
Blood Cultist

The story of the five adventurer before their tragic life

Stephen the Overprotective warrior and he is known as a friendly adventurer

Lady Servente an evil Spider empress that became good when she became Stephen Fiancé

Leo the Merchant and he is a good strategist

Markos the Alchemist who love creating weird potion

Last but not the least Sebastian the Cleric of the Blood Cult

They meet up in the tavern

"Do you know the news? There's a tower in the middle of the forest randomly spawn... It is unnatural to be a dungeon but I think we can have a lot of money" said by Leo while pointing at the map

"What are we looking for?" ask by Stephen

"New discovery... New ally" said by Markos

"How about a good way to give me love honey" said Lady Servente while flirting with Stephen

"How can I help you guys? Im not really that good in healing... but i will do my best to keep you guys alive" Sebastian bow his head

*Blood Magic of Markx got casted*

"But in second thought I will be your healer in training" sebastian smile awkwardly while he feel the blood scent

"Leo can you buy my potion... I want to buy a new product for my experiment" Markos ask Leo

"I don't want to its dangerous if I sell it to other without knowing the effect" Leo replied

"How about 3 silver and you can sell it with 5 gold" eagerly pushing his luck

"How about I will find you a guy that is interested in that potion" Leo said it in desperate voice

"You are the best merchant in the whole universe" said markos in excited voice

"Guys just ready your gear and we will go today" Sebastian being excited

At the castle of the Dhampir

"Just wait for the blood moon but i cant resist the blood... Sebastian my loyal servant... I'm waiting" lick her lower lips

At the journey of the five adventurer

"Wait for me my queen" Sebastian trying to speak in secretive

"Whos queen?" overheard by Lady Servente

"My patron the Dhampir queen" said by Sebastian

"If you want me to help you... Just don't fucked up" Lady Servente acting like she is the dominant

She run toward Stephen and hug his hand

At the Forest

"Roaaaaaaaar" The Guardian Shouted

The guardian charge

"Lady Servente use the web to stop the abomination" Leo said in a panic word

The web got no effect and punch lady staff

Staff break and the punch go through her belly and got knockback in the tree

"Lady!!!... Leo Sebastian and Markos run... I will stop this monster" while stephen is crying

"I will not run I will give you my guidance" markos saying it bravely

Got one punch by the Guardian

"Markos!!!!!!" Shouted by Leo and stephen

"Monster Over here" Sebastian taunted the Guardian

The Guardian Rush to Sebastian

"Blood magnet..." Sebastian make Stephen as his human shield

The guardian punch Stephen breaking his sword, shield and armor... another punch for his unarmored body

"You monst..." Leo die

Sebastian teleport to the back of Leo and Snap his neck

Sebastian cast major illusion to run away but Ahhhhhh detected him

"Someone can see me... I can smell the blood from him... Is he my target" sebastian feel the intimidation in the owl

"I can sense the Elvish part to him... Did he time travel? Im so confuse" too many question in his mind

"Who are you and what do you want?" Ahhhhhh ask

"Let just say I need the story about the blood that i smell then I will let you know our plan..." said by the cultist

"Fine... My master cast a blood connection magic and accidentally I got connected to an owl... Now I'm just an elf with an owl trait" Ahhhhhh explain it seriously

"Interesting.... An elf who survive in the Zealothian purge? Anyway our plan is we will attack the Dwarfville and upgrade our stuff while obtaining the blood that we need" said by the cultist

"Goodluck with that"

"And after that we will kill your :Master:" said by the cultist

"If you ever do that I will Annihilate your cult and I will purge you into pieces" Ahhhhh is now saying it in intimidating way

"Goodluck with that..." the cultist became invisible and fade in the shadow

"I'm gonna report this to Dhampir queen" sebastian shiver while running