
Attributes Ball

Elias, the ink-stained hero of our tale, stands at the precipice of darkness. Readers, gather now, for his choice will echo through these very pages, and perhaps, into your own hearts. "Will he face the shadow?" someone whispers, a hushed voice from the back row. Ah, a keen question! He holds within him the echoes of your own struggles, the fears that lurk in the corners of your minds. Will Elias, your champion, embrace them, confront them, and emerge into the sunlight? "But he's just a bookworm," another reader muses, skepticism lacing their voice. True, dear reader, his hands are calloused more by turning pages than gripping swords. Yet, within him sleeps a lion, a roar of empathy waiting to be unleashed. Will he find the courage to break free from the dusty shelves and claim his power? "He has the stories," a child pipes up, eyes wide with wonder. Indeed, child, a tapestry of lives woven into his very being. Each encounter, a thread spun into his spirit, adding depth and strength to his voice. Will he use these stories not as shields, but as weapons, singing truths that pierce the shadows? "I believe in him," a resolute voice echoes through the room. And your belief, dear reader, is a mighty torch in the gloom. Let it light the way as Elias navigates the labyrinth of fear, your faith his compass, your words his wind beneath his wings. Together, we shall watch him stumble, rise, and finally, become the whisper of hope that this world so desperately needs. The pages turn, the ink dries, but the story, dear readers, unfolds in the space between us. Tell me, who will you be in this grand narrative? A hesitant shadow, a flickering doubt, or a beacon of unwavering support? Your choice, dear readers, your choice. Let it resonate within the pages, guiding Elias and shaping the story yet to be written. For his journey is not just his own, it is a tapestry woven with the threads of all who choose to believe. So turn the page, lean in closer, and listen. The whispers of hope grow louder, and in the depths of the fortress, a lion stirs. The battle for light has begun.

Murwillz · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Chapter 3: Unveiling the Orb

Stepping through the shimmering portal, Elias was enveloped in a kaleidoscope of swirling colors. The world dissolved into a blur of light and sensation, then solidified around him like cooled lava. He blinked, adjusting to the dim glow that emanated from a crystalline sphere suspended in the air before him.

The Orb. It hummed with a power that vibrated in Elias' bones, a tangible manifestation of the whispers that had guided him. He cautiously approached, drawn by an irresistible magnetic pull. As he came closer, the swirling energies within the Orb coalesced, taking the form of a swirling nebula, then a miniature planet, then finally, a woman.

She had eyes like galaxies and hair spun from stardust, her ethereal beauty rivaling the moonlight in its splendor. A knowing smile played on her lips, radiating warmth and a touch of mischief.

"Welcome, seeker," her voice echoed, its music like wind chimes dancing in a cosmic breeze. "You have come far, braving trials and conquering your inner demons. Are you ready to claim your prize?"

Elias, still mesmerized by her presence, swallowed hard. "Yes," he whispered, his voice barely a tremor against the immensity of the chamber.

The woman's smile widened. "Reach out, young one," she beckoned, extending a hand towards him.

Hesitantly, Elias stretched out his palm, his fingers tingling with anticipation as they brushed against the Orb's smooth surface. It pulsed with a jolt of energy, sending a wave of warmth cascading through his body. Visions flooded his mind - flickering images of superhuman feats, whispered echoes of forgotten powers.

Suddenly, a holographic display materialized before him, projecting a plethora of cryptic symbols and swirling energy formations. It was the Attribute System, the very fabric of power in this world. Each symbol represented a potential Attribute, ranging from the mundane to the fantastical:

Agility:granting swiftness and reflexes like a phantom.

Strength: imbuing muscles with the power of a titan.

Elemental Manipulation: commanding the very forces of nature.

Telekinesis:bending the world to your will with the power of your mind.

Empathy:feeling the emotions of others like a second skin.

Illusion: weaving deception with the fabric of reality.

And beyond these, even fainter, shimmered whispers of legendary Attributes, mere tantalizing hints of unimaginable power.

Elias scanned the list, his mind racing with possibilities. He dreamt of soaring through the skies, of crushing his enemies with a single blow, of reading minds and weaving illusions at his whim. But beneath the allure of raw power, a familiar niggling doubt arose. What kind of power did he truly need? What kind of person did he want to be?

He looked back at the woman, her serene gaze seeming to pierce the depths of his soul. "Please," he whispered, his voice raw with uncertainty, "help me choose."

The woman smiled, the galaxies in her eyes twinkling with amusement. "The choice, young one, is yours alone. But remember, power is not a tool, it is an extension of yourself. Choose wisely, for the Orb will reflect your deepest desires."

With that, she faded, leaving Elias alone with the daunting task of choosing his fate. He closed his eyes, focusing on the whispers within, the echo of his past trials, and the quiet yearning for something more. What was the power he truly desired?

The chamber fell silent, save for the soft pulsing of the Orb. And in that silence, Elias made a choice. Not one driven by ambition or vengeance, but by a newfound desire to connect, to understand, to heal. He knew he wasn't destined for glory on the battlefield, but for something more subtle, something more human.

With trembling fingers, he reached towards the glowing symbol of **Empathy**. It pulsed brightly, then dissolved into a stream of light that flowed into his hand. A warmth spread through him, not just physical, but a deep, resonating connection to the world around him. He could feel the emotions of others, their joys and sorrows, their hopes and fears, swirling around him like a vibrant symphony.

As the power settled within him, he opened his eyes, a newfound clarity shining through them. He was no longer the timid bookworm, lost in the dusty stacks. He was Elias, the Empath, a bridge between hearts, a whisper of understanding in a world shrouded in conflict.

And in that moment, he knew this was the power he truly wanted, the power to connect, to heal, to make a difference, not through strength of arms,

Elias stumbled back, overwhelmed by the symphony of emotions that flooded his senses. Each heartbeat pulsed with a unique melody, each thought a chorus in the grand opera of the human soul. Joy vibrated like sunlight glinting on water, while sorrow resonated like a mournful cello. He felt the crushing weight of a grieving mother, the fiery passion of a young lover, the quiet desperation of a forgotten wanderer.

His head spun, his chest tightening with the echoes of a collective humanity. It was an intoxicating power, an empathy without filter, a glimpse into the kaleidoscope of souls swirling around him. But it was also a burden, a torrent threatening to drown him in the flood of others' feelings.

Kneeling to the ground, Elias tried to shield himself, closing his eyes and clenching his hands. He fought for control, desperately seeking a center amidst the maelstrom within. Slowly, he remembered the woman's words: "Power is an extension of yourself, choose wisely."

With focused intention, he reached out, not to block the emotions, but to understand them. He saw himself not as a lone vessel, but as a conduit, a conductor of this emotional symphony. He began to channel the feelings, directing them outwards, like a river finding its course.

Suddenly, a voice broke through the inner cacophony. It was soft, hesitant, filled with a quiet desperation. "Please," it whispered, "can you hear me?"

Elias focused, filtering through the emotional currents until he found the source. It was an old woman, frail and alone, sitting in a dusty corner of the chamber. Her face was etched with pain, her spirit a faint spark amidst the swirling energies.

He reached out, gently, offering a sliver of solace. "Yes," he whispered back, his voice filled with a newfound empathy. "I hear you."

The woman's eyes, dull with despair, fluttered open. A flicker of hope sparkled within them as she felt Elias' presence, a gentle understanding that soothed the ache in her soul. They spoke, not with words, but with emotions, sharing stories of loss and longing, fears and regrets. Elias listened, absorbing her pain, her grief, her weary resignation.

And as he listened, he didn't just empathize, he understood. He understood the loneliness that gnawed at her, the weight of years lived in solitude. He understood the fear of death, the clinging to memories of a life long gone. And he understood the quiet hope that still flickered within her, a spark waiting to be rekindled.

In that moment, Elias knew this was the true potential of his Empathy. It wasn't just about feeling the emotions of others, it was about understanding them, connecting with them on a soul level. It was about offering solace, sharing burdens, and rekindling hope.

He wasn't just an Empath; he was a healer, a weaver of comfort, a whisper of light in the darkness. And this, he realized, was the power he truly craved, the power to reach into the souls of others and leave behind not just understanding, but a sliver of his own light, a spark of hope that they could carry within them.

As the old woman finally drifted off to sleep, a serene smile gracing her weathered face, Elias stood up, his own spirit strengthened by the encounter. He looked back at the Orb, now dim and lifeless, its purpose fulfilled. He didn't need its power anymore; he had found his own, within the depths of his newfound empathy.

He turned, leaving the chamber behind, ready to step out into the world, not as the shy bookworm or the powerful Empath, but as Elias, the weaver of hope, a whisper of understanding in a world that desperately needed it. His journey had just begun, and his soul, imbued with the echoes of countless others, was ready to face the challenges ahead.

And as he walked, he felt a faint sensation bloom within him, a connection not just to the souls around him, but to something deeper, something older, something eternal. It was a whisper of his own spirit body, the essence that existed beyond the physical, a reflection of his core being. This, he realized, was the true source of his power, the wellspring of empathy that could never be depleted.