
Auferstan: Building A Military in Another World

Hierd awakes in a world he does not know, with a power nigh omnipotent. He can summon things from the era of the 1900s to the 1950s with limitless uses. Taking upon the responsibility of a village, Hierd introduces guns and grenades to the soldiers he himself trains. Everything changes when the neighboring city, noticing the coup, decides to invade them. With Hierd's powers, with his soldiers. And in that future, will he survive with guns, warships, tanks, and planes over the power of swords, shields, magic, and brains? Art in Novel: Powfoom

Powfoom · สงคราม
41 Chs

II The Elder's Wish

"Good afternoon, Sir Hierd. I am Naturvege, the head of this village."

He towered Hierd, his atmosphere was indeed foreboding for Hierd but even still, he showed no worry. Raising out his hand, offering a handshake, he said; "Good afternoon to you too, Sir Naturvege." 

Awkwardly, his handshake was declined (or be it not understood).

"Good lord, what is this... Gesture?" Asked Alrife.

"A customary gesture when greeting people... In my country that is." 

"Excuse my ignorance, but what country do you reside?" Asked Naturvege, eagerly waiting for an answer.

"Uh... I don't know! Why question me!" He panicked mentally, trying to piece together a solid fabrication. 

"Germany." His eyes had mentally widened and mouth dropped.

"I have yet to hear of such a country." Naturvege stepped back and offered his door. "Please, do come in before the rain strikes again."

Hierd entered the large home, it was by no means rich looking, neither did it look poor looking. If one were to interject, 'it's middle-class looking.' He sat on a chair beside a large dinner table (as Naturvege wanted him to).

"Food'll come soon sir." Said him. "But before that, I wish to know of your lordship's country."

"Germany?" He scrambled to fill in puzzle pieces of what he should tell him about a country he doesn't even live in. "History of Germany book." He whispered this time. 


A blink after, he felt a book in his hand. A rather large one in fact. To act as if it was underneathe his cape, he put in his hand in the cape's interior whilst looking as if he was getting something. To then he said; "Here." He pulled out the large history book from his seemingly weightless cape. 

"A book!" Naturvege immidiately interjected. "You carry such such a prestigeous item at your ready!?" Noticing Hierd's gesture, he carefully put the book on his hands. "And oh goodness! Its heavy!?" 

"Our country can produce books at the speed of a horse's gallop!" Hierd's comment made the room drop in shock. "Though I could tell you my country's greatness in talk, I'm afraid it'd merely bring me shame. The text and drawing inside that books tells my country in a more greater regard than I could ever." Noticing Naturvege's mouth twitched, he said; "You can keep that book, I can request more from my officers."

"I... I see... I thank you O' lord." To then, Naturvege immidiately opened the book's cover and unveiled the many pages. Images, drawings, detailed prints, it was no travesty! 

"Is he reading it? Wait, how can he read it?"


"Thats useful..."

"You may read that at a later date, but at the moment, I wish to lodge in your village until I can meet with my people." Hierd said, relaxing his body.

"Such a simple request, O lord, we will procure it." 

"Thank you-" Hierd was interupted.

"Sir Hierd..." He was certainly nervously putting it. "I have a... Request of you... But!" He immidiately interjected; "If you see that it is not fit for your time, you may disregard this, selfish request... Of mine..."

"Uh sure man... I hope it's nothing too hard..."

Hierd nodded.

"O lord, we wish for your accompaniment in our village's safety. As the village nears the days of auferstehen (the month of resurrection), we've realized that this may just be our... Last days alive."

"What the fuck is Auferstehen? Isn't the lands called Auferstan or some Shisse? Is this an event? 'Last days alive,' what the fuck!? Do they need weapons? How many days do I have!?" He looked to be sweating outside and having a breakdown inside.

"Sir Hierd?" Said Alrife, jumping Hierd back to life. 

"Is it... Weapons you need?" 

"If you have so, then we... Wish of it be... But our main need is protection from the monsters."

"Monsters? This is some full-on fantasy type stuff right here."

"Then, I shall procure my men and I shall... Train you. Train all of your villagers to fight those... Monsters of yours."

Their faces were full of gratitude, yet Hierd's mind was full of uncertainty.

"How in the lord am I going to train them?"