
Author Of The Apocalypse

"All the stories are true. The stories we know are the reality of another world hidden from us." The words I wrote came to reality. The apocalypse I wrote came to reality. The fantasy I wrote came to reality. I, Michael, am an author whose failed novel came to reality. Granted with an 'Author' exclusive skill and knowledge about this new world, I want to live a life of peace, the dream every protagonist has. I have no idea if this dream would ever come true. All I know is that this is my world and I am the one responsible for both its creation and its destruction... *** Chapter length: 1.6k+ words every chapter. I have done a lot of research on various beasts and powers before writing this novel. You will definitely enjoy reading this xD Note: The cover is original and not stolen.

BlackFlamer · แฟนตาซี
57 Chs

A Human's Guilt (4)

[ Welcome to the Apocalypse shop! ]

[ Buy yourself a booster pack for the mere price of five thousand Glens! ]


Currently, a holographic screen hovered in front of me. It resembled an in game shop one found in multiplayer battle royals.

Numerous ads bombarded me the moment I opened the shop. I canceled all the ads immediately, hoping that Inari directly opened the details on the item I wanted to buy. 

While roaming around the castle, I messaged her and asked her to notify me whenever a certain item was available for sale. 

Sadly, she didn't open the item for me and I needed to search for it manually. This wasn't a tough task if not for the current situation I was in.

"What are you doing?" C2 asked after seeing me close the ads from the shop. "C4, show him a demonstration of our power. He isn't taking this seriously."

"Gladly." C4 grinned and tightened her grip on her lasso.

Her body suddenly merged with her own shadow, making her disappear from her spot. I wasn't worried about her disappearance. My eyes had locked on to C4's body and kept notice of her movement.

But even if I didn't have my eyes, I knew where she would strike. 


C4 materialized right behind Ana. Her lasso moved towards the latter's waist, ready to capture her.

With a flick of my wrists, the fire tornadoes I conjured earlier rushed towards C4.

"Fuck." C4 cursed as the flames chipped at her. She slipped back into her shadows after receiving some minor burns.

< Their dress has some sort of protective mechanism. The dress prevented the flames from directly burning her body. >

I agreed with Blue's observation. Since the tornadoes was made from normal flames and not the blue flames, their attack power was quite low. C2's dress managed to block the normal flames.

My eyes followed her inside the shadows. She bounced around in the shadows for a few seconds before heading towards the ceiling. 

'Fighting them individually is easier than I thought.'

I stepped backward and raised my hands towards the ceiling. With a grin, I raised my hand towards the ceiling and shot blue flames toward the ceiling.

"C4, be careful!" C2 shouted the moment she realized my plan. The moment C2 appeared above me, the flames blasted through her. 

"YOU!" C2 cursed and raised her lasso in front of her body.

Black demonic energy surrounded the lasso, making it glow. C2 swung the lasso forward, cutting through my blue flames. A few sparks that came in contact with her skin darkened it.

C2 vanished inside the shadows again and landed beside her teammates. 

"How did you predict where I would land?" She asked with narrowed eyes.

"Your movements are predictable." I simply replied. Of course, I am not stupid enough to reveal my ability in front of my enemies. 

"Tch. Fine we will fight you seriously."

The other C women raised their lassos in unison. My eyes caught bursts of black demonic energy emitting out of their bodies.

I guided the two tornadoes behind me to cover Ana's back and sides. In case of surprise attacks, the tornadoes would act as barriers.

'I should have created an option to search things using your voice. Blue, keep an eye on the women for me. I need a weapon for this situation.'

The shop hologram was still open in front of me. I hurriedly opened the search menu available on the top right corner. Manually, I typed the first three letters of the item I was looking for before Blue issued me a warning.

< Incoming from right and left! >

Raising my hands in the right and left direction, I erected two walls of flames. Since I slept peacefully in the Waiting Chamber, spamming my skill was not a big problem.

The remaining three women also vanished inside the shadows and rapidly moved from one spot to another. Keeping track of them on my own was a difficult task.

< Northeast. Above you. Duck! >

Fortunately, Blue helped me. Thanks to him, I managed to input the name of the item I wanted to purchase.


[ Weapons Gacha ]

- A random gacha developed by the gacha lovers to provide some thrill to those willing to risk a fortune in hopes of winning a fortune.

- Contains random weapons between F to Unique rank(both included) based on your luck.

- May the odds be in your favor.

Price: 10000 G ]

[ Press here to roll ]


Yes, at a time like this, I wanted to try my luck at a random weapons gacha that might give me a F tier plastic dagger. Was it stupid? Yes. Did I know what I was getting myself into? Also yes.

'Their attack patterns are so basic and mid. They just spam shadow walk and try to hit me with the lasso.'

The C women followed a basic attack pattern. They continuously bounced inside the shadows and randomly appeared to attack me.

With Blue's help, I easily neutralized all of their attacks. 

"How much mana do you have?" C2 asked in an astonished voice.

"Enough to last until all of you exhaust yours." I smiled. With infinite mana, my defense was nearly invincible.

Perhaps the reason these women felt so confident was because of the low levels of mana possessed by others in the beginning.

I took this time to press the roll gacha button. 10k Glens were used to perform this which made me a bit sad. However, if I got my desired reward, then the price was worth it.


[ Ding! You have received Rusty Old Sword [?F? Tier] ]

[ The item will be delivered directly to you. ]


The item appeared in my hands. Based on its name, one might expect the item to be a simple rusty sword but it was different from that.

I held the sword by its hilt. The hilt was made from faded gold. The blade emerging from the hilt was only 2 inch tall before it ended. The two inch part was rusted with an uneven ending.

The uneven edges showcased that the blade was broken and only the lower portion of it remained intact. 

The destroyed weapon in my hand confused all the people around me.

"You are going to fight us with that?" C2 asked in a baffled voice.

"Yeah, what's wrong with it? It is a nice sword."


Name: Rusty Old Sword

Rating: ?F?

Attribute: None

Description: A rusty destroyed sword. Nothing special to look at. 


Even the details of the sword seemed normal and about it seemed to strike out. It looked like a useless piece of metal that no longer served a purpose. Except for the question marks present around the F letter.

Question marks often displayed errors in the system or were used to hide certain details.

"I guess we should summon our weapon as well," C3 muttered.

The five women stood beside each other and threw their lassos in the air. The lassos combined with each other to form a huge lasso the size of an anaconda.

Interlocking their hands with each other, all five of the C women started whispering words amongst themselves. 

[ Shadow Snake is about to be summoned! ]

So the lasso was linked to a snake. By combining the lassos and sacrificing a ton of mana, the quintuplet wanted to summon a shadow creature.

"Can you tell your boss something for me?" I asked the five women.

None of them responded since they were focused on summoning the creature. 

"If he wants to meet me. He should come to see me himself. Tell him to talk to me face to face."

I channeled my blue flames around the broken hilt of the sword. The hilt's faded golden color suddenly changed into bright golden.

[ Pure fire has been detected! ]

[ Rusty Old Sword is reacting to your flames. ]

Ray, who got his hands on the sword by luck, managed to activate a special property of the sword by channeling fire inside it.

He was about to throw the sword but it reacted with his flames, giving rise to a new type of sword.

Sorry, Ray but this time, I bought the item first.

[ A hidden weapon has been revealed! ]

[ Rusty Old Sword has evolved to Sword of Justice! ]

1 am and I finally completed this chapter. Might edit it a bit after waking up in the morning. Enjoy!

BlackFlamercreators' thoughts