the mafia boss was somehow interrelated.

If I had to guess, someone was likely keeping an eye on me and was checking my potential. Other than that, there was the case of the unique skill I had.

< AS asks what Michael means by that? >

'I am just saying that you are a unique thing that I don't know anything about. You clearly didn't exist in the novel I wrote.'

I waited for a response but the skill decided to remain silent. I sighed and glanced at my surroundings.

Currently, Vin and I were sitting in a destroyed restaurant. The counter was somehow intact and we were crouching behind it, catching our breaths.

I took a glance at my leg, sighing at the spot where the bullet had grazed my thigh. The fabric of my jeans was torn and dried blood could be seen on the surface.

Pulling out my phone, I saw that the time was 9 pm. Vin and I had three hours to reach the safe zone or we would have to face the hordes of monsters.

Unfortunately, we a gang was chasing after us.

Occasional gun shots could be heard from every direction, meaning that the Black Axe gang was searching for us.

If only I had my powers at that moment… 

< AS asks if Michael wants his powers. >

'Yes, I want them. I could defeat that axe gang easily. My fire would melt their bullets before they could reach me and then I could destroy them. Its not possible though.'

< AS says its possible >


Instead of the mechanical voice echoing inside my mind, a blue window appeared in front of my face. This window was much darker in color as compared to the normal system windows that appeared.

[ Do you wish to rewrite '#$*'

Yes / No ]

The fun part of the novel begins now xD

BlackFlamercreators' thoughts