

…took a deep breath and then, she touched her body. But there was nothing to feel. Her hand just went through. Cold shivers travelled down her spine. Panic struck Ifechukwu and she fell to the floor. She managed to pick herself up. She dashed out of the room breathing heavily. Monica had always loved all the children of her siblings but Ifechukwu had always been Monica’s favourite niece ever since she was born by Kene, Monica’s younger sister who everyone claimed to be her lookalike. But today, Ifechukwu and her family are faced with a hard choice and as things get hard for them, they begin to understand that the only thing they can do to save their mother, Monica’s younger sister is to make a difficult choice even if it means they would not see Monica again for the rest of their lives. With the clock ticking, can they save Kene?

AnitaPius · สมัยใหม่
8 Chs


Paco heaved a deep sigh as he got to the door to the visitor's room. He knocked thrice.

"Come in," Aunty Monica's voice came from within.

Paco turned the knob, opened the door and stepped inside. He located the single sofa by the wall and sat on it. Aunty Monica had her eyes fixed on him. He returned the fixated gaze. Then, he looked at Ifechukwu sitting at the far end of the bed.

"Nnem, I want to speak with your aunt privately," he told her.

"Okay, Dad," Ifechukwu replied, relieved she didn't have to deal with the awkward situation between her and Aunty Monica or between her dad and Aunty Monica.

She opened the door and left.

"Paco, what do you want?" Aunty Monica demanded.

"Please, Monica, you are in my house. Don't raise your voice."

"My money is about to change your family's life," she reminded him.

Paco chuckled, "your money? You mean the money that will disappear when reality kicks in?" he asked her.

"Why are you pained? Why can't you be happy that your family is happy to see me again?" she inquired.

"Don't get this the wrong way, Monica. We are all happy to see you. I am. I mean I was devastated when you died," he sighed, "but I wish it could be different. Not like this," Paco told her.

"What does it matter? I'm still here. My sister is happy to see me. My nieces and nephews are too. I mean, look at how their lives have changed for the better ever since I arrived. Trust me, it is for the best," she explained.

Paco got up in anger. It didn't startle Aunty Monica, "can't you see?" he yelled.

He calmed himself down.

"See what?" Aunty Monica asked calmly.

"Your sister is losing herself every day. She is dying, Monica. If you don't decide to leave our lives, maybe she will join you," Paco stated with a breaking heart.

Aunty Monica stood up and walked to the window. She folded her hands behind her and stared out of the window.

"You keep forgetting one thing," Aunty Monica mentioned.

"And that is?" Paco inquired.

"As long as it was your family that wished me here, I'll stay for as long as I want to," Aunty Monica replied.

Paco chuckled. Then, a frown appeared.

"I also want you to remember that as long as I'm still the head of this family, I will not rest until you leave to rest in peace," he assured her.

He took one final look at her seeing that she didn't turn back.

He left the room.

Ifesinachi and Zimuzo entered Kene's room with bowls of hot water. They dropped it close to Ifeyinwa and Ifechukwu who were putting hot wet towels all over Kene's body. Kene lay on the bed, shivering. Her girls looked dispirited. The room reeked of a common mood disorder.

"How's she?" Zimuzo asked as she moved forward to hold her mother's legs.

Ifechukwu swallowed, "She's still cold and she's vibrating more. We don't know what else to do."

"I'm scared. I don't want anything to happen to Mum," Zimuzo said in tears.

Ifeyinwa stretched and grabbed her hand. "Nothing will happen to Mum. God won't let anything happen to her," Ifeyinwa told her.

Ifesinachi began to pray, "Lord Jesus, you say if we come to you and ask, we will receive. You say to seek, you shall find. Lord, you say if we knock, it shall be open to us. Father, I have come to you this day. I present my family into your hands. Father, I hand my mum over to you."

"Amen," her sisters said in unison.

"We came back to bury one mother. We will not lose another." She spoke in tongues.

"I do not care what this sickness is, I do not care where it has come from. The doctors say she is fine but Lord, I know your eyes are not blind that you cannot see what we see. In the name of Jesus," she stretched her right hand forward, "my mother is healed."

"Amen," her sisters said again.

Aunty Monica entered the room.

"How is she?" she asked.

The girls were hesitant to answer.

"She is so cold. Her colours are fading," Zimuzo cried.

"Don't cry, my baby," Aunty Monica consoled her.

Ifechukwu glanced at her but no matter how much she tried, she could not hate this woman whom she had loved all her life even though she knew she was the cause of her mother's suffering.

Ifeyinwa, Ifechukwu and Ifesinachi took a glance at each other.

"Enough is enough. I won't take it anymore," Paco shouted as he entered Kene's room with the boys.

He came face to face with Aunty Monica.

"Are you still here?" Paco queried her.

"I told you your family wants me here," she replied.

Paco nodded. He giggled awkwardly, "Okay, okay. I get it. I do not want to fight you. So let's make this easy on everyone," he stated.

Everyone seemed confused including Aunty Monica.

Paco walked to Kene's bed and gestured for Ifeyinwa to stand up so he could sit. He sat down. He took Kene's cold and shaky hands in his. He covered her hand with his right hand. His heart broke as he saw his wife that way.

He looked at her for a while. He looked up to take glances at the faces of his children.

"Mummy," he called Kene.

Kene moaned in pain. She coughed hard. Paco raised her to ease the pain. He laid her back down.

"Mummy, you have to let her go," he uttered.

"What?" Aunty Monica asked.

Kene turned to him, confused.

He nodded, "You have to let her go. I know it was unfortunate that she had to leave your life and our lives but you have to let her go," he looked up, "You all have to let her go," he urged them.

The children looked at themselves. Aunty Monica was indifferent as usual.

"You have so much to live for. Me, your children. I mean, none of them are married yet. Zimuzo is just 11 years old. Don't you want to see her grow?" he asked.

Kene mustered the strength to look at Zimuzo.

"Don't you want to dance on Ifeyinwa or Ifechukwu's wedding day?" he asked her.

Kene glanced at her daughters.

"See? There is so much to live for. So many fruits to reap. It may not look like it now, but things will get better and I don't need to tell you that it gets easier eventually without her. You don't have to forget her," he voiced.

Kene eyes fell on Aunty Monica.

"Things might be rough for us now but we will recover everything we have lost. We have a bunch of hardworking children. Children who love you and are willing to give their lives for yours," he added.

Kene managed to smile.

"What are you…," she paused. Ifechukwu rubbed her hair.

"...asking me to do?" she asked him.

Paco exhaled and stared at Aunty Monica for a while. He turned back to his wife. Aunty Monica slowly paced around a small area in the room.

"She will always live in your heart. In our hearts for the rest of our lives and nothing will take that way. Life has happened to us. When life happens and you can't do anything about it, you move on. This burdened grief can also be your anchor. Let her memory be a treasure instead, mummy," Paco advised Kene.

"You are strong, mummy and you are not alone," Ifechukwu added with a smile.

Kene coughed and tears fell from her eyes.

Aunty Monica's pace stopped as she saw Ifeyinwa walk up to her.

"Nothing can change my love for you but I would not trade my mother's life for anything. I wish for you to rest in peace, my forever-ready aunt," Ifeyinwa stated and walked away.

Aunty Monica staggered backwards.

Ifeyinwa nodded at Ifesinachi to go ahead too. Ifesinachi arranged her glasses and moved to Aunty Monica.

She exhaled, "I love you. I always will. Thank you for always fighting for me. I wish for you to rest in peace, my strong-willed aunt," she said and moved away.

I wish I could hug you one last time. Ifesinachi thought to herself as she stepped away.

Aunty Monica staggered backwards again. Immediately, everyone realized what was happening.

"I never really got the chance to really know you but your smartness and cleverness made me love you. I wish for you to rest in peace, my smart aunt," Tobe said to her.

"Always ready to do anything to make the people you love comfortable. Thank you for contributing to making me a better man. I wish for you to rest in peace, my gregarious aunt," Tochi said with an awkward laugh.

"My aunt. Thank you for loving us like we were your own. I also wish for you to rest in peace," Ziko expressed when he got to her.

Aunty Monica staggered backwards again for the fifth time.

"But, you are all my own," Aunty Monica responded with a cracked voice.

Zimuzo does not go over. Instead, she burst into tears. Ifechukwu quickly walked up to her. She bent down and whispered into her ears, "She loves you but she wants you to set her free even if she does not know it. So, if you love her too, you would set her free, my love. Go ahead," Ifechukwu looked into Zimuzo's teary eyes.

Zimuzo hugged her. Ifechukwu took her hand and led her to Aunty Monica. Zimuzo walked up to Aunty Monica. She stared at her for a while. Aunty Monica looked at Ifechukwu and then at Zimuzo.

"You do not have to do it, my Zimzim," Aunty Monica tried to convince her.

"Go on, Zim," Ifeyinwa urged her.

Zimuzo cleaned her eyes with the back of her palm and sniffed in her tears.

"I love you forever, big mummy but I wish for you to rest in peace," she said and cried out.

Ziko pulled her from Ifechukwu's grasp. Aunty Monica once again staggered backwards.

Ifechukwu scratched the back of her neck nervously.

"My model," Aunty Monica called her.

"You know I love you, big mummy. You know how much. You are my best friend," tears rolled down her cheeks, "but I cannot lose another person I am crazy about. So, I'll make this hard choice."

Ifechukwu's teary eyes stared into Aunty Monica's hurt-filled eyes.

"I wish for you to rest in peace, my beautiful aunt," Ifechukwu added.

As Ifechukwu made to leave, she turned, "till eternity," she uttered.

Aunty Monica staggered backwards again.

Paco exhaled. He looked at his wife. Kene read his face. She nodded in agreement.

"Tochi, please help me," he asked Tochi to help him with Kene.

Tochi and Paco lifted Kene. Slowly, they helped her walk to Aunty Monica. Kene smiled so broadly when she came face to face with Aunty Monica. Kene took her hands in hers.

"Mum, no," Ifesinachi muttered.

Paco gestured it was fine.

"Life was sweet with you in it and it was heart-wrenching when you left but there is a truth I refused to see. You do not belong here. Your time already ended. See what you being here is doing to me," Kene tried to look at herself.

Shaking, "My sister, everyone has their time and it will surely come. Go be an angel. Let me stay with my children while I find healing and peace. I will always love you," Kene choked back on her words, "but I wish for you to rest in peace," Kene voiced and would have fallen to the ground if Tochi and Paco were not there to hold her.

This time, Aunty Monica stared into Kene's eyes. Slowly, she vanished. It was like she was never there. They all ran to Kene and hugged her.

They could feel her body getting warmer.

"Thank you, Jesus," Ifesinachi exclaimed.